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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1108868-The-Exciting-Life-of-Pizza-Delivery
Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1108868
Because sometimes being the cliché college kid can be fun - or at least entertaining.
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When all my friends are getting pumped for their senior year of college, for graduation, and for the real life that follows, I find myself sitting on my couch and wondering how I managed to fall back to the bottom of the ladder. How three years of study, study, study can all accumulate to nothing more than three years of party, party, party and only seventeen transferable credits. How after I've dropped out of college twice, came back twice, and changed my major a grand total of three times, it's all worth jack shit when an uptight counselor looks at my grades and tells me...

"Don't you think this is a little beneath you?"

Damn straight it is, but I don't need your stuck up ass telling me so. But it spurs a spark inside me that makes me think. Maybe I should be doing more with my life than just taking part time classes. Maybe I should do more than just pretend to job hunt and actually bring out my heavy duty bow and spear a job in it's pursqueeter.

Spring semester rolls around and I've changed my major again. Starting afresh. Job hunt for real, a few misses, hardly any hits. One week into an introductory computer class that teaches me how to use the fascinating tool of the "Start Menu" and a mind melting, brain goo inducing class that's all about Socrates and exestential bullshit, I suddenly stumble across a hidden gem that had been waiting for me to sully it.

A chorus of angels echo over the phone as a man asks, "You still looking for a job?" I squee! and then remember he doesn't speak giddy schoolgirl and tell him, "Why yes sir, I am."

There's gold in them thar hills!

And it's called Pizza Delivery...

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August 30, 2007 at 12:24pm
August 30, 2007 at 12:24pm
So things got really hectic but the major gist of it is that I quit my Pizza job to go back to work at the newspaper. That lasted for all of about a month before I got fed up with my boss and turned in my two weeks. She told me to forget about it and basically fired my ass.

I had a little breakdown and decided to go to bartending school. Finished that with AMAZING results and I'm now currently looking for a job.

No more pizza delivery, so no more journal. But fear not! I'm making a new one. *Smile*
October 17, 2006 at 7:18pm
October 17, 2006 at 7:18pm
Been gone for a little bit. School's kicking my butt. So is life actually, but whatever.

We put my cat to sleep today. Probably the most I've cried ever. Started crying last night, slept a little, woke up this morning and cried, was on and off until 3 when we took him to the vet and then when the vet took him away I just lost it.

Still get teary eyed. You'd think I'd run out of tears after a while.

But he's not hurting anymore and that's all that matters. Now I need to find a new cat.
September 17, 2006 at 11:26pm
September 17, 2006 at 11:26pm
Pizzas Delivered: 7
Total to Date: 395

Today was boring as hell. We were slow at work, there was a hair in my hot wings at lunch and I've lost my appetite for a month, and I totally confessed my fear of getting fired to Charles at work, who told me I shouldn't worry about it because we're lacking drivers right now.

But I saw about five applications for drivers who can work every day after a certain hour. So things are looking grim.

I don't want to lose my job.

But at the same time, a little voice inside my head keeps saying, "Fuck it."
September 17, 2006 at 11:33am
September 17, 2006 at 11:33am
from Saturday...
Pizzas Delivered: 5
Total to Date: 388

I got mad because some random guy stole my pen.

But then I got back and realized he gave me a $15 tip.

I wasn't mad anymore.

September 14, 2006 at 5:22pm
September 14, 2006 at 5:22pm
From a bunch of days...
Pizzas Delivered: 30
Total to Date: 383

So I must have a thing these days that every time I go into work I deliver exactly ten pizzas, without fail. It drives me nuts. Yeah, 10 is a good number, but dammit, I want more tips.

Other things going on in my life:

My laptop is sweet.

The Sims 2 and it's glorious expansion packs are sweet.

Slicing my finger while opening a can of cat food = not sweet.

It seriously sucked. Happened this morning right before I went to class. It's probably the worse cut I've ever had. Was dripping blood everywhere, couldn't get it to stop bleeding, had to get one of those finger brace things because every time I bend my finger and then unbend it again, it reopens. This stinks.

But tonight I'm going up to East Lansing. We're going to have a Supernatural marathon, but not until tomorrow. Tonight we're bar hopping. Woo!
September 6, 2006 at 3:02pm
September 6, 2006 at 3:02pm
I'm on my new laptop right now! Wireless internet...17 inch screen...Supernatural DVD's...

I think I may double joygasm.
September 3, 2006 at 12:00pm
September 3, 2006 at 12:00pm
Apparently for the past ten years I've been using the wrong fingering when I type. I wouldn't normally let that bother me, because I have a typing speed of about 61wpm.

But in my keyboarding class, if we use wrong fingering, we don't pass.

So I have RELEARN how to type and somehow forget those ten years of conditionihng.

Which means that Keyboarding is going to be my hardest class this semester.

Go figure.
September 2, 2006 at 10:54pm
September 2, 2006 at 10:54pm
Pizzas Delivered: 10
Total to Date: 353

I have seniority!

Charles, who has worked at Tiffany's for a good couple of years, finally got a driver's shift. I thought he would totally have seniority over me, but it turns out he doesn't. So I'm not the lowest one on the totum pole anymore!

Kick ass.

Oh, and also I had a realization today that yeah, Supernatural comes out on Tuesday, but I'm not going to get it in the mail until Wednesday, which means that both Supernatural and my laptop will arrive at my house on Wednesday.

I tihnk that's a little too much joy for one day. I may need sedatives.

Strong, strong sedatives.
September 1, 2006 at 11:41pm
September 1, 2006 at 11:41pm
So I made it through my first two days of classes. Man, I never thought I'd say this, but I can totally see myself getting sick of being on the computer. I was getting pretty restless towards the end of the day yesterday. I wanted to get up and jog or something...and I don't jog.

But the good news is that I read the first chapters of three of my books and they all managed to keep my attention. Which means I'll probably do okay in these classes this year. The Computer Programming class is going to be a bit hard, so luckily programming isn't what I had in mind to do. But I love Web Design Concepts and my Internet class (surprising...I know.)

I like all the instructors, one of them is my advisor. I have one, Gerry, who I don't know if he's a tool, a douche bag, or a pretty cool guy. I have yet to decide. He could be all of the above. But it will make classes interesting.

Just the homework is intense. It's been a long time since I took a full load and I forgot how intense it could be. So much reading...so much computer-ing...

Good thing I'll have a laptop soon because my bedroom (where my computer is) is getting a little stuffy. I have cabin fever. I need to do homework outside of this room.
September 1, 2006 at 11:37pm
September 1, 2006 at 11:37pm
They shipped my laptop! Nine days earlier than their estimated ship date. Oh Dell, I think I love you.

So I may have it in time for Supernatural season one and then I can watch the episodes ANYWHERE.

*insert evil laughter here*

So happy.

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