Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1072398-Islam-Is-Islam-and-Its-Principles
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1072398
The purpose of this work is to present the authentic teachings of Islam.
This book is a collaborative work of which I participated.

A number in parenthesis indicates a footnote which can be found at the end of each section.


The purpose of this work is to present the authentic teachings of Islam. We do not present any specific version or a unique interpretation of Islam. We present Islam as it is, without sugarcoating, and we allow it to stand on its own merits. There is only one Islam and only one example of how it is to be lived — that of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Our intention is to provide a basic overview of the main tenets of Islam as given in the Qur’an and as exemplified by the Prophet. We also intend to address some of the commonly asked questions about Islam.
Despite the fact that over one-fifth of the world’s population is Muslim, Islam is often misunderstood and misrepresented in contemporary Western societies. It is hoped that this work will help shed light on Islam as it was divinely communicated to Muhammad and dispel any commonly held misconceptions that perpetuate prejudice and hatred. We write this booklet in the hope that people of all faiths will join us in making this a world of tolerance, kindness, understanding, and peace.


The Arabic word Islam literally means “surrender” or “submission.” Islam, as a faith, means total and sincere surrender to God so that one can live in peace and tranquility. Peace (Salam in Arabic, Shalom in Hebrew) is achieved through active obedience to the revealed commandments of God, for God is The Just, The Peace. (The italicized words throughout the text indicate either a verse from the Qur’an or one of the names and attributes of God.)
The name Islam (1) is universal in meaning. Islam is not named after a tribe of people or an individual, as Judaism is named after the tribe of Judah, Christianity after Christ, and Buddhism after Buddha. Islam is not a name chosen by human beings; it was divinely communicated from God. Islam is a global faith, not of the East or the West. Islam is a complete way of life, implying a total submission to God. One who surrenders his or her will to God, voluntarily (2), is called a Muslim. It was not Muhammad but Adam who first brought Islam to humanity. Then, each Prophet and Messengerp came to exhort the people to a clear understanding of God’s commandments. They offered teachings relevant to that time, until God chose the final Prophet, Muhammad, to come with the Last Testament referred to as the Qur’an.
Allah is an Arabic word, meaning “The One and Only True God,” the proper name of The One who created the heavens and the earth. Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians also call God by the name Allah. For a Muslim, Allah is the greatest and most inclusive of names for God, denoting The One who is adored in worship, The One who created all that exists.

(1) Some Muslims are uncomfortable calling Islam a “religion,” as Islam is not an institutionalized faith. In Arabic Islam is referred to as a Deen, “Way of life.” This is the same as early Christians who also called their faith “The Way.”

(2) “Voluntarily” in this sense means more than “not being coerced.” It means surrendering to God without ulterior motives or reservations, and with genuine wholeheartedness.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Monotheism 10.04k
Chapter 2 The Six Articles of Faith 11.01k
Chapter 3 The Free Will of the Human Being 1.98k
Chapter 4 There Is No Compulsion in Religion 0.66k
Chapter 5 The Five Pillars of Islam 7.98k
Chapter 6 The Qur'an 5.89k
Chapter 7 The Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah 1.84k
Chapter 8 The Dangers of Innovations in Islam (Bid'ah) 2.66k
Chapter 9 The Story of Adam and Eve 4.88k
Chapter 10 Jesus 2.97k
Chapter 11 Sin and Repentance 3.45k
Chapter 12 Organisational Structure in Islam 2.34k
Chapter 13 Islamic Law 2.68k
Chapter 14 The Islamic Dress Code 2.84k
Chapter 15 Women in Islam 2.29k
Chapter 16 Male Chauvanism and the Muslim World 4.59k
Chapter 17 Islam, Warfare, and Jihad 11.39k
Chapter 18 Science and Technology 2.81k
Chapter 19 Fundamentalism and Terrorism 5.81k
Chapter 20 Summary 1.85k

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