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#994245 added September 26, 2020 at 10:53am
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September 26, 2020
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Created by the talented A. E. Willcox at Flights of Fantasy Image ShoppeImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

An image for the forum "Prompt: I was cruising the stars and found this planet: Monty Author IconMail Icon
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AMERICAN SOLDIER. Open in new Window. (ASR)
Buys all the freedoms we have, no matter the cost.
#2228022 by Monty Author IconMail Icon

Use this line in your Blog entry today:

He is the American soldier and will forever stand
For the red, white and blue,
The American flag of his homeland.

In my own career as a soldier, I learned to have a profound respect for the soldiers of any country. After all, no matter what their political views, at least they have the guts to stand up and fight for their country and if necessary defend their country with their very lives. I deeply respect the courage and I know the cost of freedom. I am the chaplain of the West Virginia Veterans Home and I minister to veterans all the time who have served and fought for the freedoms we hold dear. In fact, I designed a PowerPoint presentation for my Intro to Chaplaincy class that profiles the West Virginia Veterans Home. I wish there was some way to attach it to this blog. If anybody wishes to see it through just shoot me an email and I will email it to you.

This image made by Sharmelle's Expressions. Prompt: "Jesus said "No one, after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar, but on a lampstand so that those who enter may have light." Luke 11: 33 NRSV

What do you suppose Jesus meant?"

What Jesus meant is that we are not to become believers and then just sit on our laurels afterward. We are to spread the good news of our salvation to others. We don't necessarily have to do that by pushing our beliefs down people's throats either. We can spread the gospel by living like Jesus lived and allowing people to witness the change in our demeanor and our behaviors. If one becomes a Christian and it does not change them profoundly then one has to wonder if they really were saved? Salvation involves more than simply believing. It involves faith that results in repentance. The thief quits stealing and starts working for an honest living. He might even become extremely generous and begin giving away more than he stole. The gossip quits gossiping and becomes involved in righting the wrongs they gossiped about through affirmative action. The person's entire demeanor changes 180% and they begin doing the exact opposite of what they did before. Where they were hateful they become very loving. Where they were lazy they become productive. Where there was darkness there is light. The change in them is visible and they attract people with their actions. People question "What came over this person? Why do they do these things?"

When people ask me why I serve others the way I do I gladly tell them. This is my preaching. I do not have to boast about being saved. I let people see that I am "different" by my actions and attitudes. This often makes them curious and they ask me why I am so kind. When they do I tell them and often lead them to Christ.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Write about a good day that you've had recently."

I had an excellent day just yesterday in fact. I am the chaplain at the West Virginia Veterans Home in Barboursville WV. I designed a PowerPoint presentation about chaplaincy at the WVVH and shared it with my supervisor yesterday. he loved the presentation and told me that the vision I have for the chaplaincy program is in line with the vision the administration has for the chaplaincy. We discussed a few of the issues I see with the chaplaincy and ironed out a plan to address those issues. All in all, it was a very productive meeting and I look forward to implementing the ideas we came up with. yes, it was indeed an excellent day. The night before it was also a good day. As most people know if they know me, I am a student at Regent University in the Master of Divinity program. Two of the requirements for graduation are that I complete an internship and a one-year residency at a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) certified training site. I was told that there are only 300 such sites in the entire country and those are located in 30 cities across the country. The chances were that I would be forced to move to complete my degree. I usually can't afford to go out to lunch, yet again up and move. Moving would have meant coming up with a security deposit on an apartment and hundreds of other costs that I could never afford. It would have been next to impossible for me to have done so and thus next to impossible to complete my degree. I checked into the locations of the CPE training site and it turns out that two of those sites are right here in West Virginia. One is at Ruby Memorial Hospital AKA WVU Medical Center. The other is at St. Mary's Medical Center, which is now part of Marshall University Medical Center. I graduated from Marshall University last year. prior to graduating, I rode public transportation to class every day. One of the designated stops for the bus is St. Mary's Medical Center, the CPE site that offers the residency I need! Man, I was so excited to find that out that I did not even sleep that night! God moved me here to the WVVH two years ago, knowing that we were practically a stone's throw from a CPE certified training site, which is about as rare as a royal flush. God knew I would need to be close to such a site and He arranged for me to be located perfectly to meet that need! I do not believe in coincidences!

Blog City image smallPrompt: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/i-feel-sorry-for-americans-a-baffled-world-...

“I feel sorry for Americans,” said U Myint Oo, a member of parliament in Myanmar. “But we can’t help the U.S. because we are a very small country.”

The same sentiment prevails in Canada, one of the most developed countries. Two out of three Canadians live within about 60 miles of the American border.

“Personally, it’s like watching the decline of the Roman Empire,” said Mike Bradley, the mayor of Sarnia, an industrial city on the border with Michigan, where locals used to venture for lunch.: New York Times

While I seldom watch television and if I did I certainly would not waste my time watching the news, I have an opinion on this topic. Let me begin by saying the reason I do not watch the news is because they do not report the news. They give their opinion and try to persuade me to think what they think. I could not care any less about what some talking head on television thinks. If I watch the news I want to hear facts, not opinions. I remember the days of Walter Kronkite and objective reporting. I am like Sergeant Joe Friday on the television series "Dragnet". All I want are the facts. I can decide for myself what to do with those facts.

Now then let me say that I agree with the politician in Myanmar. I feel sorry for America as well. The politicians are passing some of the most ungodly laws that the world has ever seen. I could personally not care less about what people do with their personal affairs. It is none of my business. However, I am a Christian. As a Christian, I am obligated to make God's opinion of my opinion. God says that many of the things we now accept as politically correct and legal are sinful and ungodly. Homosexual marriage is now accepted practice in America. God says that homosexuality is sin. Personally I don't care if Adam marries Steve as long as they leave me out of it. God does care though. Some will say "The Bible is an ancient book so what it says is not relevant today."

That ancient book answers that retort. It says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever", hebrews 13:8.

What God wrote two thousand years ag is just as relevant today as when it was written. The US passed Roe V Wade and now allows abortion up to birth in many states. God's word says that God knew us before we were conceived in the womb. Therefore the taking of innocent life, whether we consider it live or not, is murder. We may legalize all these things but just because we say they are justified does not mean that God agrees. Whether a person believes God is real or not does not make Him any less real. There will be consequences for our actions. The moral decline in America and the ungodly laws we pass will lead to our destruction.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by anyone nominated for a Quill Award in 2020

© Copyright 2020 Chris Breva (UN: marvinschrebe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Chris Breva has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/994245-September-26-2020