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novel for NaNoWrMo November contest |
Timeless Love By Jake Cosmos Aller Chapter 1O Visit to a Past Life Analyst When Sam and Maria finally were reassigned to the States after the events in India had almost led to a divorce, Sam and Maria began the process of reconnecting, and reconciliation. As part of that process, Sam proposed that they met with a past life hypnotist for a past life regression. Sam told Maria before the meeting his research into past lives. he told her that he believed in reincarnation. he also said that he believed in Soul mates. Most people never met their soul mate, each of us has one. The one we were destined to be with. However, only a few people ever met their soul mates. It is part of the Zen of love and is why there is so much marital discord. People know that their partner is not really their soul mate more of a temporarily arrangement until they meet the one. But unfortunately for most people, they never ever met the one. Only happens once in a blue moon so to speak and for them for some reason it has happened repeatedly. and sometimes you meet your Soul mate who is married to someone else at the time and you end up either breaking up a marriage or deciding not to pursue your soul mate in this life. Sam said that he had experienced love at first sight two times in his life. First with his best friend in college, his roommate Sara. they had a platonic love affair, but she did not want a romantic relationship with him. Sara had finally told him that she was ready for him to come back to the States and be with her. The very next day he met Maria and so he never got together with Sara. Then there was her. Prior to meeting her he had several girlfriends, and was a late bloomer sexually speaking. Just never got the hang of closing the deal sexually so to speak. He was awkward socially, goofy looking with thick glasses, did not drive, and a genius always thinking deep thoughts. A real nerd so to speak. But once he discovered sex, he knew he had to have sex at least once a month and so he resorted to one night stands with various woman he would meet in bars, most were “professionals” so to speak. Then she walked out of the dreams, off the bus and into his life and the rest was history. He also had experienced hate at first sight a few times as well. Hate at love was also the result of running into someone one had a prior conflict within a prior life. Maria told Sam that sh e had been resigned to marry the medical student whom her Mom had selected for her. But she turned him down when she met Sam because there was no chemistry between them at all and he did not want “a career woman” he wanted a more traditional woman who would take care of the house, home finances and have three children with. And Maria did not want any of that. She made it clear when they got married that she wanted a career as well and probably did not want children. Sam accepted that and promised he would support her in whatever she wanted to do but he hoped that they would have children someday. Just turned out that someday never happened until it was too late. They researched the various professionals offering such services and booked an appointment with Dr. Sandra Patel. Sandra Patel was a Hindu believer and she approached past life analysis from that perspective. However, she said, that one did not have to believe even in re-incarnation to benefit from past life analysis. One simply had to have an open mind. Most past life analysts were either Buddhist or Hindu, but there were a few that were agnostic, and a few Christian ones as well. There was a lot of fraud in the field as well, so the legitimate ones all knew each other and helped each other out. Because the professional medical establishment thought that the whole field was suspect and did not believe it, there was no medical insurance that would cover the cost of the analysis and it was not cheap as it would require several long visits. She would videotape each session and then play the tape for them so they could discuss it and figure out what it all meant. Once you woke up from a session you often did not remember what had happened. These memories were deeply buried, and she thought that was just the nature of reincarnation. each time you came back you had to learn it all over again otherwise your past life would really screw up your present life and your future life so it was best not to know too much. Just too complicated navigating things in this world. Dr. Patel had been doing past life regression analysis for decades and was one of the founders of the still controversial field. She had published several books on the subject and told them they needed to read her basic book, “Past Life Analysis” before she could schedule an appointment. She required the fee upfront. It would cost them 10,000 dollars. They would receive the video, and a transcript of the video to keep. All sessions including the debriefings would be taped and given to them. In some cases, she would ask their permission to share their stories, but she would change their names if so requested. This helped her get more clients and promote the field as legitimate. She had just created a web page SandraPatelPastLifeAnalysis.com and she also required them to go on line and fill out a pre-interview questionnaire including answering why they wanted to do the analysis in the first place. They filled out the questionnaire, read her book and decided that they wanted to do it and made the appointment. They answered the why they wanted to do the past life analysis by discussing the dream Sam had and the love at first sight meeting that led to them getting married two months after meeting. She listened to Sam 's story and told Sam that in her professional experience, some couples are soul mates and they always find each other in the next life. But Sam 's and Maria’s story were extraordinary. Sam told the Doctor that he had never discussed the dream with anyone other than his two friends who had witnessed the dream because well people would think that he was crazy. Dr. Patel told him that she believed him. She had never heard such a story before in her professional life, but Dr. Patel felt that there must have been a tragic ending to their previous loves. That would explain how they met. She went to say that love at first sight and hate at first sight were really the same phenomenon. It meant that the people involved knew each other in a prior live and they still had issues that they had to resolve in this life. So, yes, Dr. Patel believed them. She decided to treat both and bring them back in time to their previous lives to see what had happened to cause such a strong connection across the barriers of space and time. so, they began the session. She put them both under hypnosis and asked them to go back to when they first met and describe things in as much detail as possible. Where were they? who were they in that life? How had they met? when were they? Chapter 11 of Timeless Love stories begins their cursed love affair in the fabled city of Atlantis where General Zoren falls under the spell of Zarina. Chapter 11 Atlantis- alien love affair At the beginning of recorded time, Sam met Maria and they were born together as soul mates. After several lifetimes as Sirians in the Sirian empire, they met again in the world between worlds where they were shown their fate. They were in limbo in the world between hell and heaven. God had decided to give them another chance at finding happiness. They walked up to the portal - the hole in the ground labeled Atlantis and found themselves reborn as Sirian Reptilian overlords in Atlantis 3000 BC just before the destruction of the city of Atlantis Their timeless love story began 5,000 years ago in the fabled city of Atlantis. Sam and Maria were originally from the planet Sirius, ten light years from Earth. Sam was originally General Zoran governor of the Atlantis colony, and Maria was originally Zarina the leader of the opposition party. The Sirians had come to earth 25 years ago and build the city of Atlantis in an island mini continent in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, Zoran was related to the royal family back home, seventh son of the Emperor, and was the royal governor of the Atlantis colony. The colony had 1.5 million Sirians, (red Sirians, green Sirians and shapeshifters) and the other five other races (canines, felines, primates, and insectoids) from the Sirians Empire living on it and 2 million human slaves. The Sirians considered humans to be savages and treated the local slaves badly. The other races were more sympatric as were the Green Sirians, all faced discrimination form the dominant Red Sirians who were the traditional elite in the home worlds. 25 years after the colonization Zoran had a dilemma on his hands. The human slaves were turning out to be a problem. They were intelligent, cunny and devious creatures, and deeply religious worshiping a multiple of Gods. Some thought that Sirians were Gods, most thought that they were evil devils from a mythical place called Hades. . The Sirians distrusted the humans from the first time they encountered them. On their home world, the Sirians had battled human life monkeys for centuries until they had finally subdued them. Most were killed in the “final solution”, a policy that Zoran had approved at the time and had overseen. Zoran had no love for the sub-species and thought that the humans were somehow related to the monkey species. In their conquests of ten worlds so far, the Sirians had encountered essentially five variants of intelligent life. The latest theory was that intelligent life forms in the universe came in five basic flavors; -, the Sirians were reptilian and came in three sub-species, the Red Syrians, which was the dominant race, that Green Syrians, were mostly the lower castes, and the shape shifters, who were Intel and warrior class, and mostly identified with Male Red Sirians but could be anybody and anything, and were greatly feared by everyone. Zoran was a shape shifter as were all the members of the royal family. The other races of the universe were canine like creatures, feline like creatures, humanoid (monkey) like creatures and insectoid creatures. In the Syrian Empire, the Sirians were the master race, the other races were second class citizens. The Humanoids on Sirius had largely been wiped out in the ”Final solution,” but there were 50 million humanoids left on their home world once they proved to be loyal subjects like the other conquered races had become. The humanoids were feared because like the Sirians they thought of themselves as the superior race of the universe, and the humanoids unlike other species were all infected with a religious delusion gene and refused to accept that there were no Gods, Devils or Angels in the materialist universe. The Master plan was that the Syrians would establish a colony and gradually take over the planet inflating the local inhabitants and killing off most of them and eventually allowing the locals after `100 years or so gradually regain their limited freedom. But there were exceptions of course. A common punishment for criminal misbehavior for political misbehavior was a period of the slavery for 10 years, often spent in harsh labor camps. The central question for General Zoran and the central command had what to do with the humans. The Policy line that the Central headquarters had lay down, was for Atlantis to establish itself as a Bridgehead and then after 10 years or so millions of colonists would arrive. Human should be given a choice, continued lives as slaves mostly agricultural workers, or resist and die. In any event in their culture would be abolished all humans would be require speak only the Syrian language. Their cultural and artistic treasures such as they had would be shipped back to the Imperial grand museum. Their temples would be destroyed as the Sirians were atheistic materialists and had no patience for religious dogma = and persecuted religious fanatics throughout the empire such that were very few believers in the old religions left in the Empire. This was the policy line, and he was supposed to carry it and not question it. Questioning orders and doctrine in his opinion usually did not turn out well and was as the young called it “a career killing move.” He was the ultimate survivor and he needed to make Earth the 11th planet of the Empire. He hoped someday become Emperor as he was in the imperial line of succession, but he would have to kill his seven siblings. His siblings were all also governors and various planets and senior positions. Once their father died they would probably be as usual a short Civil War and one of the siblings would emerge as the emperor and he was determined to be the Emperor, the losers would have to be executed and their family members as well. . Just the way things happened in the Sirians Empire. When these profound troubling thoughts filled his head as he drank his morning coffee, Soren his executive AI popped up and told him his 11 o’clock meeting with Zarina the new head of the green political party was starting in a few minutes. . Zoran had not yet met Zarina, but he had heard troublesome things about her. When Zarina and Zoran met, and it was love and hate at first sight. Zarina was a stunningly beautiful woman, very competent highly intelligent, and very sexually aggressive. In short, she was a kind woman that was his fatal attraction and he knew it. Zarina was an activist, working to improve conditions for the local human subjects. As such her work concerned Zoran. Zoran was agnostic overall about the human subject thing, thought that they needed the labor but that perhaps humans could and should be treated better. And Zoran sometimes regretted the “final solution” thinking that perhaps a policy of assimilation might have worked given time. But the powers that be wanted to purify the home world and only have Sirians living there with some traders and government workers from the other races allowed. And so, he was overruled and carried out the policy earning the hatred od the Green Sirians and their local leader Zarina. The other races were easier to round up and deport, the humanoids refused to relocate to the humanoid home world insisting that they were not the same race at all and the other humanoids spoke a different language and worshiped the wrong Gods. Zoran sent for Zarina and they had a long passionate talk about humanity and the Sirian treatment of humans. Zoran was instantly attracted to her but also felt that she was too idealistic and naïve about the humans, although she had changed his mind and his heart a bit. Zarina had just recently came to Atlantis and as the head of the local opposition party had scheduled this courtesy call which would turn out to be a long lunch no doubt. He told Soren his AI to block out the afternoon so he could devote his attention to Zarina. For the reptiles of his social class, arranged marriages where the north and it was overdue time to get married. General Zoran had not yet married but had a number of potential mates selected for him from his ambitious mother, the second wife of the Empire. All he had to do was say yes to the proposed match and they would join him after getting married back home. He was due to return for a visit in a few weeks anyway. Generally red families married Red families and green families married green families. There was little intermarriage between the two races. And truly little interspecies relationships although as a shapeshifter he could assume any form and have sex with any species. Some shapeshifters engaged in that, but he was a bit old fashioned and found the very concept to be disgusting. Fortunately for him shape shifters can marry either red or green, so it would be possible for him to consider an alliance with her as she represented an important party in the Imperial Senate.. Although the Emperor had considerable power, along with the military, they still had to get the support of the congress. The congress consisted of the Assembly with elected representatives from each species and planets. The Senators represented their planets and were for the most part red Sirian Reptiles and landlords who had large plantations and industrial interests to protect, although there were Senators from the other races on their home world, but the Imperial Senate was mostly Red Sirian. Zoran was engaged in a political battle against the Green Sirians who were advocating letting the humans go and the Red Sirians who were advocating conquering the main land and enslaving the pre-Greek and pre-Roman civilizations and the pre-Indian and Pre-Chinese civilizations as well as the ancient Egyptian civilizations. . The Sirians had arrived at the dawn of civilization and had made contacts with all the pre-historical civilizations, through conquest and warfare. Most of the early humans thought that the Sirians were either Gods, Demons or Monsters and they were greatly feared on the mainland. Zarina was the leader of the Green Sirians and they were openly talking about revolting against the established leadership and establishing a free Republic of humans and Sirians on earth – outside of the Empire. Zoran was determined to crush the rebellion but that would mean he would never be able to be with her as she was now his mortal enemy. And he did not want to lose but allying him with her would complicate his plans to become Emperor. Perhaps he could go along with her, revolt against the Empire then persuade her to join him in rebuilding a more just Empire? She was extremely ambitious too and came from one of the most prominent opposition political factions. They met and soon had a torrid love affair. Both found the other to be quite different, exciting, ruthless, ambitious and very sexy. They were very different and yet shared Zoran’s Imperial ambitions. She convinced him to stand with her and declare the birth of the Free Earth Republic as they called it. He made a speech on worldwide TV announcing that the Earth would become independent and that humans and Sirians would be equal citizens along with representatives of the other five races. A delegation was being sent to the Greek, Roman, Indian, and Chinese cities to bring them into the fold. Atlantis would remain the capitol of the planet. He returned to the palace. She was waiting for him and smiled and kissed him, and they made love all night long. Unbeknownst to Zoran, his siblings had heard of his and Zarina’s plans and were determined to destroy him and his Imperial ambitions. The leader of the Red Sirians, his deputy and a man he had considered to be his best friend betrayed him and led the coup against General Zoren and the hated Zarina who was widely seen as having corrupted General Zoran with her dangerous thoughts and actions. In the morning, the Red Sirians launched their coup. They surrounded the Imperial palace which was destroyed in a nuclear blast that accidentally destroyed the entire city of Atlantis. As the city of a thousand years as it had been called sank into the ocean, Zoran, Zarina and hundreds of Sirian and human refugees fled to Rome where they at first welcomed and given refuge. Zoran and his fellow shape shifters began a campaign to take over the earth, and shape it to their needs, eventually re-developing space travel so they could conquer the earth and then challenge the Sirian Empire for control of the Universe. The remaining Sirians split into three parties, the Shapeshifters assumed human form, intermarried, and became wherever they were members of the social elite. Always working secretly behind the scenes to further the interests of the Sirian agenda. The red Sirians on the other hand were rounded up and killed as they were considered evil monsters, and incapable of reform and besides they were too closely tied to the Imperial family which still wanted to conquer the earth. . The Green Sirians, by and large were able to disguise themselves and went underground to try to enlighten the earth. They were largely unsuccessful and very few of them survived. After a hundred years of so only a few shapeshifters survived along with a few red and green Sirians who formed a secret society that persists to this day. Zoran and Zarina’s love story ended when Zarina and Zoran were assassinated by a red Sirian general dispatched from the home world. The word was in – earth was forbidden to all Sirians immigration and would be monitored for the next five thousand years. And just before they died, their last words were “See you in the next life my timeless love” and they vowed to defy the laws of nature and man and find each other in the next life as they both had begun to believe in re-incarnation which was a minority opinion among the largely atheistic Sirians. That line and the knowledge that they were true soul mates destined to meet again and again sustained them throughout the next 3,000 years of history and they came back over and over again until finally in 1982 they overcame their cursed fate. |