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Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2232763
Stories and Poetry of the Past
#994285 added September 26, 2020 at 6:00pm
Restrictions: None
The Costume
The Costume

"These people are absolutely nuts."

"What the heck are they thinking?'

"Do they not get that I want nothing to do with this business?"

"Insanity must multiply because all five of them are in on this idea."

"I have to come up with someway to show them that this is not going to work. No matter how hard they try. I will not put up with this insult to my ego,"

"Let's see I have to think long and hard to come up with the perfect response."

Running away seems appropriate but then I might miss dinner. And I would miss my favorite Television show."

That is more of a punishment for me then them. They probably wouldn't even miss me."

"Think, Dimitri, Think!"

"You have to come up with some way to show them the error of their ways. They won't listen if you try to tell them. They are all very hard headed."

"Some nutty sales lady sold them this costume. She convinced them that this would be the perfect thing for me. It didn't hurt that there was a clearance sale. John is so cheap! "

"My next door neighbor Charlie is having a birthday costume party, they said. And I was invited, they said. Wait till I get a hold of that little kiss up How embarrassing it is going to be if I have to show up in that little number? I will never be able to show my face in this neighborhood again. I will be the laughing stock of my group, for sure. "

"They want me to be a Lion for heavens sake. A lion.... a lion!. King of the jungle so I will look regal, they said. This whole conversation is useless. I refuse to be seen in that get-up."

"Yes, running away is looking mighty good right now. But my show is on tonight. I love that Alpo commercial."

"I got it. I will just tear the darn thing to shreds. That will get them! They will definitely get the message."

"Dad, come quick. Dimitri has ripped his costume to bits. There is stuffing everywhere. What a mess. I told you he wouldn't like that costume."

"They were on clearance so I bought teo of them in case he got the first one dirty. So Jamie we are good to go for the party. Dimitri will look awesome. He will be the best dressed dog at the party. I just saw Charlie wearing a tu-tu. That has to be more embarrassing than a regal Lion. Dimitri will be fine. "

"Charlie wearing a tu-tu. Haha, I have to see that. Man, am I going to give him a hard time. Alright go ahead and put my costume on. This might be fun after all."

"I do look regal. Ready for my close-ups, now. Dimitri, the lion dog is in the house."

Word Count 483
© Copyright 2020 L.A. Grawitch (UN: lgrawitch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
L.A. Grawitch has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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