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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1011865
The everyday life of me
What do you get if you mix together: strange friends, a family who can't seem to grasp the 21st century and a whole lot of things that are supposed to make sense but just don't? Well apart from a headache it's my life - feel free to look around.
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October 9, 2005 at 7:46am
October 9, 2005 at 7:46am
Wow, it's been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry for leaving anyone who reads this rubbish in the lurch :P

So as soon as I move in I bump into this random girl and we start talking then doing something totally out of character we knocked on everyones door in our flat and introduced ourselves, lets just say we're well known now - yay! :D

The people on my kitchen block rock! We regularly go out together and have DVD parties when we're rediculously tired.

So far while I've been here I've already had love issues - wow - so fast. I've met up with someone I've been talking to for a while on the net who was going to the same uni as me and I don't like them but they like me so I'm a bit uncomfortable. Then there was another guy who I saw at the dinner dance who I agonised over talking to or not and chickened out which is a bit of a downer. And then I saw someone on my course who just knocked me for 6. Tall, blonde and punky with a sensitive kinda personality. I thought about it for a while for more of the lecture and then just went - what the Hell - and gave him my number. I mean I never would do that and I didn't even know if he liked guys but nothing to do now but wait.

Well apart from that it's been odd. Our floor now has catchphrases such as 'I like crack' and 'Its funny 'coz it's true' and our kitchen is known as THE party kitchen which is quite weird, we haven't really partied excessively :S

Oh well, things SHOULD calm down this week but I don't know, we'll see.
September 29, 2005 at 3:42pm
September 29, 2005 at 3:42pm
I am not happy at all! I cna't believe after backing up all the data and setting up all the stuff that the attempt at formatting my computer failed! Six whole hours of effort wasted!!!!!! I could destroy my friend for giving me the wrong information, now my computers even slower than before!

Maybe I'll calm down in a bit. :S
September 28, 2005 at 3:29pm
September 28, 2005 at 3:29pm
Today I saw so many people, I met up with one of my best friends and went shopping with her and got her a whole new outfit. I saw one of my friend from the youth group and her best friend and hung out with them for a bit and I saw one of my best friends from college whos boyfriend is going to my uni so I should see her quite a bit!

Also I've bought some odds and ends for my pirate costume in freshers week so I'm sorted for that now.

After that I've had to suffer my mum who continued barraging me with insults and we come very close to arguing, then later she comes in and asks me if I'll miss her again and I try not to be too honest and after that she says she hopes I'll be normal. Argh, I swear I'll be glad to see the back of her *is angry* I'm only sorry I'll have to come back to suffer her during the holidays :(

Not long left until I leave!
September 27, 2005 at 5:16pm
September 27, 2005 at 5:16pm
Today I went to get my hair cut - it's not quite short on top and a bit longer on the back and side which with my curly hair looks quite cool! :D

After that I met up with my boyfriend, it'll be the last time I see him for a while so we went around town for a bit.

I bought myself this awesome new wristband and buckle thing, a FULL STOP wristband by the NSPCC and a couple of belts from Rowfers.

He drove me home and we cuddled and had some fun before he had to go work. I can't believe it's the last time I'll see him for a while. :(

Oh well. To the future! May all my dreams come true.
September 26, 2005 at 5:17pm
September 26, 2005 at 5:17pm
I've just been packing all day today as well as throwing out loads of garbage whats pild up over the years. I cannot believe some of the things I've gotten still. A wish jar from the beginning of college where all my friends put their wishes in, a smutty story I printed off when I was 15 and then just other random junk here and there.

My parents won't let me take my goth teddy with me which is annoying because my best friend gave it to me and it means a lot because of our history. I'm going to have to somehow smuggle it, I'm thinking my bag if it won't bulge out too much. I've managed to hide all my good pagan stuff away already and also my rock stuff like armwarmers and neon laces - I just hope they don't go through all my stuff. :S
September 25, 2005 at 5:32pm
September 25, 2005 at 5:32pm
I finally started packing for uni today. Which was amusing with mum moaning here and there about what I'm throwing away and what I'm keeping and what I'm 'allowed' and 'not allowed' to take. Then she asks me questions like 'Will you miss me?' and after receiving an honest answer isn't too thrilled. Also I suggested she stay at home when I go uni because more of my stuff will fit into the car. It's not that I don't care about her, it's just that I'm trying to think logically about what will fit into a car and how it'll be a new experience going away.

Also dad has been telling me all night that I can tell him anything confidentially and I know he's trying to get me to come out to him again which is annoying, you think 5 times is enough?! But no, with mum being so harsh everytime forcing me to go back in then dad can't accuse me so instead tries tog et me to tell him, amybe in time, I just don't trust him or mum enough anymore. Oh well. I think I'll go bed and think things over and then start packing again in the morning.
September 24, 2005 at 5:55pm
September 24, 2005 at 5:55pm
Well I got a goody bag of random presents today before I left the youth group: A huge card which had almost identical messages from everyone except people who actually bothered to get to know me, a pink and sparkly stationary set which scared me, lots of different kinds of condoms, a small teddy, badges with brain box and stuff on and other random things that I've forgotten.

I'm sooooooooo tired, I think I'll go sleep while I'm on the computer and just sleep type all night until I wake up.

I'll finish the conversations with the few people left online then I'll crawl into bed I think. Everything can be tidied up in the morning.
September 24, 2005 at 9:46am
September 24, 2005 at 9:46am
Last night rocked, I had such a laugh!

My boyfriend came over and we cuddled for ages infront of a roaring fire and watching the TV while feeding each other grapes, hehehe.

After the initial bit of naughtiness after the cuddling we sat around and just talked for a while which we never used to do. Eventually he fell asleep while we were cuddling watching some weird show on Sky.

We shared a single bet for ages but since I couldn't sleep I rolled out of bed at like 3 in the morning and decided to get a sleeping bag.

This morning after getting up and getting ready we headed out to the youth group. The LAST time I'll be here until Christmas. I had an awesome time this morning seeing loads of my friends but now I only have Chrizanne left and I'm feeling lonely again now. :( Oh well. Majorly bored now. Maybe today will get better? Doubt it.
September 23, 2005 at 2:44pm
September 23, 2005 at 2:44pm
It's around another half hour before my boyfriend gets here, yay! Giving me just enough time to update my journal and check on all the other updates for my favourite sites.

So this morning after waking up at 8:30 I decide to be lazy and watch Tv for like an hour even though I was supposed to meet someone at 10:00 so I had to rush around to get a shower and grab a bite to eat as I ran out of the house and tried to catch the right buses. Thankfully I managed to remember which bus numbers took me where and I got there only half an hour late. Unfortunately my friend had to leave so I gave her all her stuff she's left at mine. I'm going to miss her when she leaves on Sunday but too be fair not as much as I'd thought since she hasn't been talking to me or even hanging out with me like we used to. This was the first time I'd seen her in about a month. Needless to say I was unimpressd really, but nevermind.

I then wandered the streets aimlessly for an hour popping into different shops and checking out the goods. I am obsessed with clothes at the minute - I feel compelled to buy most of the shirts, jackets and jeans I see!

After that I met up with one of my best friends at her college before we wandered around some more and ate lunch, we had a bit of a laugh and I came out of it with a shirt and 2 posters with insulting bunnies and the bunny suicides on which is rather odd.

I rushed home after she had to go back to college thinking that another one of my best friends was coming over to collect her white lab coat as well but she'd fallen asleep at home so came a few HOURS later but luckily Bewitched and Buffy was on to occupy my time - yay for crazy witches! :D

When she finally arrived she only stayed for a couple of minutes so I can hand over her lab coat and calm her down about leaving for uni tomorrow.

After that I've dealt with my parents who've gone away for the weekend again and getting nervous about having my boyfriend over after it's been a month since he last stayed over and only a couple of days since we've gotten back together. Yikes.

Anyway, I best be off to get ready! :D
September 22, 2005 at 3:12pm
September 22, 2005 at 3:12pm
The last two days were odd for me.

Yesterday I went to visit my sis so I could give her a few things back which meant travelling 2 hours on the bus with no leg room by myself leaving me to listen to music all the way there, after travelling for that long I'd marry whoever invented the CD player, lol.

While I was there I met up with this guy I'd been talking to for a while to see what he's like in person and that was quite cool strolling through stores and sitting in cafes. Also I was given a magic 8 ball for free in a random clothes shop called Fish*.

After travelling home again for another 2 hours and being sick of my parents again I decided to go over someones house whos a friend of a friend I've never met and it was quite fun especially after said friend turned up, I still don't get why I have to like him so much. Emotions are really confusing and annoying.

Today just completely sucked. I DID have a date but I had to stay at home to wait for my dad to help him move things. He said he'd be back in the morning but then turns up in the afternoon meaning I had to cancel because my date had to go back to college. This meant I had nothing to do but stay in and I was bored to tears!

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will hold some entertainment.

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