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A weight gain centered story in a Sci-Fi human centered colonized galaxy... |
Brad Cardin had been a police officer all of his life. He had started from the gutter, working his way up until he finally reached the role of Investigator. He had thought that finally, after a life of compromises and pocket money given to his bosses, he was finally freed from all that. But just as he was finally getting his deserved achievement, everything under his feet crumbled like a sandcastle. The Corporation he was working for, had suffered a great loss and without a warning eighty percent of their workforce was fired. Released into the streets they had helped to protect for years, without so much as a farewell. In a swift moment, all the years he had spent working tirelessly, doing overtime without being paid for it, vanished into thin air. Leaving him penniless, with a family to take care to. When he returned home, he tried his best to keep the façade that everything was well, that it was just a minor setback but, the woman he had married was no foolish girl. And she tried her best to support him knowing full well that it hadn’t been his fault. As days passed, with him doing day to day jobs, as he tried to find a steadier employment, he often though at how lucky he had been in marrying her. In marrying Lucy. She was an angel, she could have a nasty temper at times, but she knew how to read the people around her and so, was always supportive and tried to encourage him at the best she could. Still, he had seen the delusion and the fear in her eyes, especially now that she was pregnant with their baby. It was for that reason that he gave all of himself as he tried to find a solution to their issues. The solution, one day, came to him. That day he was working as a carpenter, moving out heavy materials from one place to another as his Boss came to his side, telling him that someone was at the phone for him. As he followed the Chief to the office, he collected his personal phone and answered to the caller. “Hello?” “Is this Mr. Cardin Brad? Police Officer 18-7655-2?” “Yeah, that was my ID when I was in the Police Forces of Megacorps. I’m not anymore employed by them.” “Well, I’m sorry to hear that, although that may be a blessing in disguise.” “I…I’m sorry? How could it be a blessing being fired by my only way of sustenance!?” “Sorry, I didn’t want to be rude and for that I ask your forgiveness. I’m Nimin Karr, Director of Human Resources for the Kluex Corporation. I’m acting as a representative of a consortium of sorts of Clients which are interested in you, Mr. Cardin. My comment was related to the Job Offer my Clients would like to propose you. We have done an extensive research in your persona and would very like to meet you for a more, detailed, interview. After all, many of your ex- colleagues spoke highly of your service and your attitude during your time as a police officer, so we consider you a fascinating candidate for this offer. If you’re interested to hear more about it, we can meet at our Headquarters, in the West Marketing sector of Klumeria. All expenses to reach us will be covered by us.” As Brad tried to process that information he began to think if it was a possibility or a scam. Klumeria was a nearby city, a bustling place where all kind of commerce was held. Everything is on sale in Klumeria, or so they said. Yet, he never heard anything bad about the place, apart from the fact that the entire city was apparently under control of one of the Corporations that filled the galaxy. Still, if they wanted to meet him there, while covering all the expenses he could very well try and take the chance. Not that he could lose much by refusing. A few days later, as he had just left the monorail, he had used to reach Klumeria, he found a car waiting for him, with some guy sharply dressed, as if he was a celebrity in need of a passage. “Mr. Cardin, I suppose.” “Yeah, that’s me. Are you a representative of…?” “Yes Sir, I’ve been hired by Kluex Corps to drive you around in the city and to bring you wherever you wish for, before going to meeting Director Nimin, who will then be in charge of you.” As Brad was driven around Klumeria, he immediately saw what kind of city it was, bustling with people, with private police forces every two meters, not a single beggar in the streets. Not exactly the place that he was used to see. Yet, as refreshing as it was, to see everything so clean and distinguished was also making him afraid. ‘How dark it is in the shadows of this place? Every town has its dark side, and the more it is hidden, the more it should be scaring you. This city…there doesn’t seem to be any. And that’s terrifying in itself.’ Still, after a short drive, Brad found himself being passed around by people equally smart dressed, as if he was a hot potato tossed around. A bit dazzled and stunned he found himself suddenly relocated into a massive lounge, a mahogany table sitting in between of the room, separating him from this Corporate Executive, sharply dressed as if out of a fiction movie. He literally seemed to his eyes as the typical Corporate Exec full of money and power, flashing out others with the mirage of a life of luxuries. “Mr. Cardin, a pleasure to be meeting you in person.” ‘Even his voice seems taken directly out of a villain from a movie!’ “Y-yeah…thanks.” “Brad, may I call you Brad? Thanks. Well, Brad, we may as well skip formalities and go directly to the point. As I’ve told you on the phone, I’m representing a consortium of Clients who are interested in you. In the last few weeks, many of your colleagues have been receiving calls similar to the one you yourself received. Although, as it will be also for you, a non-disclosure agreement will be issued between the Clients and you. No information about this offer shall be leaked out of this office. That is one of the few requests of the Client party.” “Um…alright. But could you, please, tell me what this job offer is for. I mean no disrespect but if you’re looking to do something illegal, I’m definitely NOT your type…” “No, no, Brad. Quite the opposite in fact. As you may have been aware, a new kind of penal colony has opened recently in a quite far away part of this galaxy. While the place is tightly secured and defended, the owners have realized that they have no practice on how to deal with inmates and policing. For this reason, they’re searching far and wide for the most qualified personnel that is available on the market. That’s where Kluex Corps was brought in. We are scanning the entire market for personnel with the right qualifications, attitude and profiles to be proposed to our Clients. Your name was quite high under our list of prospects.” “But how? How do you even know about me? I’m nobody important…” “Please, let me explain a few things… Twice recommended for the Merit Value Star due to his actions to protect civilians under hostage situation, three times commended with his unit for his bravery in action during the riots that devasted part of Lepol City, while also commended for his action by the same rioters who spoke of his high respect toward their intentions without escalating in futile violence. Known to be a pillar of the community he lives in, making sure that the surroundings in his quarters are mostly safe, even at night. Considering these examples, and these are only a few out of what we collected, how could we not be interested in you?” Brad tried to interrupt, but before he could speak, the Director motioned him to stop. “Please, please…just a few words more. Alas, we know also of your wrong doings. As the pocket money you received sometimes and the times in which you had to turn a blind eye about someone but, as we said the good deeds you’ve done clearly outgrows any wrongdoing done.” Brad, mouth opened to debate, sat sill in abject terror. These guys, whoever they were, had to be the best around for being able to dig so deeply and to uncover things he had never shared with anyone. Yet, if they had dug so deeply into his past and still, they wanted him, he needed now more than ever to know what they were wanting from him. “I… I see. So, what exactly is the job offering you were telling me?” “Ah, Yes. The Clients would like your expertise in dealing with prisoners within a correctional facility. Naturally, this is a simplification of the duties that will be required of you, but it should suffice for the moment. If that is all, I would like you to sign this Non-Disclosure agreement and we can continue going deeply in detail about the job offering or, should you prefer to refuse, you may simply take your leave and return to the entrance. Once there a Car will be waiting for you to bring you back to the Monorail, or any other transportation you may want to use, to bring you back to your own place. All expenses will be covered by us.” Brad, quickly scanning the agreement, began to think long and hard about this job offer. It could very well be a trap, an yet it also could be his ticket to guarantee a stable life to his family. “If… If I wanted to refuse, after signing the non-disclosure agreement, would I be still able to do it?” Director Nimin smiled widely, as he laughed a bit, before regaining his composure. “Forgive me, but… Of course. Should you prefer to reject the job offer you may easily do so. Keeping in mind though that no mention of it shall be discussed about it outside of this office. Otherwise, should you hear the detail and accept the offer, a formal contract shall be issued between you and the Client consortium, using Kluex Corps as point of contact.” As the meeting moved on, Brad began to have a more detailed idea of what was going to be required out of him, if he chose to accept the contract. All in all, it didn’t seem a bad offer. The feel he was having by hearing those details, made him feel like he was going to join his old office post, when he was stationed as a sentry guard at a local prison. Yet, as good as the feeling was, he knew full well that all kind of shit could be performed behind the huge walls of a prison, even more so if said prison was into deep space. Still, there wasn’t much to it, if he wanted to guarantee a stable future to his family, this was going to be his best shot at it. Before accepting, though, he tried to wiggle in a condition for his accepting the job. “Mr. Nimin, I must agree that everything seem in line with what I thought but, before proceeding I may have a request.” “Please, Brad, do not refrain from asking. As per our Client instructions we are here to try and settle everything from your side as helpfully as we can.” “I am referring to my family. If I’m going to accept this contract, for sure I won’t be able to bring them with me, not that I want to, but leaving them in the place we’re at, without my surveillance…” The director smiled gently, understanding perfectly the request. “As I said before, we are here to make sure that your acceptance of the contract goes as smoothly as possible for both parts. As it is, we already have a program for the families of our ‘abroad’ employees that will take care of all their needs, including a living place here in the city, complete with a 24 hours security service, activities for the family to perform during the employee absence and even a schooling program. As you can see, here at Kluex, we care for our people. There would be anything else?” With that confirmation, there really wasn’t anymore that Brad could ask, so he ended up accepting the contract and signing any papers that Director Nimin provided him with. In a span of two weeks, after moving in the Kluex sector of the city with his family, living with them and making sure that everything was going to be alright, Brad followed the instructions and was transferred to his new job location. As he woke up from the dreamless state he had been put on, he wasn’t in the best shape but, the cryo chambers for the hyper sleep had always had this issue. Still, the personnel of the station, which had come aboard the shuttle Brad had been put in for the transfer, was thorough and gentle with each of their new coworkers, helping them to wake up properly from their sleep. As Brad was gently helped by standing out of the cryo chamber and seated on a nearby chair, he heard a well know voice jokingly address him. “Ha! Always thought you wouldn’t stand more than a couple of drinks, Sarge.” As he looked up, through bleary eyes, he recognized the owner of the voice as one of an old colleague he had when he was working at the Police Department. “Is that you, Ohana?” As his vision cleared a bit, and the room stopped spinning, he could clearly see that the woman kneeling in front of him was indeed his old partner, Jaine Ohana. As he recollected himself, he thought back to when they worked together, remembering that at the time she was the recruit and he was her Senior. “Sure is ‘ol little me, Sarge. Although…shouldn’t you call me Sarge now? Just kidding. Welcome aboard Tartarus, Brad.” As she extended one hand to help him up, he realized she had changed a bit, growing a bit softer than he remembered her to be. Still, he didn’t say nothing about it, knowing full well that he wasn’t as spry as he used to be, too. “So, you’re here only to tease a friend or it is for official business?” “Sorry to say it…” she said jokingly addressing him “…but as much as I like the eye candy, I’m here to give you a tour of the place and to meet our new boss. One thing, though, just to let you know beforehand. We’re not in service for a government entity, rules here are a bit different. You will see what I mean as I show you around.” After he was dressed and equipped with the standard tools he would need while on service, basically a complete bullet proof uniform, a small zapper gun to stun the opponents and a small device called ‘Relaxatron’, he began following his old friend as she showed him the place and most of the rules. “So, Brad, that little device there, the Relaxatron, is something like a zapper gun but it has its differences from your main gun. Basically, not only it stuns the target but, makes it as docile as a kitten. Plus, it has the bonus effect that the target will comply with almost any order you may give him, as long as it is done with the proper code. There is no side effect from using it, so, if someone is trying to do the play hard, use it on him. Later, I will show you how to reload it and how to use it…” As Ohana kept talking, Brad gave the device a quick check. He noticed right away that it resembled a little baseball on the inside, which fit his hand perfectly, while there was a somewhat plastic structure surrounding it, probably to offer some protection to his hands while wielding it. “…The station is pretty much huge, with so many inmates that a small army is literally required to keep this place secure. Still, the other guards are no cops and so, the Brass realized pretty quickly that cops were needed if they wanted to keep this show running. And here we are… Our Boss office. Your last stop in this brief tour. Hope you enjoyed the sights and, please, leave a little tip to the operator who showed you around.” Brad, smiling a bit, gave a quick peck on the cheek of Ohana, as he moved past her, toward the office knocking on the door as he stood before entering. As he heard the reply from inside, he made to enter but, before he could do that, his friend stopped him for a moment. “As you see her, try not to stare too much…she doesn’t find it funny.” With that cryptic information, he entered the office and stood at attention in front of the desk of his new Chief. Quite rapidly he noticed that she looked like a young woman in her mid-thirties, yet she still had an aura of being truly much older. “Agent Cardin, Ma’am! Reporting for duty.” As Brad looked down, he realized why Ohana had told him not to stare, as he looked at the woman seated behind the desk, he recognized her immediately. He had seen enough holovideo’s of the war against the Empire to be able to understand who he was facing, she was the famous War Heroine, the most famous, and supposedly ruthless, fighter of the Confederation. Still, although he had recognized her, he tried to mask it by standing at attention, without looking at her. “Stand down, Agent Cardin. I’m Raphtalia Sloane, and I’m the warden of this facility. You will take your orders from me and none other, did I make myself clear? Good. Now, welcome aboard the Tartarus station.” As she said that she rose from her chair, revealing that although her body looked young and hot enough, she still was a bundle of muscles ready to spring in action. As she moved from the table toward one of the windows to the deep space surrounding them, she returned talking to him. “As you may have been told already, our Management established this operation astonishingly fast, seeing it as a profitable venue of income. Though they hadn’t counted on the fact that Soldiers are not good enough to take care of Criminals. So, they’ve hired me to act as a Warden and make sure that all the cops that this galaxy has to offer were to behave while doing their job. In your case, I don’t think any demonstration is needed. Considering your curriculum, you seem most capable and trustful. Still, I need to emphasize one point. Never, ever, try to undermine me. If you’ve got a problem, or a request, you come to me. And we will discuss about it. If I ever catch you doing something behind my back…” At this she turned and with a swift movement she was on Brad, a knife already extracted and inching closer and closer to his throat. Then, a nanosecond later, she was back against the window, peacefully looking out. “Did I make myself clear, Agent?” “Yes, Ma’am!” ‘Cripes! How fast does she move? I didn’t even feel her moving.’ “Good. Now, your orders. For this week you will take a feel of the place, working with your colleague, Sargent Ohana. Afterwards, in a week or so, as soon as you got confidence with the station, you’ll be promoted to Captain, and will be in charge of the Policing on the Sector D. As Captain of the Sector, you will have total control over the people working and living in there. A certain freedom of action will be required out of you but, don’t go over it. Good. Once more, welcome aboard and hope to be working you in a pleasant way. Dismissed.” |