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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Research Editor's Picks 1. Celtic Advent 2. Quarantine and 40 3. Greatness in being together 4. Living As One - In Peace and Love 5. Alexis Karpouzos: Dissolution or Unity 6. 7. 8. 9. Heading 1 Asking Questions Heading 2 Why are questions important? Hook Can questions help us grow spiritually? About This Newsletter "It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question." Eugene Ionesco “It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question and he'll look for his own answers.” Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear "Asking questions is one of the best ways to grow as a human being." Michael Hyatt Letter From the Editor Why are questions important? Questions help us make discoveries in the scientific, personal, and spiritual dimensions. Essentially, questions, when properly phased, help us to discover truth or reality, both in the greater universe and in the individual's personal sphere of existence. By "properly phrased", I mean questions that assist us, as individuals, to make decisions and discoveries in our personal, spiritual, or business lives. One way to phrase a question is to take the scientific point of view. A question asked scientifically must be clearly defined and measurable. This type of question will help in many areas of our lives, however, it isn't the only way to phrase a question. In addition, it takes practice to create a question that is clearly defined and measurable. Another way to phrase a question is to make it an open-ended question, which will help make discoveries with a wider range of answers. The type of questions that we need to avoid are those that confirm our own opinions or the opinions we have accepted from individuals we think are experts in a certain subject. These questions won't help us grow, make our own discoveries, or assist us in making decisions. God gave us minds to use, if we accept the opinions of experts, without questioning them, we are not growing or using our minds to make our own decisions. Can questions help us grow spiritually? Yes. When we ask questions about what we read in the scriptures, and meditate on the answers we are helping our spiritual growth. In addition, when we discuss a spiritual question, from a learning point of view, we discover what other people believe. A learning point of view is one that listens to what others are saying without judging their answers or insisting on our own opinion. Editors Picks
Excerpt: During the time of ancient Celtic Christianity, the entire Church, both Western (including the Celtic Christians), and Eastern (the Orthodox Communions, Oriental Churches, and Eastern Rite Roman Catholics) all celebrated a longer Advent Season as a lesser Lenten fast.
Excerpt: The official lockdown started March 23 and will likely end on May 1. That is EXACTLY 40 days. The Latin root of the word quarantine is "forty." So what does the Bible say about 40?
Excerpt: After this weekend's events, I felt a need to share my feelings last night. There is no obligation to agree, disagree, or otherwise. Just sharing. I slept on it and I still feel strongly that I should do this. I usually avoid doing this much because I do not want to offend or add to the polarization of our community. But today I am offering my truth to share, not to preach, not to insist, not to make anyone do or change anything.
Excerpt: Living as one, because everything is from one creation, one creator, one source, and we're all part of the great ONE. This is an ideology, you may say. In the ideal world this might be possible; this is what you're thinking, right? What if I were to say that it is possible right now, right here, as long as we, brothers and sisters in mankind, put our pride and selfishness totally out of the picture. The picture being life's illusion as created by the world system in which we live. It doesn't matter that we are each unique, we are all ONE creation, we co-exist together and our bodies are all made up of the same energy; molecules made up of atoms. We are not mutually exclusive from nature, Mother Earth, the Universe; we were created to dwell in a life of love together, not a life of selfishness, competition, and pride.
Excerpt: We live in a time of cosmic bifurcation, we live in a time of unprecedented existential threats to life on Earth, including climate change, deforestation, food insecurity, and wildlife numbers in free fall, human overpopulation. the society is in turmoil... Submitted by Readers Activities, Groups, and Contests
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