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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1117241
probably stuff i think is funny. or aggravating. or both.

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December 28, 2007 at 6:46am
December 28, 2007 at 6:46am
if i don't blog today, i'm getting one of those ominous reminders....*shudder*...(memories of the wdc camps -- the fires, the riots, the purple nurples)...*Rolleyes*...(shakes head).
oh, um. hi.

so, life is GREAT right now!!! it's almost 2008, i've been lovingly raided by one miss Brooklyn the past two days. this woman has read, like, twenty of my stories!! at least!! i'm in awe. she is so getting a merit badge when this is over. you just don't see that kind of generosity. wow. it's my very first port raid! *Delight*

lessee, otherwise, work is fine. still busy, and people have lost that starry-eyed, pre-christmas glaze. now, they're all grumpy and impatient. i guess they didn't get what they wanted. *Rolleyes*

eek! again! i gotta go to work now. will be back this afternoon, my lovelies. i have much left to say....still gotta figure out who that delightful anonymous christmas elf was, too...so much to do!! have a great day!! *Heart*

*Balloon2* *Balloon4* *Balloon2* *Balloon5* *Balloon2* (festive line of demarcation between this morning and now. *Bigsmile*)

okay, so it's tonight, and i've had my day of running about. a big 'whew!' on that. we got a lot done, so i'm happy.

as for my sleuthing strategy to discover who the mysterious and wonderful anonymous christmas elf is....i've decided on begging. pleeeeease!!!! pleeeeeaaaaaase tell me who you are!!!! i have issues with closure--i neeeeeed it!!! pleeeeeheeeeeheeeeease!!!! (falls to knees, rips clothes and tears at hair) i'm all plugged up with ungifted gratitude!! i .... i .... (swallows tears) ...pleeze? i promise, i won't follow you around with big eyes. i won't lurk outside your house in your shrubberies, waiting for the few moments between front door and the car when i might shower you with fresh rose petals and sloppy kisses....i won't, i promise. *Rolleyes* i beseeeech you...
December 25, 2007 at 10:20pm
December 25, 2007 at 10:20pm
hallo, from santa central. *Bigsmile*

we woke up at 8 am (dogs needed to go out), and scampered out to the living room to break into our christmas loot.

i asked my friends to contribute to a great organization, heifer.org, in lieu of wrapped gifts, and i thank you all for your generosity--you've helped at least four families by my count, and they'll be able to help others in their communities as their livestock & geese & beehives & trees mature and can be shared, as well. so, a hearty thanks go to iconoclast37, kathleen (my sister), and ramona and michael, two good friends here in tucson. yay!

from p, i received lovely gifts: season one of the muppet show (those who know me know how excited i was to get this!), an olivia pig doll (*Bigsmile*), givenchy perfume and a periwinkle robe, two sets of nighties (rroooowwrr), and a brand spankin' new carry case for my laptop!! he has such faith in me. *Blush*

y'all, he got me girly gifts!!!! we all know it's not the gifts themselves, but how our men see us that they give us such beautiful gifts...*sigh*... i've been lounging about the house in one of my new nighty sets all day, and i'm not ashamed to admit i've checked my bootie in the mirror a few times, and it doesn't look half-bad. *Bigsmile*

we're watching the muppet show now, as we lounge....next up, 'it's a wonderful life'. *Delight*
what a wonderful christmas. *Heart*

back in the next day or so for 2008's goals and resolutions!! so many....*Rolleyes*

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December 25, 2007 at 10:03pm
December 25, 2007 at 10:03pm
to my fantabulous anonymous christmas elf--you, whoever you are, have been sweet and generous, and have sent me truly wonderful cnotes the past few weeks. *Heart*

you certainly didn't have to, but you did, and now i feel all special!

your kindnesses will come back to you a hundred-fold, and if that's not enough, know you've made a silly girl very happy. gehee. *Bigsmile*

thank you!!!
December 23, 2007 at 3:36pm
December 23, 2007 at 3:36pm
hey, i got another anonymous cnote! thank you, whoever you are! *Delight*

"Beautiful Butterflies For You

The cNote comes with this message:
I have butterflies in my tummy...waiting for Santa to come. How about you?

I hope this day is finding your day filled with lots of beauty.

Oh, and yes, I could tell you who I am, but that would take the fun out of this! Just sit back and enjoy, and if you'd like, pass on the fun.

The WDC Elf *<: -D"

December 23, 2007 at 2:37pm
December 23, 2007 at 2:37pm
mike myers keeps surprising me. i've always liked him, his sense of humor and writing talent, and now i'm watching this episode of 'iconoclasts' on sundance, with mike myers and deepak chopra.
amazing, how many parallels exist between screenwriting structure and hindu self-actualization....wow. and mike is articulate and thoughtful. he's a smart guy, i know, but i'm still a bit surprised. i hope that's not insulting. *Rolleyes*

oops, potty break...brb. *Bigsmile*

okay. so, i'm watching this show, and had a great spontaneous idea for a christmas present for a friend of mine. this year has been weird for me, friends-wise.

i've let go of one in my heart. i haven't seen her for a while, and haven't spoken with or emailed her, even. i've known and loved this person since my late teens, and feel a bit sad, but realistically know we haven't been in each others' lives for years. we'll always care about each other, i imagine, but we just don't have room for each other.

the friend i had the gift inspiration for i met almost eight years ago, and i've always felt connected with her. we don't have much in common, but we do have a few things; our main connection i think is a bottomless supply of compassion for each other. this past year has stretched it a bit, and we've been distant for several months. i hope that changes, and that we can be comfortable with each other again.

the end of the year always brings out the introspective in me, brings out my overriding desire for a happy ending, and while i've been growing more cynical (and consequently, sad) about humanity each year, i always have this period of bursting heart hope. i will always love the holidays for this.

if i don't speak to you before tuesday, have a merry christmas. hug your loved ones, and feed them till they unbutton their drawers, curled up on the sofa. sit with them and watch the tree lights twinkle, and remember the good times you've had and what you mean to each other. and let them know. *Heart*

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December 21, 2007 at 8:56pm
December 21, 2007 at 8:56pm
hey, guys-- i got another anonymous card!!

"You brighten my day

Thank you for being yourself! Your simple actions make me smile every time I talk to you. I appreciate your friendship and hope that we have many more happy times together.

The cNote comes with this message:
Hope I brighten yours!

The WDC Elf
*<: -D

From: An Anonymous Member"

awwww. so sweet! i LIVE for this stuff. *Delight*
so, if you're reading, anonymous elf, thank you!
you have brightened my day, and more than one. *Bigsmile*

December 20, 2007 at 8:15pm
December 20, 2007 at 8:15pm
i'm curled up on the sofa after a long, hectic day of sorting, tossing, heaving, shelving, carrying, stooping, squatting, walking, gesturing, laughing, talking, thinking, smiling, sweating, answering and helping...i have, of course, smeared on my tootsies more of the analgesic cream.
ahhh, the scent of menthol. *Bigsmile*
i also smeared some onto p's knees, and he's feeling all tingly right now, too. the funny part is, the fumes are wafting up his jammy pants to tingle other parts, as well. *Laugh* he hasn't yet confirmed or denied whether this is a pleasurable sensation.

i haven't been very present the past several days, needing to focus on my job. i've been at work ten hours a day, on average, and coming home to a few hours of dinner, dog-frolicking, and email catching-up...hopefully squeeze in an hour of recreational reading before bed, if i can keep my eyes open.
i've just been too pooped to get anything real done around here.

i'm having fun, but i am so ready for next year to begin already.

as for politics...i'm getting tired of listening to various pundits discuss different candidates' campaign strategies as if they're broadcasting the latest national badminton match. they seem to think this is all good fun, that what people do and say during a campaign doesn't reflect on who they are in 'real' life, and i'm sick of their constant trolling for personal dirt on each other. this is real life, and the outcome of the 2008 election will make a real difference in where this country goes. can we please spend more time listening to what all of the candidates have to say about their plans for the country? please??
the debates are insultingly lopsided in the amount of time the candidates placing lower in popular polls have to speak, and the nightly coverage (msnbc--chris matthews, tucker carlson, keith olberman) does the same thing with their coverage. i don't freaking care about the cross hovering behind huckaby's head in his christmas ad!!!! stop talking about it!!! tell me instead what kucinich said today!! or ron paul!! (except what ron said about huckaby's ad, they're showing no interest whatsoever...aauugh!!)

ahem. sorry. so sorry. i try not to rant too much about politics....i can't help but get wrapped up in it, get my hopes up that maybe this time...ah, well. call me a dreamer. i know.

my goofy customer call for the day:
me:" blah blah blah...how may i help you?"
cust: "gerard butler says you have the new hardcover book about his movie."
me: "he does? there's a new book about '300'? really?"
cust: "no, his new movie."
me: "oh, wait....the hilary swank movie? 'ps, i love you'?"
cust: "yes! can you put it on hold for me?"
me: "well, besides the novel, there's no new book out. i'm sorry."
cust: "no, no. gerard said you had it. it's brand new, has cast and crew photos..."
me: (checking various databases again) "mmm.....no, i'm sorry. i'm not showing--"
cust: "but he said."
me: "ma'am, i'm sorry, but i don't have the book."
long pause.
cust: "fine. i'm sending him an email."
me: "ehm, okay. *Rolleyes* have a good day..."

maybe y'all can find it? *Bigsmile*

only four more days until christmas--i hope you all are having a lovely holiday!
(gerard told me to say that)

December 19, 2007 at 5:43am
December 19, 2007 at 5:43am
hey, all--
getting ready for work but wanted to give a shout out to a very thoughtful anonymous christmas elf! i received a loverly wdc card yesterday:


(hope that link works. *Rolleyes*)

what a festive treat! thank you, whoever you are, mystery elf! *Delight*

and now, i wade back into the splashy waters of retail christmas...don't worry, i've got my ducky float ring. *Bigsmile*

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December 17, 2007 at 6:47pm
December 17, 2007 at 6:47pm
it's been four days since i last blogged? are you sure? hm. time flies, eh?

well, what's going on....i finally started the very beginning steps to editing my humongoid nano project today. oh, boy is it gonna take a while. i'm digging the idea of sinking my teeth into it...makes me wish i didn't have to work, or sleep, or bathe...*Rolleyes*....p right now is flinching as i write this, so i just promised him i'd keep bathing, no matter what. *Bigsmile*

i've taken the last three weeks to gain some perspective on the novel before attempting to read it through...but it's still fresh to me. i'm all clouded by my intentions at the writing, and not freed of them to read properly. the steps i'm taking now are more about outlining the existing version, getting a clearer picture of plot problems and grammatical wreckage, so interpretive powers not yet needed.

last night p & i were talking about jetbaby. i don't really speak of her, as she's one of the things i still feel guilt pangs over, but time enough has passed, and while i still haven't decided if i made the right decision back in 1998, i figure she's forgiven me by now. i hope. bad kitty karma is no laughing matter.
i adopted jetbaby and her sister, calcutta, when they were teeny. six weeks old. their owner was threatening to take them to the animal shelter, tired of taking care of a herd of crazed, curious kittens running all over her home. i couldn't talk her into keeping them any longer, so i agreed to bring them home.

for the record, six weeks isn't long enough for kittens or puppies to develop before leaving their mom. they need twelve weeks to develop mentally and socially, even if they've begun eating solid food.

so, i brought them both home. jetbaby was named so because of her blazing speed, her cruel and inexhaustive energy. she was a wonder to watch, very entertaining. calcutta was named for a dan simmons book, song of kali, which was set in india. a horror novel, damp and creepy, ripe with the potential for suffering bad dreams after reading at night...i realize the connection between a sweet kitteh resembling delicate porcelain china and an angry hindu god isn't immediately obvious, but i had my reasons.

so, life took a few steps, and i realized i had problems. the kittens weren't completely litterbox-trained, and stress tended to leave them forgetting about the whole thing altogether. so, kitty pee everywhere. i didn't have the money to wash my sheets and mattress pad and pillows and blankets every day, and i was living alone in a small studio apartment. i had limited solutions. i stripped my bed, taped garbage bags over it and the couch, and started sleeping in a sleeping bag, rolling it up and storing it in my closet at night.

jetbaby and her sister were very sweet kittens, never attacking me beyond the expected scratches and mouth misjudgements. calcutta had taken to hiding behind the television in the corner of the room, doing her best to avoid her sister. at the time, i thought she was shy, but discovered later she really just hated her sister jumping on her head all the time. food and water everywhere, rampant drag racing across my face at night....i was poor and getting poorer, striped with kitty scratches, and getting no sleep. i couldn't keep it up.

i decided to take jetbaby to the animal shelter. she was still a baby, having just reached twelve weeks, and i felt she needed someone who would be home to take care of her. my job forced me to be away most of the day, and clearly the kittehs were suffering for it. her problems were getting worse, and i almost never saw her sister anymore. i only knew she was still alive because she was using the litter box. and i knew jetbaby wasn't. *Rolleyes*

the day came, and i was a mess. i tucked her into the carrier with her favorite little toy, cuddled her and spoke to her during the car trip, and broke down as soon as i tried to explain to the intake counselor why i was leaving her. i was wrecked. a horrible person. they even took her away from me as i filled out the paperwork, so i had no chance for a proper goodbye. i tried to console myself with the idea she would be adopted by some gray-haired grandmother, someone who would be home for her, shower her with the attention she needed, that she wasn't scarred by her abrupt upbringing and being left to herself after that...it didn't work. i had abandoned her.

you may be wondering why i'd be so affected, when other people, perfectly fine people, have more practical outlooks of their pets. well, the explanation would make for a much longer entry. but because of an incident when i was a kid, i've always had an extra-soft spot for critters -- always felt like i should protect them, was responsible for them, should take care of them the best i could.

giving up on jetbaby was one of the hardest things i've done, and something for which i still judge myself. i don't know what happened to jetbaby. i don't ease my conscience with fluffy daydreams of frolicking in clover, munching on catnip, and batting at strings....i remind myself i effectively sentenced her to the whims of the general public, hoping someone would take her home, incontinent spaz that she was, and give her a good life but suspecting she wasn't given that chance, and went instead to the needle.

her sister, calcutta, is still with me, nine years old and living a fabulous life, so that's something. but i still think about jetbaby sometimes...

hey, aren't ya glad i blogged? heh. *Rolleyes*
December 13, 2007 at 7:33pm
December 13, 2007 at 7:33pm
garg. feh. krung. smesh.

i like words....what's the word for words which sound like the thing they are? i also like realistic sound effect words. 'prang' is a good one, like the sound of a frying pan hitting a noggin. *Bigsmile* also, coincidentally, the name of a coworker from long ago. unique individual, he was...

anyhoo, words. there's just so darned many of them. how am i ever gonna feel i've gained a command of the language? and english is my mother tongue!! it's my only tongue!!! *Blush* *sigh*

but i love them. words. which are your favorites? i like 'ebullient' a lot. 'snarf' is a good one...(it's important--to me *Bigsmile*--in this exercise to choose not based so much on the word's definition, but on its aesthetic qualities. how well does the word roll off the tongue? or scrape against the teeth? gutteral? smooth? thekthy? *Wink*)

gimme some words, people! i want new ones i haven't experienced before! and old favorites! all of 'em!
December 12, 2007 at 9:28pm
December 12, 2007 at 9:28pm
yep, the christmas nose goblins are here!!! i'm getting a cold. head full of...stuff, i can hear myself breathing inside my head, which is always surreal. like i'm stalking myself...*Rolleyes*
will medicate before bed, and hope i sleep through and don't wake up honking into p's pillow case. *Bigsmile*

today was fun--i got a lot done at work, and had some lovely customers, very appreciative of the help. i love when that happens. one woman even asked my name and shook my hand as she thanked me. *Heart*

ooh! and i'm almost finished with harry potter #4!! about twenty more pages....must go read, now. but first....

quote from 'the art of living':
"if it is our feelings about things that torment us rather than the things themselves, it follows that blaming others is silly. therefore, when we suffer setbacks, disturbances or grief, let us never place the blame on others, but on our own attitudes.
small-minded people habitually reproach others for their misfortunes. average people reproach themselves. those who are dedicated to a life of wisdom understand that the impulse to blame something or someone is foolishness, that there is nothing to be gained in blaming, whether it be others or oneself.
one of the signs of the dawning of moral progress is the gradual extinguishing of blame. we see the futility of finger-pointing. the more we examine our attitudes and work on ourselves, the less we are apt to be swept away by stormy emotional reactions in which we seek easy explanations for unbidden events.
things simply are what they are. other people think what they will think; it is of no concern to us, no shame. no blame."

not complicated, but incredibly difficult. i'm working on this...i have plenty to practice with. *Bigsmile*
December 11, 2007 at 6:43am
December 11, 2007 at 6:43am
oh, man, i feel so funky. i know i keep saying that, but i do. i'm not usually a daydreamy kind of person, but my mind keeps wandering. i keep wondering about the story arc of my life, and the lives of my friends and family, and even people i don't know. i'm used to observing people, overhearing their public conversations, etc. but for some reason, i've been wondering what people have for breakfast, what they were thinking as they took a shower that morning, whether they take their shoes off to drive, what they do when they get home from work (or how they spend their day, if they don't have an employer)....this time of year, i guess, i just feel more connected to other people. and i'm not any more sociable. i don't realy want to speak with these people...i just want to know.
don't worry, i'm not dangerous. *Bigsmile*

p brought home the book 'the art of living' by epictetus a few weeks ago. man, this guy knew stuff. new translation, of course, but the issues of being a good human being are timeless, it seems. succinct, relevent, and a good argument for adopting the stoic lifestyle. which sounds really boring, but is kind of like a more moderate version of buddhism. me likey.

whoops! gotta go to work--will return tonight with a quote or two from the book. bye! have a good day, y'all. *Smile*
December 9, 2007 at 12:31pm
December 9, 2007 at 12:31pm
hey, all!
just a quick one: i've joined up with this secret santa group, and wondered if anyone out there would be interested in pairing up? (actually, the pairing up option seems sorta superfluous, but the secret santa part looks fun. *Bigsmile*)
check it out, see what you think. thanks!

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December 8, 2007 at 7:18pm
December 8, 2007 at 7:18pm
all right, well, i'm a little disappointed. i'm not going to make the deadline for the comedy contest i wanted to enter...got no ideas. man, comedy is hard. thppt. maybe next time.
today was a glorious, rainy, gray, windy day...perfect for LOUNGING. which, since we got home, we have been doing. we are expert loungers. we have lounge gear and everything. *Bigsmile*
tonight, i write on one of my stories, yes, yes. the unfinished ones. the ones i've been working on since 2006. sigh. feeling good, feeling strong. i will finish one of them! at least! (wide stance, fists on hips, cape flapping in the wind)
p's a little under the weather...all sneezy, but determined not to fall ill. i'm off to the store for ze magnifique alka-seltzer cold medicine.

hope you all get to see some pretty christmas lights tonight. *Bigsmile*
December 6, 2007 at 8:21pm
December 6, 2007 at 8:21pm
heyo, all.

i've been thinking. {uh oh...*Rolleyes*) no, but listen.

i remember last christmas (and most christmases before that since 1972), and the usual build up, the excitement for the season, and the constant barrage of reminders in the newpapers & tv ads to buy the perfect gifts for your loved ones. and those ads, they are sophisticated tools. they can twist your heart until it pangs, touching on those soft spots to influence you to prove your love and spirit through spending money.

so we buy gifts, most of us, doing our best to choose thoughtfully, to be as generous as possible. if we don't have much money, or choose to give gifts on a more personalized level, we may make them. hopefully, we're talented with those things. (me, i can glue glitter like nobody's business. *Bigsmile*)

i also remember the day after christmas. the day when everyone's opened their gifts, the visiting family returns to their homes (buckets of leftovers under their arms). the feeling is sort of....gray. usually the weather is gray, which can influence moods, sure. but it's more than that. it's the oppressive feeling of a collective sigh. not the sigh of contentment, but the sigh that brings the shoulders up with it and then releases them to fall, rounded with disappointment. empty boxes overfill the trash bins. sullen children pedal their new racers in circles in front of the house. i say to myself every year, 'is this what i was getting all excited about?'

well, i think part of the problem is the fixation we have with things. getting things, giving things, getting the right things, and then wrapping them in the right paper. when they're all opened--which i enjoy very much, the opening--they're still just things. the pleasure we gain from having them and playing with them is completely within us, independent of the thing itself. i think the expectations we lay on these things are heavy. too heavy. it's not really about things, is it? christmas?

it's so easy to lose yourself in the hectic season, the rampant socializing, the lists of 'to get' items, the stress of visiting family...

really, i think what's really going on is trying to fulfill others' wishes, trying to make those we care for happy. we make those wishes tangible, because it's so much easier to buy someone a toy than bring about world peace. or even change how we see each other, to allow ourselves to react to the world with generosity and self-responsibility. that's pretty hard to do all the time. there is one thing we can do, though.

have you ever read the book 'the gift of nothing'? (isbn:031611488X)
it cuts through all this rambling i'm doing and communicates my point in a sweet, heart-tugging manner. if you visit a bookstore during the holidays--first give the haggard seller in front of you a hug--then find & read this book. it'll take about five minutes, and the message inside is precious, indeed.

the whole reason we give each other gifts is to express our affection and respect for each other (and maybe hoping we get to share playing with the cool new toys)--i vote for cutting through the symbolic representation and jumping right to the point: show that affection, let those important to you know that they are special to you, and why. give them that hug, and a real one, too. no leaning into each other and bumping shoulders, then giving a few awkward pats. real hugs, with hearts pressed against each other, and take your time. allow yourself to share space with your loved one, cheek to cheek. get that connection going, because that's why we're here, right? *Heart*

then go play with the toys. *Bigsmile*

(i'm asking my friends to visit this website: http://www.heifer.org/
and donate to their worthy cause, instead of feeling obligated to buy me something. several of my friends have already, and i feel especially loved because of their far-reaching generosity. it's an idea, right? maybe take a look yourself, when you have a free minute...*Rolleyes*)

all right, i've said my piece. i'm shuttin' up. *Bigsmile*

December 5, 2007 at 9:57pm
December 5, 2007 at 9:57pm
oh, rankin bass. i wish the rankin bass production group would make my life story into a movie. growing up with those clumsy, animated dolls acting out the traditional christmas tales on tv....rudolph the red-nosed reindeer with burl ives and yukon cornelius and the island of misfit toys (*sob*)....santa claus is coming to town, with the burghermeister meisterburgher and topper the penguin...and, and....the little drummer boy!!! that one gets me every time.
i'm getting into the holiday spirit, finally. *Bigsmile*

tomorrow is p's birthday--!!! i got him a....sssshhhh. it's a secret. *Balloon4* we'll probably wait until sunday to celebrate properly, as work kicks our ass during the week. we'll have ice cream cake and present tomorrow, tho. can't put that off!

i still haven't adjusted to the early work schedule, writing-wise. thppt. just as i start to get warmed up, i gotta go to bed. i'm also not getting any reading done, if i don't read during my lunch break...will have to figure this out. reprogram brain...maybe ronco makes some gadget for that. *Rolleyes* one that'll cut my hair at the same time, with a vacuum attachment...

have a good night, y'all. it's bedtime!! (8pm)
December 4, 2007 at 6:43pm
December 4, 2007 at 6:43pm
it's the pms entry!! p's watching me write this from behind the sofa...peering over the top to lob donuts and chips at me when i start growling.
yep. it's those few days when everything is wrong. me, you, that guy over there, the barista at starbucks on old spanish trail...we're all wrong. but especially me. my brain, my face, my body, my character, the direction my life is going, the inertia preventing my life to go in the direction it should be going...the fact i decided not to have kids, went to school & then went back a few times but never used it, the defect in my soul which dwarfs my spiritual potential. i don't know any languages besides english. (well, i know 'pantalones' and 'cabeza'....not terribly useful unless you're transacting business in a mexican back alley). i'm bad at girly stuff, like hairdos and makeup. i wear ratty tennies and jeans all the time, and try really hard not to look at myself in the mirror when unnecessary. i don't spend time volunteering for causes i believe in. sometimes, i don't even brush my teeth before i go to bed.

and all this stuff is hormones whispering in my ear, i know this; those evil, self-defeating thoughts which keep me from actually doing something to improve myself ratcheted up to the level i am almost paralyzed for a few days. i do leave the house, and go to work, and keep my daily stuff going (and blog *Bigsmile*), and the moments i can step out of the self-absorbed vortex of doom do me good.

i got a good amount of work done today, and feel for the first time tonight i can write something (since finishing my november project), so it's not all bad. the bad just lurks, hovering, waiting for any sign of weakness. if i drop something, make an innocuous mistake, it pounces and worries me in its teeth. the funny thing is, i swear i can hear it purring as it does this.

i've read the last thing people hear when attacked by large cats (tigers, lions, etc) is their purring as they bite through the back of your neck.

so, who knows what i'll be writing later. stay tuned, if you dare....*Smirk*
December 2, 2007 at 5:00pm
December 2, 2007 at 5:00pm
this is so weird, the holidays this year. i'm totally not feeling it. i'm used to not having snow, or cold weather, even. living in the desert kinda prevents that currier & ives kinda christmas experience.
and twenty years working in retail? that can put a damper on the ole holiday spirit, too. i've had good and bad years in that respect.
but this year feels...funny. like i wanna run away to a deserted island and just wait it out.

i was cooking brunch earlier, french toast & bacon, and i was thinking about the bacon as i laid it out in the pan. the second batch. those little strips of flesh, they just curled right up in the hot grease as if recoiling in pain. i can't say it bothered me. i mean, i planned to eat them in a few minutes, so that would be hypocritical. but i could almost hear their tiny squeals...

today, we go to the store for a new tree topper and tree skirt. ours have crapped out and disappeared, respectively. so, christmas shopping! yay! later, we're off to our quarterly staff meeting at work. yeah, well.

and i've got a couple of stories/contests to work on...due dates are coming up fast. you wanna enter with me?:

 Invalid Item 
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#1344522 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1347774 by Not Available.

cheers! hope you're all having a lovely holiday season. have some nog, won't you?
December 1, 2007 at 5:13pm
December 1, 2007 at 5:13pm
i've been really tired the past few days...i know my work schedule changing to 5am-2pm has a lot to do with it, and coming down from nanowrimo, too. i feel a bit empty, which is normal, for what i've read. *sigh*

i feel all blocked up, like i've got nothing to say. (you smartasses out there are wondering how that's different from my usual having nothing to say. *Bigsmile*)

i've been resting the last two days, and feel like i've gotta get back on the horse or it'll trot away from me. i'm also scared to read my 'novel' straight through...i have a sneaking suspicion it's crap and the whole thing is a delusion, but i don't want it to be, so i'm just trying to ignore that little voice in my head. he sounds like peter lorre....which ain't good.

all right, i'll stop whining.

work today was holiday season in full bloom, minus the spectacular sales figures. interesting how so many swarming people desperate to find that perfect gift (even though they don't know what to get or anything about the person they're shopping for) don't actually buy the thing once you help them figure out what it is & find it for them. i'm already tired of ignorant, rude people with cel phones attached to their heads, which they talk on while you're trying to help them. ugh. and hey, it's only dec 1st!!

hey, that sounds like i'm still whining. hm.

here's some good news: .....no, really. i'm trying here. uhhhh....oh! i got it. we're putting up the christmas tree today!! i'm off work, and p & i are about to start figuring out where it goes, etc. whee!! i really do love the holidays, the traditions, the memories, the music and food...pretty lights. we like to drive around random neighborhoods in the evenings and ooh and ahh over people's yard displays. and there's a neighborhood in town which sets up tours every year. you can take a horse-pulled cart around, or just walk through--they cut off car traffic--and several houses have magnificent light shows. so, yay!! there's something good. *Bigsmile*

i hope everyone has a wonderful december...any thoughts yet on goals for next year?
November 28, 2007 at 11:35pm
November 28, 2007 at 11:35pm
okay, first: fwew.
second, i'm all atwitter!!
i'm also a big sap, so bear with me.

i started this nano thing with only the vaguest idea of what i was getting into, and expected i'd fade out after a week or so...like i usually do with new challenges. *Rolleyes*

this time, though, with the patient and generous encouragement of several people (most of whom live here, at wdc!), i waddled across the 50k mark a few minutes ago. woohoo!! and whew!!

BIG thanks to zwisis, , Acme , spun2sugar, ljkam, Fallser and iconoclast37 for your kind words and encouragement, even if you privately thought i was being a big weenie. (if i left anyone out, i sincerely apologize.)

very special thanks to miss dragonfly~guess who's back? , for reading my early chapters when i was all ascairt and pathetic, and giving me unconditional support when i was most fragile. *Heart*

and mostest thanks of all to my honeylambkins, p. he gave up a lot this month without complaining once, always encouraging me (and sometimes ordering me) to keep going, crank out a few thousand more words, and hugged me really hard just now when i got all weepy. *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

so, i have another day or so to tinker, but for right now, i'm not doing a damned thing after i submit this entry. in fact, i'm going to bed.

i'm a big dork for being publically excited, i know. but 'cool' has never been my middle name. so, wheeeeee!!!!!!!
thanks for reading my appreciation speech. *Bigsmile*

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