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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1151843
My second blog. What you get are pieces of me; my humor, my memories: be welcome.
MY BOOK! http://www.lulu.com/davidmac73

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Link to my THIRD blog on WDC

This picture was in the header of my first blog and I wanted to bring it back. Me and my sweetie on our wedding day....it is my favorite picture.

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This is my second Blog on WDC. The first Blog, Random Thoughts, is finished and done and I loved almost every minute I spent doing it.

This blog will be somewhat different than the first because I want to use this space for my humor and my memories. The humor may sometimes fall flat and the memories may, at times be boring, but isn't that the way it is with life.

Please join me here and partake in these pieces of me and if sometimes you find the jokes unfunny or the memories dull, then please come back another day and maybe you will find something to your liking. After all, like my daddy always
said: "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

Thank you, vivacious for this neat new logo for my blog! Yup, this about says it all, I think!

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I thought that Independence Day was the appropriate day to put this great new siggy in my blog....Thank you sultry

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Please check out Scarlett's Newsletter for Bloggers: The Blogville News
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Thank you, Startiara for this lovely Siggy!!

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October 16, 2006 at 2:47pm
October 16, 2006 at 2:47pm
Today the geography of my surrounding area has been slightly changed. The road in front of my house is now a river, my front yard is a lake. It has rained over 10inches today, since this morning and most of the roads are now closed. It is still raining and shows no signs of slacking up anytime soon.

Not being able to get out of our driveway, much less down the road, both Mel and myself have called in from work.

I don't know what is wrong with me lately. I used to love this kind of weather; loved the rain, the thunder and lightening, loved to sit and watch the rain fall and watch the lightning. Today though it just causes my mood to go all gray and stark...like the weather.

On a more sane note: Have any of you had issues with WDC mail? suddenly it is taking half a day for comments made in my blog to show up in my mail box. What's up with that?

I have also noticed this morning that my "community recognition" number that appears next to my nickname has gone from (59) to (60), but because of mail issues I don't know if someone gave me a merit badge or what happened. Maybe I got another recognition number for getting picked on by CC da buckethead...now that I can believe!

Now the rain is falling even harder. I can't see over a few feet outside my door because of the sheets of rain....gawd what a day! I can't seem to make my mind work enough to come up with anything worth blogging about. I am definately rambling...Okay...that's enough. I am bailing out of this train wreck before it gets any worse....have a great day people.
October 15, 2006 at 8:25pm
October 15, 2006 at 8:25pm
I had not planned on doing a blog today. I had every intention on just resting today and reading other's blogs. As it would happen though, I got to thinking....our own funny girl, Nada is winging her way to the Big Apple and we have been deprived of her Sunday Funnies.

Sooo, I have decided to share a few funnies of my own with you to make up for our having to do without Nada's Sunday fixture. Forgive me in advance because I know these won't be nearly as funny as her's but it is the best I could do on short notice. These wer gleaned from my MSN Hotmail tonight, I hope you enjoy them.


This first joke was sent to me by my sweetie, Mel...LOL!

I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty
and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of
dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this
money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?"

"No, I had to stop drinking years ago," the homeless woman told me.

"Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" I asked.

"No, I don't waste time shopping," the homeless woman said. "I need to
spend all my time trying to stay alive."

"Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" I asked.

"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. I haven't had my hair
done in 20 years!"

"Well, I said, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to
take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.

The homeless woman was shocked. "Won't your husband be furious
with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty

I said, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like
after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.


Tree Hugger

A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland.
There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree.

As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch.

In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor. She told him she was an

environmentalist and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters.

The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go into

the examining room and he would see if he could help her.

She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman

demanded, "What took you so long?" He smiled and then told her, "Well, I had

to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service and

the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a

recreational area. I'm sorry, but they turned me down."


A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her.
-She asks him why he is staring.

He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offendyou"

She answers, " My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just
about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."

"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."

She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic."

The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic.

"OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley."

The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

"My dear child," said the nun, why are! you crying?"

"Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."

The nun says, "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party."

Okay, that's my Funnies for tonight...have a good evening you guys!

October 14, 2006 at 10:58am
October 14, 2006 at 10:58am
Ahh, Saturday morning...don't you just love those things! I do believe that Saturdays were given to us as a gift from the Running Dog Industrial, Imperalist, Capitalist Swine who run this country....OOPs, sorry, I slipped into my "Dear Walmart" mode for a moment.

Where was I?

Oh yeah....Saturdays. As you can tell by the hour of this posting, I am off on Saturdays and it is my day to do as little as possible. Of course there are some managment ingrates at work who will say: "And how is that different from the other six days with you?"

Well ignore them.

This is my lazy day, a day when nothing serious is allowed in my head; a day of no worries...just relaxation.

It is also a day of scattered blog topics or as partyof5dj would say: "WHOA! CHICKEN STAMPEDE!"

Coordinating the coffee.. One of my all time top pet peeves is when Mel fails to coordinate her coffee making efforts to her breakfast making efforts and as a result I suffer the indignity of getting my pancakes and sausage without coffee to go with it.

Now I ask you, is there anything worse than having a big, beautiful, breakfast..AND NO COFFEE?

Of course not.

This injustice of this is, when I try to point out the obvious shortcomming to Mel...SHE THROWS A CAN OF COFFEE AT ME!

Then she laughs and says: "Well there's the can, Bucko. MAKE MORE COFFEE!"

She obviously has not read the "Wives and Fair Maiden's Handbook", page 239, paragraph 23 through 29, which specifically deals with how and when coffee should be kept at hand for the master. I would point this oversight out to her but I have recently run out of room for any more bumps on my head....maybe one of you guys would drop her an email and clue her in.....

I thought not.

Well as I sit here, having brewed a SECOND pot of coffee and I await the expected arrival of my hotcakes and bacon (hopefully in a plate this time) I wonder what else we can talk about...

When is your 15 minutes of fame up?. I have the TV on while I type and I am assulted by the news. At the moment there is a promo on for an upcoming interview with John Mark Carr. Okay, am I the only one who believes this sicko has sucked up way to much oxygen on the planet? There really is a foolproof cure for this person's illness. It costs roughly .30 cents. It is the bullet to be used to blow his brains out.

See what happens when I watch the news...I lose my happy place. Now I gotta go find it again. I wonder if CC is at home. I can call him up and yell at him, maybe call him some bad names...that is always a sure fire way to put me into a happy place.

You folks have a wonderful Saturday...I'm gonna go harass the Buckethead and listen to him whine.

In the "damn I almost forgot" department: I had finished the entry and posted it when I remembered something I wanted to share with all of you. I want to give a very special thanks to windactoday for all her special effort. You see Winda has taken it upon herself to read my completed novel:
 Time of Troubles....a complete novel  (GC)
First written in 1992, never published
#970101 by David McClain

This little piece has been sitting pretty much ignored in my portfolio ever since I first joined. I learned very quickly that most people do not like to read complete novel length pieces here on WDC...it is very time consuming. So I really want to thank Winda for reading and reviewing my book...and I didn't even ask her to do it either. I will, of course supply her with a complimentary bottle of advil...LOL!
October 13, 2006 at 4:06pm
October 13, 2006 at 4:06pm
Last week I was watching a show on the Science channel about solar storms that was quite interesting. They were talking about the chance of one of the truly big storms happening on the sun and it's effect upon the earth. Did you know that if one of those monsters occurs in the future that the resulting radiation pulse that would strike the earth would knock out all electricity on the planet?

The estimates are that it would take more than a year for the industrialized nations to restore power and for many third-world countries that estimate could double...if they ever got it back.

What happens is that the solar flare or pulse would fry all the generators in the power grid of each country making them unworkable and each one would have to be replaced. Of course without power, the ability to manufacture new ones would be severely curtailed.

This got me to thinking. What would our world be like without electricity for that long? Think about it and think about all the different aspects of our lives that is effected by electrical power.

We would, of course, have no Air Conditioning, no Television, no radio. Your cell phones would be useless because that same solar pulse would fry all the satellites in orbit around the Earth. There would be no refrigeration, all computer stored bank records would be lost and we have an estimated three days supply of gas on hand at any given time.

These are just a few of the things which would be effected. What about the internet? Yes, it would be gone too. Have you ever thought about all the different ways we humans are connected around the world and what it would be like for each of us if those connections were suddenly severed. If we had family living in another country or even on the other side of THIS country we would be cut off from them. Our daily lives would be boiled down to just getting through the day, finding food and surviving and we would have no way to know if our friends and loved ones elsewhere were alive or how they were coping.

Personally I think it would be akin to being swept back into the early 1800's. What would our countries be like if that happens? There are many, many social and economic questions that arise when you follow this train of thought. There are also some moral questions that come to mind. How would this event change us as a people, how would we react?

This is such a thought provoking subject I have been thinking of writing a story about it. I would like to explore what our country would be like if this happened and how we would cope with the changes.

Imagine all of this stuff happening tomorrow...what are your thoughts on it? How would we be effected and how would your life change? Let me hear from you; call it research for a story....I would like to have your thoughts on this.
October 12, 2006 at 6:46pm
October 12, 2006 at 6:46pm
Time for us all to join Professor Peabody and Sherman in the "Way Back" machine and travel back to 1979.

What a year that was! Saddam Hussian becomes president of Iraq, The first case of AIDS is recorded, Margaret Thatcher becomes Prime Minister of Britian and here in America Three Mile Island Neuclear plant malfunctions causing a panic.

In sports the Pittsburg Pirates win the World Series and the Pittsburg Steelers win the SuperBowl. In entertainment Francis Ford Coppola releases "Apocalypse Now", Kramer vs. Kramer is awarded the Oscar for Best Picture and William Styron publishes Sophie's Choice. As for music, who could forget AC/DC's Highway to Hell.

Yes that was a golden time for many of us, myself included. That year I was a single parent and very involved in my kid's school activity. I was also one of the few MEN who made all the PTA meetings at school.
I always took my daughter along with me, she was in elementary school and she loved any outtings with dad.

I would go and sit in on all the planning committies. We would plan bake sales and Fall Festivals and discuss different aspects of our children's school enviroment.

Well on one particular Friday night I had planned on going to the PTA meeting then dropping the kids off at Grandmother's house. She had promised to babysit. I was going to the big city of Houston to Trip the light fantastic and party down...it had been awhile.

In anticipation of this fun weekend (I was coming back Sunday morning) I decided to do something that was all the rage back then. How many of you remember when men permmed their hair?

I decided that afternoon after getting off work to put a perm in my already long hair....I was nothing if not fashionable in those days.

So I bought a box perm...read the instructions carefully. I had even bought a "pick" to pick out my hair after the perm. It was a fairly messy and long process and I was becomming pressed for time, but I finished the transformation.

There I was, hair wet but very, very curly, sitting all over my head in tight little curls. So now all I had to do was pick it out with the "pick".


I did it wet. It didn't look too bad, a little "full" but then I REALLY messed up. I BLOW-DRIED my hair.


Suddenly I was standing in front of the mirror looking like a cross between Michael Jackson and Tom Jones. My hair was so damn huge I had to turn sideways to get out of the bathroom.

Not to be deterred, I dressed in my finest "party" suit. You know...Satin shirt, powder blue, Black, bell bottom pants, white belt and white shoes. The first three buttons of the shirt was open exposing the manly chest and a few well placed "gold" chains.


My sweet little daughter who was 10 at the time, took one look at me and steadfastly refused to leave the house. I finally had to bodily carry her to the car and we headed to the PTA meeting.

You should have seen the looks on those women's faces when Mr. Giant Hair walked into the room! Shock reigned surpreme. The rest of the meeting they all sit on one end of the room with me in the other and ever so often I would catch one of them casting fearful glances my way....what was up with these women, hadn't they ever seen a Party Animal before?

It will be noted that my daughter sit with the other women and when the meeting was done she asked the mother of a friend of her's to give her a ride to Grandma's house...the little ingrate!

Well that's all okay cause this boy had a hell of a weekend in the big city. Those folks didn't mind my Michael Jackson impersonation one bit, if fact I fit right in with the rest of them.

Unfortunately, when I came home, my kids made me promise to cut all my hair off and never do that again before they would agree to unlock the dang door. My mom, who had stayed at my place with the kids, dang near broke a rib laughing at me as I begged to be let inside MY OWN DANG HOUSE!

Ahhh, the Seventies, now there was a great decade.
October 10, 2006 at 5:31pm
October 10, 2006 at 5:31pm
There is one topic that Mel and I enjoy talking about from time to time. It makes us both smile and makes us both wonder "What If...".

The topic in question: What kind of life would we have had if we had met and fell in love when I was 24 and she was 20?

For those of you who might not have been exposed to my story before, Mel and I have only been married since 2001, hell we are almost newlyweds. We both came to the marriage having lived long and wildly differing lives and, even at this age, we are almost polar opposites. She is calm, level headed and kind to a fault....I am not. She is so damn intellegent sometimes that it is downright scary.....I on the other hand, am dumb as a turnip. But, in spite of all of that, or maybe because of it, we meshed and we fit together like a hand and a glove.

So you see, we can't help but wonder what those early years might have been like and we love to talk about that sometimes.

Well the other night a very strange thing happened that gave us both a glimpse into what that alternate reality might have been like.

It happened a few days ago. We went to bed early and watched some TV before turning out the light and going to sleep...same routine as we always do. That's when things got weird on us.

For my part I had this very vivid dream. I was a young man...in my twenties and I was MARRIED TO MEL! The dream was very real, even in color. The thing is, in this dream I was playing poker with a couple of guys I had watched before on World Poker Tour. We were playing Texas Holdem and I was schooling these boys! I mean, I could not lose. Oh what fun I was having. Then the game broke up and I went home.

When I arrived home I found Mel entertaining a group of her girlfriends...all about the same age, in their twenties. When I walked into the house they were all telling Mel what a jerk I was! She deserved better, she needed to lay down the law to me...no more poker nights out! Well Mel was just sitting there taking it all in and when I came through the door she started in on me!

Well I can tell you that dream or no dream, I wasn't gonna take that crap from a bunch of nosy, busy-body girlfriends or Mel, so I put my foot down! I told her in no uncertain terms that I would NOT play poker anymore and no amount of begging would change my mind!

Then you know what she did? She informed me that her and her buddies were gonna go have a "girls night out" and she was gonna get her hair cut short! I exploded....I mean she had long beautiful brown hair and she was gonna cut it!

It was at this point that I woke up and I was still mad! Well to my surprise, Mel was laying there in the bed and she was MAD AT ME! Of course, when faced with something like this I did what all husbands did I looked at her like a little lost puppy and said:


"Don't talk to me," she mumbled. Then she kinda rubbed her eyes and I could tell she was becoming more "awake" by the minute.

"Oh my," she said. "You would not believe the dream I just had".

Then she told me her dream.

We were in our twenties....just married and she had entered some kind of contest and had won a brand new bass boat and truck. Well, in the dream, I kept pestering her until she finally let me drive her bass boat and I took off across the lake as fast as the thing would go. She kept screaming at me to be careful and not wreck it to which i would answer:

"I been driving bass boats all my life, I ain't gonna wreck us".

Then I ran over a submerged log and tore a hole in the boat and it sunk.

She said that then we were in her new truck and I was driving. It started to snow, the roads were icy and she begged me to let her drive because I wasn't accoustomed to snow and Ice. To which I replied:

"Oh how hard could it be? I been driving all my life and I am good at it".

This was, she said, the point at which I hit a patch of ice, slid off the road an wrapped the brand new truck around a tree!

This was when she woke up and found me glaring at her. I then told her my dream. After I finished telling her my dream we both just starred at each other for a moment then we both burst out laughing. We couldn't stop, finally we had our answer. Now we knew what life would have been like had we met and married in our twenties....DAMN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FUN!

I have never in my life had another person share a theme of a dream with me. To dream a dream which so closly fit with one I was having the same night. We laughed about this all the next day.

That morning, she called to me from the kitchen:

"Your coffee is ready...YOU BRAT!" She yelled, feigning anger.

"Yeah?" I called back, "Well I'll be there in a minute you short haired hussy!"

We both collapsed again in gales of laughter.

Yeah, all things considered, we would have had one helluva time over the past thirty years. Whether either of us would have survived is a whole other matter though.
October 9, 2006 at 5:44pm
October 9, 2006 at 5:44pm
"I have taken the lemons in life and I have made lemonade".

I read this sentance in one of the blog entries by a lady I have the utmost respect for: Nada .

The question I have is simple. Why are not more of us like this? I have been told that it is merely human nature to dwell upon the bad that happens and let it color our lives, but I can't believe that. Okay, maybe its easier to wallow in self-pity and surrender to all the bad stuff life throws at us but it can't be easier to live that way can it?

For every strong person I have met who has overcome and made a happy life for themself, I have met ten who are content to live with all the bitterness and the desolation of spirit that comes with giving up.

I see them every day where I work. They walk through the doors and you can see the misery and anger on their faces, they radiate resentment toward the rest of the world. If you are brave enough to engage one of these people in conversation you soon learn that they have a whole laundry list of people and circumstances which they blame for all their woes....it never occours to them to place some of the blame upon their own doorstep for their acceptance of the bad. They never consider trying to find answers to their woes within theirselves....all they want is for you to feel sorry for them and treat them "special", as if their lot in life makes them deserving of speical treatment.

Then there is the other end of the spectrum. I see a few of them daily and they are a joy to behold. They walk in the store, sometimes on crutches, sometimes in wheelchairs, sometimes their clothes are worn but clean and you can tell that the outfit they wear is probably one of maybe two they even own.

They come in with a smile that lights up their faces, they look me straight in the eye and say: "Good to see you this morning!"

They shake my hand and stop a moment to pass the time, to ask how I was doing and then they go on into the store with a smile and a wave.

I can look at some of these folks and I can see that their lives are probably full of drama and a lot of personal challenges but do they let all that effect how they live life? Not at all. Instead they make the rest of us realize just how good our own life is and how lucky we are.

I have to wonder why more of us can't be like that. I know I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to letting life's little problems get me down sometimes. I wish I could be more positive in my everyday life...to be a light to others and not a dark cloud.

I think that how we respond to adversity, either postively or negatively has a lot to do with our ability to overcome the problems in our life.

So, my friends, I lift my glass of fruit drink on high: "Here is to more lemonade and less lemons for all of us".

Okay, this was my philosophical Monday and not a Moan Monday, but heck, we don't have a day starting with a P so what was I to do?
October 7, 2006 at 12:36pm
October 7, 2006 at 12:36pm
As most of you know, scarlett_o_h's son Paul and his friend Mark are well into their trip to faraway places. I have been reading Mark's travel blog about their journey through Vietnam with interest.

A few days ago I blogged about memories that come to me from time to time and I replay them like watching an old movie in my head. Well reading Mark's blog has caused such old movies to play once more. I have to tell you that is seems somehow surreal to read about their peaceful trek through a country whose geography was once so hotly contested. I read about all the fun to be had on the streets of Hue and in the surrounding country side and I find it hard to reconcile this image with the reality of my own experience.

Now, it seems, the streets of Hue are teeming with European and Australian youngsters with camera's and money and a thirst to experience a new and different culture. The Hue I experienced was somewhat different, though I had the pleasure of exploration at much the same age as these children.

Yes, the Hue I knew was different......

The very first impression of Hue I got was one of Smoke...a pall of smoke lay over most of the battered city and, when viewed from a distance, from the back of a APC (Armored Personal Carrier) it was as if some hellish fog had drifted over the town and engulfed it. The fog was accompanied with the loud "CRUMP, CRUMP" of artillery shells overlaid with the staccato noise of small arms fire, sounding like the cries of predatory hawks searching for human flesh to attack.

We moved into Hue like some avenging river of meat and muscle, intent upon taking back the beautiful city from the VC who had launched a surprise attack during a cease-fire for Tet...their new year. They were successful at first and held the city for a couple of weeks, but now the Marines were there...in force and we were about to show them what war was like when you fought equally armed opponents.

We were life takers and heart breakers and no quarter was asked or given on either side those first few days. Two beasts locked together, intent on destroying each other...we fought.

House to house, street by street we advanced. Each foot of ground contested by a fanatical enemy with equal fanaticism. Memory becomes fragmented at that point. I see blurs of bodies, screams, curses, fire and smoke. I kick a door in and enter the lobby of an old hotel. A man in black, with a conical hat stands looking at me in shock and surprise...I still see his face...we both fire our guns at the same time, from the hip and empty them at one another.

No one hits anything. I turn and run out and he turns and runs deeper into the hotel; both praying to our respective Gods for deliverance.

I see men down. I help them, tend their wounds...my job. I move on when they die or when someone comes to take them back...I move...I shoot...I am one of the beasts.

I kill at least five men that I know of for sure...sometimes its hard to tell. I realize something when I walk up to the first of my kills; He is not dead yet but soon will be, the wound was mortal. I see in his eyes the same hate that must be in mine. I know that if I get to close to this dying man he will still try to kill. I know he will bite me if that is all he can manage. I know this because it is what I would have done were I in his place.

I respect this man at that moment. He is a warrior, he is a better man than many I have known before or since in my long life. I gave him a quick nod..."Go with God". He nods back, grimacing and showing teeth in an almost feral growl...he dies.

I keep moving.

Some how we made it through all of that. We lived, they died. We found open trenches and pits where they had lined up civilians who had been loyal to the South Vietnamese government and shot them when they were sure we were coming to the rescue.

We saved very little.


So now I sit and read of kids playing tourist in this country. I read of all their fun and how taken they are with the beauty of the land. I even read how they are told of "atrocities" played out against these people. Yes, its true, there were many atrocities on both sides. The biggest atrocity of all was WAR.

I read all of this and it is as if my memories were something that happened on another planet, another reality. What ever the truth...I know it happened. Now I am left with these memories and that's okay too. They serve to remind me of a time when I was young and strong and nothing could stop me. Memories such as this serve to warm an old man's soul in the winter of his life.

Sure there are regrets and pain enough to fill a thousand books but it was also a time of pride......we were soldiers.
October 6, 2006 at 3:38pm
October 6, 2006 at 3:38pm
It never ceases to amaze me, the number of strange, sick folks who populate the internet. We are lucky here at WDC. This is a serious site for serious folks who love to write so we have very little of the wackos here that cruise the waters of MSN, AOL and Yahoo on a daily basis.

Aside from those weird individuals, there are also a large population of of opportunist out there in cyberland outside WDC who look for people to take advantage of. Some are seeking sex from either the opposite gender or same gender for that matter, or they are seeking to seperate gullible people from their money and some are even seeking "relationships" that will get them access into America or some other western democracy. Bottom line is: Everything is a scam of one kind or another.

Now most of these things are deadly serious and can be a very frightening experience for those who fall into one of the cyber-traps laid by these preditors. But, sometimes, one comes along that is just downright funny.

Mel had one of these "funny" instances happen to her the other day. Now before I get into details, I must tell you that the only thing that makes this funny is the fact that Mel and I are both very aware of the dangers of the internet and anyone attempting to run a scam on one of us is sadly out of luck, therefore we can afford to laugh at their attempts.

Okay, now to specifics. As some of you might know Mel has a "My Space" account and she has a rather neat little page on that thing. She has done a lot of work on it and has some close friends and family who she can keep in contact with via the site.

Well yesterday I came home from work about three thirty in the afternoon...Mel had already left for work around two...and I found a post-it note attached to the monitor of the computer. It read:

Hey-check out my new boyfriend! Gawd, I recieved two of these e-mails. I deleted one but this one was too funny not to share!

Love you, Mel.

She had left her MySpace mail open in another window for me to look at so I clicked on it and read the email:

Hello sweety
I browse through the web and saw ur beautiful profile and like to make friend with you and perhap something good will spring out i am single and Being in love is what makes working all week bearable. It's not just a physical attraction, I love whats i saw in ur profile for every single thing i saw . Every word you wrote on ur profile , This is something that will never die. I have tried to stay reasonable with this, but I just can't anymore. I just can't. i need to confess this to you ....i do hope we can get to chat my yahoo screen name solobrb121@yahoo.com
hope to chat sooner.

Well as you can imagine, I had quite a laugh over this email. I was still giggling when Mel called from work to ask if I had seen the thing yet. We shared the laugh then she suggested that I answer ole Solomon for her. She thought that I, in my own special diplomatic way, would be able to maybe get across to the guy that his attention was less than well recieved.

So I did...LOL! Here is the email which I thoughtfully composed and sent of to the gentleman.

Dear Solomon:

First let me just say that upon reading your email I was struck with the irony of your name. It is evident to me that if you had been endowed with just a small bit of wisdom that your namesake possessed you would have noticed, in that profile picture you so enjoyed that there was a guy standing next to Melinda with his arm aroud her.

Now I am not sure how these things work in your culture, but let me assure you that the man standing next to her was neither a brother or a chance aquantance. That man was me, her HUSBAND and, while I can not help but share your obvious good taste in women, I have to tell you that if there is any further contact by you, I am the man who will plant a Weapon of Mass Destruction (my boot) so far up your ass that you will suffer from a permanent case of shoe leather breath.

So, let me now wish you all the best as you scurry back into whatever hole you emerged. I also hope you are successful in celebrating another birthday though I don't hold out much hope of that, unless you undergo some serious behavioral modifications.

Your's Truly,
D. McClain

You see, this is what I love about the internet. There are so many really interesting and entertaining people who we get to interact with...ya gotta love them.
October 5, 2006 at 6:42pm
October 5, 2006 at 6:42pm
Blog Peeker: This blog entry is for folks out there who are Christian. If you don't believe in God then don't bother opening this entry today...you won't care for it.

Okay, now that the "Blog Peeker" has warned my non-believing friends away let me get down to the topic at hand.....


A few days ago we were all shocked to see and read the reports of the wacko who broke into a one-room Amish school house and shot seven little girls after releasing the teachers and male students.

Now we have, sadly, become use to seeing such reports in the news of late. It seems the newest sick pasttime to run amok in a school and kill children here in this country. But this was different.

What made it different was what took place after the smoke had cleared and the bodies of the victims, including the body of the shooter, was carried away.

The parents of these poor, innocent little girls, shot down in cold blood by this sick man, made public their wishs of prayers for the perpetrator of this grisly crime. I was stunned when I heard this. What makes this even more astounding is the fact that these same parents had just begun the process of preparing their dead children for burial.

Unlike the rest of us, the Amish bury their own dead. They prepare the bodies for burial themselves and lay them in-state in their own homes. Can you imagine two greiving and loving parents, gently washing the body of their dead seven year old little girl, dressing the body in it's best, though plain little dress....all with their own hands?

Put yourselves in their place for a moment...close your eyes and imagine your own child laying on a table in your livingroom. Now imagine yourself readying that body for burial.

Can you see it....


Tell me, how many of you could find it in your heart to bear no hatred for the man who had done this to your sweet, innocent child? How many of you could pray for the fiend who did this terrible act?

How many of us have a faith in God and his teachings so strong that we could completely forgive an act of savagery such as this as soon as it was done?

I'm thinking; Not many of us could do that. I know with a complete certainty that I could not be that forgiving. As much as I love my God I am afraid that there would burn in my heart such a fire of anger and hate for the person who had done this that it would effect the rest of my life. I am not even sure my faith would have survived such a horrible ordeal.

The Amish forgave.

What does that say for the faith of the rest of us "Christians"?

This week the Amish community in that small Pennsylvania township gave the rest of the Christian world a lesson in Faith, a lesson in how a Christian truly lives by the teachings of Jesus.

I am in awe and humbled by these people's faith and their love of their God. Judged next to them, I find my own faith is like that spoke of in the Bible: "Less than a mustard seed".

These gentle souls share a walk with their God that the rest of us can only hope for.
October 4, 2006 at 6:21pm
October 4, 2006 at 6:21pm
I have mentioned before that while at work I many times have music running through my head and I even sing along. I have seen variations on this theme written about in other blogs and it made me wonder.

You see, its not only music that sometimes rules my brain at work. There are times when I play scenes back in my memory...things that happened, things I did, things I experienced. I replay each memory like an old movie.

Does that make any sense to anyone out there? Am I the only one who does this?

One of my favorites is the memory of riding my horse back when I was a kid. It is always the same scene even though I rode that horse thousands of times.

I am riding down a wide open pipe-line. It is early in the morning and unlike other days, I am not working at the time, not herding cows or riding fence line. I am just out for the pure fun of it. I am riding bareback with a halter instead of a regular bit. We are at a full gallop, the wind is pulling at my face and shirt as my horse fairly flys across the ground. It was in that moment that I first felt such a complete sense of freedom from the world that it has stayed with me throughout my life. That moment in time, horse and boy flying across the landscape without a care in the world, frozen forever to be played back on a continuious loop whenever I need to "feel" that way again.

This is just one of the memories which I play back from time to time. Sometimes I see something at work that will trigger another memory and I visit it like an old friend who comes, unbidden to my door.

Now there are times, at night usually, when other, bad memories of other "firsts" comes to me but I usually can squash those pretty fast. There are some memories which should never be relived.

So here I have to ask you...do any of you out there do this? I want to hear about them. Tell me about your memories that come to you like the scene from an old movie if you have them. You can tell me here in comments or maybe you can use your own blog to share them.

Then again, maybe I'm just weird that way in which case....nebbermind!

I want to give a blog plug here. If any of you have not read partyof5dj's lastest blog entry: "Invalid Entry you need to go read that thing. I laughed myself silly. The man really needs to finish that thing and make it a short story in his port.
October 3, 2006 at 7:19pm
October 3, 2006 at 7:19pm
A few moments ago Nada posted the final entry into her blog. She said that she will now take a few days off before embarking upon her second blog, personally I can't wait for the beginning of the second.

This lady has spent the last 500 entries entertaining us and giving us all the unique opportunity to get to know her and to know what a special lady she truly is.

Thank you Sheila for allowing us into your life through your blog, I have loved every entry and I look forward to being the first to comment on your next one.

As for the rest of you...why are you wasting time in this place? Go read Nada's last blog entry and every one of you leave her a comment....she deserves a bunch of them.
October 2, 2006 at 6:02pm
October 2, 2006 at 6:02pm
This is my MoanMonday...okay, okay, I will freely admit that I stole this term from the lovely Nada...so sue me!

I decided that Monday is the perfect day to moan and whine and get it out of my system. You, on the other hand can sidestep this new monday tradition by simply hitting the "delete button".....NOW!

Anyone still with me?

Okay, first moan of the day....Hands in the audance...how many of you have had "issues" with WDC today? I come home from a hard day at work, sit down and open WDC....I TRY TO OPEN WDC....THE DAMN THING WON'T OPEN! It just gave me some cheesy message about how they "Are working on the problem". I DON'T CARE. I WANT MY BLOG PAGE!

After an hour I finally back doored into the homepage through google but no other page would open. Then my email finally opened...then...finally: THE BLOG PAGE OPENED FOR ME! Eureka! So the first blog I click on was zwisis and she had a great blog, by the way, about words. Then I tried to comment: IT WOULDN'T LET ME COMMENT! I could not comment to any of the blogs. I finally gave up and decided to write my own...I'm sorry guys and I will try again later to leave comments.

Well that was my first moan...WDC. My second whine is really something that just made me scratch my head.

I found out, that the Famous Quarterback, Payton Manning and I weigh the same thing....SO WHY THE HELL DOES IT LOOK SO DIFFERENT ON HIM?

I mean really, that sucks. Two hundred and thirty pounds of meat should look the same, shouldn't it? Well it should if the world was anywhere close to fair.

Speaking of fair....It's not fair that I have to try to cut down on smoking....THAT SUCKS. Yeah, sure, they're gonna kill me; hell, something has to do that sooner or later.

Well there is no way I am gonna quit cold-turkey so I have decided to "cut down". Saturday evening I opened a new pack....TODAY, just a few minutes ago, I lit the last of that pack! ONE PACK OF SMOKES LASTED ME TWO DAYS!!! That's not bad considering I am a pack and half to two pack a day smoker!

Who am I kidding...YEAH ITS BAD! It hurts. I got cramps, cold sweat and an almost overpowering urge to take a full pack, cram it in my mouth and light the package...AHHHH! I am hoping the cravings will recede the longer I am able to go on just a few a day. Oh and as for that last cigarette of the pack that I lit a few moments ago...I took two deep draws, held the smoke as long as I could, then exhaled slowly. After that I put it out. I am going to save the rest for later...sort of a reward for finishing the blog.

Now as if cutting back my tobacco intake wasn't enough, I have also gone on a diet...of sorts. I don't eat breakfast and for lunch today I had a package of cheese crakers and a cup of coffee...LUNCH FOR A QUARTER! (the coffee is free)

Cutting back on the food is a lot easier than cutting back on smoking. Not near as many side effects with the diet as with not smoking. Well there was that "vision" I had while I was standing at the door... I started seeing everyone in the store as giant cheese burgers with legs...thankfully that illusion faded but not before I tried to bite a customer.

So there you have my two biggest "Moans" for Monday: Trying to cut back on smoking and eating. Add to that the callous refusal by three of my so-called friends at work who flatly refused to shoot me when I begged them and I had a really SUCKY MONDAY!

Ahhh, now I feel so much better. Thank you for listening. Now I am left to wonder....what does cat taste like? I have three who are really starting to look good about now.
September 30, 2006 at 11:24am
September 30, 2006 at 11:24am
I must assume that the art of the Pun Joke is not as popular as I first surmised. I got quite a few groans over my last blog entry and even some emails wondering "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?" Well maybe the Pun is an aquired taste, kind of like some foods people swear is great tasting and the rest of us just choke thinking about it.

So, I have decided that on this last day of the month, to further your education and maybe help some of you aquire the taste for this wonderful joke genre by sharing a couple of more little gems with you. By the way, if you want to read three more really funny Pun Jokes, please travel over to galinago's blog. He has made three quick entries this morning, each one a classic Pun Joke! They are great, I promise you a good laugh....well maybe a groan or two anyway...LOL!

This first joke is one I heard years ago and I liked it so much I ended up writing a short story based on the premise of the joke. Here it is:


Once upon a time there was a very famous preacher who traveled all over the world holding Revivals and saving souls. Now even though he was quite famous and known the world over, this preacher was still troubled that he could not reach more people.

He thought that if he could only be in more than one place at a time he could win more souls, make more converts to the faith. With this in mind, the preacher visited a Lab which was working on Cloning.

The preacher, who by the way was quite rich, promised the scientists a big donation if they could manage to clone HIM. Sure enough the scientists were successful and in no time at all the Preacher had his clone.

He set the clone of himself to the task of preaching the Word to half the world while he preached to the other half. But things didn't go very well. It seems that the clone was defective and instead of being a man of God, this clone was the polar opposite of the preacher. Thus the clone was traveling half the world, drinking, throwing wild parties with women of loose morals and he was very vulgar, cursing a blue streak!

Well the Preacher could not stand this; not only was the clone not preaching, but he was ruining the preacher's reputation. Everyone thought the Preacher was doing these bad things.

The preacher had no choice. He hunted down the Clone. He chased him across Asia and into Europe, finally cornering the vile clone on top a mountain in the Alps.

They fought and the preacher threw the clone off a mountain top to his death. When the preacher climbed down off the mountain he was arrested:

It is against the law in Europe to make an Obscene Clone Fall!!!


Two Baseball teams were playing each other in the World Series. It was the seventh and deciding game of the series, the score was tied, bottom of the ninth and the bases were loaded, there were two outs.

The manager decided to put in his best relief pitcher, Mel Famous. Now unfortunately Mel had a drinking problem and in fact he had gotten very drunk while watching the game from the dugout.

That didn't stop him, unfortunately, from entering the game. Mel staggered out to the mound and took the ball from the pitcher he was relieving. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out an open can of beer and took a big swallow, then he set the beer down next to the mound.

Mel took his stance and proceeded to throw four straight balls to the batter and WALK IN THE WINNING RUN!

After the game the newsmen were interviewing the batter who had walked to win the game. One of them asked him: "What was that object that Mel set down on the ground before pitching four straight balls to you, allowing you to win the game?"

The batter nodded and smiled: "Why THAT WAS THE BEER THAT MADE MEL FAMOUS WALK ME!"


There you have it my friends, two more examples of a joke genre that has afforded me many laughs. I hope you have enjoyed them and I promise to TRY and refrain from sharing anymore with you...it is an aquired taste, you know.
September 29, 2006 at 4:06pm
September 29, 2006 at 4:06pm
Well you are all in luck today. I have absolutely nothing to say that anyone would find even remotely interesting so I have decided to give you some examples of "Pun Jokes".

I love a good play on words and pun jokes always crack me up. Well, like them or not, you are about to be shown a few of my favorite pun jokes....trust me, this is better than if I had tried to say something original today.


A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories.

After an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse.

"But why?" they asked, as they moved off.

"Because," he said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."


A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption.

One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named Amal. The other goes to a family in Spain. They name him Juan.

Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Amal.

He responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."


One day, a man from the Czech Republic came to visit his friend in New York.

When asked what he wanted to see, the visitor replied, "I would like to see one of the zoos in America."

To his delight, the New Yorker took him to the Bronx Zoo. They were touring the zoo, and standing in front of the gorilla cage, when one of the gorillas busted out of the cage and swallowed the Czech whole.

Shocked, his friend from New York quickly called over the zoo keeper. He quickly explained the situation and the zoo keeper immediately took steps to save the man's friend. The zoo keeper got an axe and asked the man, "OK, which gorilla did it? Was it the male or the female?" The New Yorker pointed out the female as the culprit. Quickly, the zoo keeper split the female gorilla open and found nothing of the Czech.

He looked at the man from New York, who shrugged and said, "Guess the Czech is in the male."


There was once an island kingdom whose people were all fabulously wealthy. Even though they could have afforded to live anywhere they wanted, tradition dictated they stay on their tiny island home.

Eventually, their king became frustrated and called a meeting of the tribe's elders. He said he wanted them to figure out a way he could enjoy his wealth, and stay within traditional guidelines.

After much consideration, the elders suggested he build a magnificent throne. When he objected there was not enough room in his hut for a throne, the elders suggested he call in an engineer to solve the problem.

Soon, the king's tiny hut was rigged with an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys. He could lower the huge throne for use during the day, and at night, he could haul the throne up, and lower his bed. This was truly the best of both worlds for the king.

Unfortunately, after a few months of constant use the ropes frayed, and one night, the throne slipped and came crashing down on the king, killing him.

The wise men of the island recognized a lesson in this experience and added to the lore of their people this statement: "People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones."

Okay, that's it for me. Now you are free to go read some GOOD blogs.

September 28, 2006 at 6:02pm
September 28, 2006 at 6:02pm
Well as you can see, I finally figured out how to display the Merit badge in my intro. A big thank you to all you smart folks who sent me instructions on how to do it...I'm such a dufus!

The grown-ups of my father's generation use to have a saying: "Kids should be SEEN and not HEARD". Now I have always thought that was a bit harsh. I have always held that kids should also be heard, I mean how else can they learn to interact with any kind of intellegence?

I have to admit though that today I began to understand where dad was coming from. Now when I talk about kids here, I mean "kids" in their twenties, not little children. Today I found myself in perfect agreement with my father....God I really must be getting old!

Let me set the stage for you so you might better understand what happened today and what has changed my mind about "kids".

You see, when I am at work, standing at the door, handing out shopping carts, greeting the idiots, I have a bad habit of either humming or singing a favorite song that has, for whatever reason, been rattling around in my head.

Today was no exception. As I worked I was singing one of my favorite songs. I was singing very quietly (I thought), kind of under my breath, so to speak and I was snapping my fingers to the beat. The song this day happened to be "Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stones.

Well I was into the music playing in my head, I was snapping my fingers and kinda almost dancing...I know, I'm a dork. Anyway all at once I hear this voice comming from behind me.

"Hey Pops, so you got that second job did you?"

I turned around and there was these two smart arsed young dudes, no more than twenty or so, standing there grinning at me. Now usually I am a lot quicker on the uptake and I don't fall for a set up line like that but I guess my Smartass radar was on the blink this morning. Anyway I responded just like he wanted me to:

"Don't call me 'Pops' and WHAT second job?"

The kid who had spoken grinned even bigger and said:

"Oh that job as a DJ at the Nursing Home!"

Having inserted the blade between my ribs he pushed it home as he and his idiot buddy collapsed in a gale of laughter.

I was toast! The kid had skewered me good and proper. I reflected for a moment that there had been a time, in that golden past, when I would have ripped his tongue out and beat him to death with it....but no more. Today all I could muster was a lame retort:

"Yeah, well your daddy should have worn protection when he paid for that 'date'".

It didn't even phase them...they walked away triumpant; the winner in a man on man putdown battle.

Yes, sadly, I was left in the dirt by a couple of smartassed kids...WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN SEEN AND NOT HEARD!

As usual, my dang daddy knew what he was talking about!
September 27, 2006 at 6:17pm
September 27, 2006 at 6:17pm
Okay, will someone please tell me how to put a Merit badge in my intro? Since I have no idea how to do that let me just take this opportunity to thank zwisis publically here in this entry. She sent me a lovely Merit Badge (NOT CIRCLE, CC!)for NEWS. It was given to me for my Newsletter and I just wanted her to know how much that badge means to me...thank you!

You know, I am a very lucky man. Now I have never been one to cry in my beer or dwell on bad things that have come my way, hell if I were like that I would have opened a vein years ago and bled out. I was just at work today and I started thinking about all the good things that have come my way the past six years....yup I am definately a blessed guy.

Even Wal-Mart's latest silly moves hasn't brought me too far down. You see Wal-Mart has finally taken the gloves off. They have decided to come out in the open with their attempts to rid themselves of long time employees.

A company executive sent a memo around to some folks at the Home office not long ago. This memo detailed ongoing plans to replace long time employees with part-time and minumum wage workers. You see the people who have been there seven years or more are the only hourly workers who are making a decent wage. They could fire the likes of me and hire two part-timers in my place and still save money.

The email also warned against hiring the older worker or the overweight worker...both, it warned, will cost Wal-Mart money in insurance claims among other things.

Well now almost every couple of weeks we are getting new rules thrown at us, each one designed to cause long time workers to give up and leave on their own.

Some of us feel like when we walk in the door to go to work now, we suddenly have a big bull's eye on our backs.

At first I was outraged by all this mess. I wanted to fight back, maybe begin to work for a union to come visit our store. Then I thought about it....

Okay, it's their company, they can do what they please. I, of course, could resign in anger at the way we are being treated but who would that hurt...just me. I would be doing just what they want. So I decided, today to put a smile on my face, get up to date on all their new rules and play their game.

Rather than storm off, I am going to stay right where I am and I am going to make it very diffucult for them to do ANYTHING like getting rid of me. I have almost eight years in the company and I am fully vested in their profit sharing. I am pulling down a decent salary...when the IRS leaves me alone. I say "decent" but that just means for a Wal-Mart worker. Most of you would shake your head if you knew what I made after this long on the job. BUT IT AIN'T MINUMUM WAGE!

So, yeah, I am a lucky guy. Even though things can get tough....we always have tomorrow and the opportunity to somehow improve our lives.

Forever had a quote in her blog today which I would like to steal:

The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for.
Homer, Greek poet.

I love that quote mainly because as I read it I suddenly realized; I have found a few friends like that right here on WDC.

September 26, 2006 at 6:41pm
September 26, 2006 at 6:41pm
For those of you not from Texas, I would like to bring to your attention a really funny little publication. Unfortunately, it is not SUPPOSED to be funny, it just turned out that way for people like me...people with a twisted and sick sense of humor. The publication is called: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Outdoor Annual.

This little book also prints the Laws and Regulations governing both Fishing and Hunting in the State of Texas.

Okay, okay, I hear you....you're wondering what on earth could be so funny about a government book listing dry rules and regulations, written in that boring government style. Well I have decided to give you a few examples and just what made them so funny as Mel and I read them.

General Prohibited Acts:
It is a violation to:
To fail immediately to remove the intestines from tilapia, grass carp, or harmful or potentially harmful, except on those waters where a valid Triploid Grass Carp Permit is in effect. In these waters, it is illegal to possess any Grass Carp. Any grass carp caught must be immediately returned to the water unharmed.

Now can you picture a couple of redneck bubbas out for a day of fishing and drinking and all of a sudden one of them actually catches a grass carp.....

"WHOOPIE!, Billy bob, you done caught yoreself a sure fired grass carp there boy".

"Uh, ok but what do we do with it?"

"Well hell Billy Bob we get to rip out it's guts, that's what we do".

"But is this a lake with one of dem dang carp permits? If it is we gotta return it to da water quick!"

"NO. NO! We gotta rip its guts out...QUICK! Da book said do it immediately!"

Well you can see how confusion would reign supreme. Things probably wouldn't quiet down until both fishermen fainted and fell to the bottom of the boat due to all the stress of trying to decide upon a course of action.


Under the rules governing the taking of ducks (the government uses the word: Taking rather than killing...go figure) there was a list of definitions, one jumped out at me:

Sinkbox: A low floating device concealing a person below the surface of the water. This is UNLAWFUL!

Okay, I nearly choked when I read this one. I have hunted ducks a few times and I know a lot of bubbas who love to hunt ducks and I have never seen nor heard of any dumb-ass laying in wait for ducks BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE WATER! You have any idea how cold the water is during duck season? When I read this I got this mental picture of a lake, as dawn breaks. The temperature hovers around 40 degrees, and all I can see is these gun barrels sticking up out of the water...waiting for the ducks! YEAH, JUST SHOOT ME NOW!


Under the heading of Non-game animals or animals that are illegal to hunt in the state of Texas we find:

No person may kill, or attempt to injure a dangerous wild animal (African or Asiatic lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah, hyena, bear, elephant, wolf, or rhinoceros, or any subspecies or hybrid of these animals)


I could just picture the general stampede of bubbas out into the woods, thinking there must be a damn lion out there somewhere they can shoot. There must be cause da government done wrote it in da book!


Now in a section which warns us that it is unlawful to hunt endangered or protected birds they also give us a list of unprotected birds, not game birds, which can be killed.

The only birds not protected by any state or federal law are European starlings, English sparrows, feral rock doves (common pigeon--Columba livia), and Eurasian collared-doves. These species can be killed at anytime, their nests or eggs destroyed, and their feathers may be possessed.You get the idea that the federal government don't like European birds? I'm thinking the UN could become involved in this controversy. I can see UN Peacekeepers in the fields all over Texas trying to stop the slaughter....yeah, like that'll work!

Crows and Magpies may be controlled without a federal or state depredation permit when found committing or about to commit DEPREDATIONS on ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, LIVESTOCK or wildlife.

I lost it when I read this. Okay, I know, I'm sick but I pictured something like this:

Farmer Brown walks out to his barn early one morning, intent on milking old Bessie, his milk cow. He opens the barn door and is shocked to find a flock of Crows or Magpies committing DEPREDATIONS upon poor Bessie! And probably not a damn one of them is wearing "protection" either. Oh the moral outrage! Poor Bessie's honor must be avenged so farmer Brown runs and fetches his shotgun.....

Well that is enough for one day. Can you see what funny stuff those government pamphlets can be? There are a few more examples but this thing is running long so I will stop here.

Besides, I think I hear some Magpies outside my window and poor Mollie is outside. I may have to come to her defense. Poor old girl don't need any unwanted "bird love" at this stage in her life.
September 25, 2006 at 6:51pm
September 25, 2006 at 6:51pm
This and that-A scattered blog entry today

I really have no single subject to blog about today. I could blog about being exhausted after a day of smiling and greeting idiots but hell, I've done that many times before.

Mel is pushing for me to write an entry about the annual Texas Parks and Wildlife Hunting and Fishing Regulations which they put out in a free little booklet each year. I don't know, maybe I am seriously bent but both Mel and I have sat and read this thing out loud and both have dissolved into gales of laughter over the wording. Maybe tomorrow I will share it with you all...it really is a funny little book even though that was not their intentions, I am sure.

I went over to the books page and I looked up where my poor little new blog was in the standings. I haven't checked in almost a week now so it took some searching on my part. I found my blog listed at 194 today! Boy I got a long way to go. On the bright side, I noticed just now that I now have 1,684 views of my new blog. That is a very surprising to me but I am glad for every one of those views. You folks have no idea how you brighten each of my days.

On a personal note, I have noticed that the infamous ccstring has been keeping a low profile of late. I have even gone in his blog and left a few very nice remarks but so far he has not risen to the bait...uh...I mean he has not come in and replied in the same fashion. I wonder if I might have scared him some, he is such a sensitive little fellow you know.

I guess it is altogether possible that he is busy plotting his next attack on my innocent person. After all he does have two very strong allies here at WDC. In fact, CC warned me the other day when I was talking to him on the phone, that I had better watch my back because if I misbehaved too much he would have Nada and scarlett_o_h take up the fight for him. He was quite smug when he let me know that these two good ladies were "in his corner" and ready to fight his fights for him. Oh he is such a sneaky little dufus, I have to watch him every minute.

In other news, it was good to see PlannerDan 's blog up on top again. He is recovering nicely from surgery, thank God, and it was good to be able to read his words again.

Well, I have rambled enough. I warned you to begin with that I really had no subject to write about....I wasn't kidding. To those innocent folks who stumbled in here, I apologize for this entry and I will try harder tomorrow to at least have a subject for you.
September 24, 2006 at 6:51pm
September 24, 2006 at 6:51pm
The 18th issue of The Blogville News has just been completed and is ready for your reading enjoyment. This marks my last issue and from now on you are all in for a treat. scarlett_o_h will take over the helm as the owner and Editor of the Newsletter starting next month. I have truely enjoyed trying to put together a newsletter that all bloggers could enjoy and I know Scarlett will do a much better job next month in her very first issue.

"Invalid Entry

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