This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
I did find a star. HollyMerry
which led me to ask: If you found a treasure chest, what would you do with it? I'd probably buy a few things and donate the rest. I'd keep enough to meet my requirements and the rest would go to the needy. In what ways can we prepare ourselves for God's presence and leading this week? The best way I can prepare myself this week is to get my act together. It's September and every September I go through a brief period where I am lethargic, lose interest in things, and just feel down. It's a type of depression and it will pass. it gets better after a few weeks. Then the doctor forgot to sign my prescription this week which really put the hurting on me. pray for me guys. I know Jesus has this under control. The best way I can prepare is to keep on keeping on. "Prompt: Write about a childhood friend." I really had no childhood friends that I remember. I was a loner. "Prompt: If any person wants to change the world or anything about it, where should they start and what can they do? Or do you believe we should leave the well-enough alone?" To change the world I have to change me. } |