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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1107717
Virtue is puzzled by the suprise intruders of his wharehouse.
Did I really just hear that? Or is my head playing tricks on me? Whatever it was, it hit the NOS button in my pulse. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and start bouncing around the floor like a fish out of water. Who on earth could be in there? OK, I have to relax. But, what if they are armed? It’s still not too late. I can go wait outside until the cops get here, and come back in with them. No, fuck that, I shouldn’t act like such a pussy. If these guys were that dangerous, they would not be hiding in my office restroom.

I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves, grab my gun out of the back of my black pants, and tip toe to the door, making sure that my feet were undetectable from eyes piercing through the bottom crack. With my ears pressed up against the door, I try to listen in.
“Would you shut the fuck up!” Ordered a surprisingly feminine whisper.
“I… I just can’t believe that I let you talk me into this.” Whined a male voice
“What are we gonna do if he finds us? I don’t want to go to jail.”
I couldn’t see either of them, but I figured from the boy’s voice that he was a teenager. All of a sudden, my fear was converted to rage. Who did these little punks think that they were, breaking into my place like this? The cops were taking too long. These kids had to be punished. I kicked the door open, and pointed my sidearm into the air like I knew what I was doing. The boy looked a lot older than what I had imagined. His face was hidden from his nose down by his knees that he was squeezing into his chest. His back was pressed up against the edge of where the toilet seat and the wall meet. He didn’t say a word, just breathed heavily and rocked back and forth with his eyes shut.
His partner in crime, a short girl with a very womanly figure emerges from the corner shadow created by the cascade shower door, revealing an angelic face with emotionless eyes. Her perfectly parted honey brown hair, which shines with the aid of the dim street light that sneaks in through the bathroom window, ran down her face, falling in between her exposed cleavage. It looks like it tickles her every time she moves. Her hair, somewhat, hid a deep scar that is even colored with her tanned complexion. The scar starts under the corner of her left eye and ends on the side of her mouth.
“Why don’t you put your gun down so that we can talk about this?”
I froze for a second, not knowing what to think or feel, or maybe I was thinking and feeling too much for my mind to process. Regardless, her agitating calm demeanor in such a stressful situation only heightened the tension. At least, I feel like it does. Why doesn’t she feel the same way? She has her cold eyes bearing into me, with her full lips arched into a smile, exposing white teeth whose only imperfection is a bottom tooth that has a small chip.
“Talk…?” I asked trying to disguise my confusion
The boy looks up and tries to turn off his tears. I ignore him and cast my attention over to the young lady as she throws her hands up and tilts her head sideways looking at the boy from the corner of her eyes, and then back at me, probing my reaction. I do not know what to do. I just stare back at her. She takes this as an invitation to begin walking towards her accomplice.
“The police are on their way.” I said, wishing I could take the words back when I heard them lingering in the air.
“Ok.” She answers, sitting on the toilet and with the boys head laid on her thighs. Before continuing to talk, she begins to run her fingers through his hair with slow, soft strokes. “But I suggest that you tell them that everything is alright.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because, it would be in everyone’s best interest, Virtue.”
All of a sudden, it hits me. The crying mess on the girl’s lap was a temp worker that we brought in to help unload trucks in preparation for the winter sales rush. His name was Sammy. I vaguely remember seeing the girl around the office. She is a new hire, but for the life of me I can not recall what it is exactly that she does. They were both high school kids in there late teens, that I paid under the table. How did they get in?
“I am the only one that has keys to this building. How did you kids manage to get in?” I asked
“That is really not important.” Her voice slow and hypnotic “What is important, is that I found what I was looking for.”
“Something,” she cut me off, “that can get you into a lot of trouble. Maybe we SHOULD wait until the cops get here. I am sure that breaking and entering does not get anywhere near as much time as the crimes that you have committed.”
“You sound pretty confident for somebody at gun point.”
“If you were going to shoot us, you would have already done so. Plus I don’t want you to get arrested. You can’t pay me from jail.”
“So that’s what this is all about, blackmail?”
“You’ve got millions, Virtue. All I need is $50,000 and I won’t say a word to anybody.”
“Why, would you go through all this trouble over fifty grand?”
“I don’t see how that is any of your business.” She said while standing up slowly causing the boy’s head to rise up. He was now sitting quietly holding on to her every word. “The only thing that I need you to do is tell the police that this was just a false alarm and for you to have my money ready for me on Monday.”
“You see I can’t do that.”
“I think you c…”
“I…” this time I cut her off. “Did not accomplish everything that I have by letting people bully me. You can take your empty little threats else where. I hope that you can be smart enough to give me back what belongs to me so that I can let you and your little friend leave alive.”
“You should listen to him Kris, maybe he will tell the cops that everything is alright.”
“Yea Kris, you should listen to me.”
“Th.. This was a big mistake.” The boy stuttered
“You be quite, we’re in this mess because of your dumb ass.” The girl snapped at the boy.
She paused for a second to regain her control and then turned to me, flashing that chipped grin.
“Virtue I am not a bad person. I have nothing against you, but you have to understand. I can not take no for an answer.”
She walks around the side of me. I can feel her presence, which accelerates my heart rate once again and sends warm blood rushing through my entire body.
“If I don’t get that fifty grand, me and Sammy can be in a lot of trouble.” She whispers into my ear. I feel like if she is about to let me in on a giant secret. Instead, she just stares down at the floor like if she is lost in thought.
I didn’t understand. Why would a couple of teenagers need fifty grand so badly? She can not seriously expect me to fall for this. But then again if she knows how much money I was worth; why would she ask for so little? Maybe these kids are in some serious trouble. Who am I too judge them? Lord knows I was into all types of mischief at that age. Still, I shouldn’t give them my hard earned money. Hell, nobody looked out for me at that age. Plus, what am I thinking? These little mother fuckers tried to black mail me. This girl is good, but not that good.
“I have heard enough. Give me back what you took or I am going to blow your fucking brains out!” I yell, mostly out of frustration because she is getting the better of me.
“Are you?” she said, as calm always.
“I don’t have time for this. You two get in my office right now.”
Honestly, I was surprised by their cooperation. They both walk into my office and stand in front of me staring, waiting for my next set of directions. What am I doing? I have to think. These two little brats are trying to screw with me. I might be a lot of things but a killer is not one of them, especially of kids.
“Kris put your hands on the wall and spread your legs.”
“But Virtue, I don’t even know you that well.”
“Don’t play with me. Do what I say.”
She walked over to the wall looking back at me with her eyebrows furrowed, biting her lower lip. I walk over and tell myself to ignore the sexuality of this. It is going to be very difficult, seeing how she was standing, with her butt trusted up and her breasts gently touching the wall, almost like if, she was at the down portion of a pushup. I walked over and put both of my hands on her right calve muscle. Her grey sweat pants had been hiding a very firm athletic lower body. I slid my hands up her thighs and then reached into her pocket. I could feel keys, and a lighter. The other leg pocket was housing a cell phone. I take the cell phone out and put it into my pocket.
“You know there are easier ways to go about getting my number.” She said while staring at my lips.
I just ignored the comment and pointed at Sammy. “Your turn.”
This search was going to be a lot easier. I searched all of the pockets that come with todays cargo pants, took his cell phone as well, but other than that he turned up empty. These little bastards lied to me. They don’t have any incriminating evidence. I point my gun at Sammy and tell him to sit in my desk chair. Then I walk over to my desk and open the first drawer pulling out a pair of handcuffs.
“I can’t help but wonder why would you have those?” Kris asked
Again I just ignored her and walked over to cuff Sammy’s hands behind his back and around the frame of the chair. I will keep him here until I can figure out what the hell is going on. Now how do I restrain the other one? I know. I walk over to Kris and snatch her by the back of the arm and escort her to the end of the desk.
“Sit, and take of your sneaker.”
She gives me this bratty look, but, surprisingly does as I say. I take of the shoestrings from her sneakers and tie her hands to the leg of the desk. I sit my gun by the keyboard of the computer and walk over to serve myself another glass of water.
“What are you going to do to us?” Sammy asks
“I am not really sure. Give me a second to think.”
“Sammy he doesn’t need to think about anything. He is going to pay us our fifty grand, and let us go. He is just a little scared right now but he knows that is his only option.”
I am beginning to hate this annoying little girl.
“Are you kidding me? You lied. You don’t have any proof about anything. When the cops get here, you two are going to jail.” I reply
“Sorry hunny, but I don’t lie.”
“I searched you guys you don’t have anything on you.” I said, which she answered by shooting me a wink.
“Virtue, look I’m sorry.” Sammy started trying to fight back the tears from forming again. “I just really need that money. I got a drug problem.”
“And I am supposed to be sympathetic about that?”
“No, it’s just that if I don’t pay this guy, the money that I owe him; he is going to kill me. I need forty five grand or I’m a dead man.”
“And how do you get into this picture, Kris?” I ask.
“Me and Sammy live in the same group home.”
“Group home?”
“Yea it’s called New Beginnings, its pretty cool, but…”
“But” Kris interrupted as usual. “We have a curfew which we have already violated. So, I would appreciate if you would release us and let us leave with our money.”
“So what happened to you parents Kris? Why are you in a group home?”
“I didn’t want them. So you can take that sorry look out of your face, like if you know what it’s like growing up with out your Mother and Father. I don’t need them. I sure don’t need your damn pity either. All I need is for you to untie me and Sammy, and give us our money. So I can get my five grand, go home and take a warm shower”
“Don’t you understand tha…”
“Crk… Unit 4 we have an…”
“Looks like the cops are here. I bet that, they were not expecting a hostage situation.”

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