This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
I was cruising through the galaxy and decided to visit a reviewing star. I found Brian K Compton and I am glad I did. Circling the star were several planets. I took a landing crew down to
"Make the most of each moment....before it's gone". How do you make the most of each moment? I won''t say that I make the most of each and every moment. Some moments I slip and waste. For the most part though I try to do something positive with my life. So much of my life has been wasted due to the years I was addicted to drugs and living very irresponsibly. I had been told all of my life that I was disabled and would never be able to work and I believed those lies. I never tried. Now I am playing catch up on my life. God used all my mistakes to bless me with Bible training so I have skills and education. I also have a ton of debt. Don't we all? Prompt: "How do we try to turn Almighty God into a domesticated idol we can boss around?" I think we all try to do that to some extent. We make excuses for our sin and think "Well God is a forgiving God. He'll let me get away with it this one time." Or we think God is a genie that we pull down off the shelf for emergencies and ignore the rest of the time. There are many gods in our world today. Money is often a god. Power and prestige are often gods. We idolize ourselves and become little gods. Only God is God and He expects obedience all the time. Prompt: Fill in the blanks to this and then tell us why? If tomorrow was the _____________________ then today I would _________________. If tomorrow was the end of the world, then today I would go on with life as usual. I would not change a thing because I know I am ready to go. When was the last time you were creative? I create something new every day. Yesterday I created two PowerPoint presentations and found a way to use my tablet to write my term papers or whatever they are called at the graduate level. It is not my thesis quite yet but they are papers that require Turabian format. Turabian requires notes and I had to play with my tablet to find out how to do them. I also found a flash drive on Amazon that will allow me to copy stuff on my tablet and then use it on my laptop. It has a port to insert into the tablet and a USB for the computer. Now I can use my tablet to work and won't be required to carry my laptop around everywhere. In fact, this entire entry has been done on my tablet! |