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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2230879
The initial fleeting thoughts that have since become timeless
#991983 added August 31, 2020 at 8:39pm
Restrictions: None
Maslow Can Kiss My Ass
[originally posted in "Maslow can kiss my ass]

This site and a great deal of its denizens are driving me insane. I swear the only reasons I keep logging in are to chat with mi amor, journal and keep an eye on my initiatives. Otherwise, I'd like to see a shitload of people do the right thing and off themselves. I am sick and tired of hearing their bitching. It would be much better if they left. Of course, I'd also like the site to stop growing. Since that's not going to happen, though, I finally grew some virtual testicles and suggested a Moderator Competency Test. At this rate, it's a matter of when, not if I will get demoted. I swear.

Other than deal with the gigantic migraine known as Writing.com, I caught up on sleep and made headway on my fanfic. I swear my story is the only thing that's making me happy right now. Of course, it's also leading to some research, as I'm looking for a way to have Mohinder become a legal permanent resident. If I decide to continue this canon, I might write a story about Mohinder becoming a US Citizen. Talk about a process that takes forever and a day. Just ask my dad. He became a citizen six years ago after a rather long ass wait. *flips several thousand Cubans the bird* Fuckers got in the way of my father becoming a citizen earlier. Yeah, I'm full of piss and vinegar tonight. I can't quite get out of this funk, either. I don't know why. Even with getting caught up on my sleep I'm still misanthropic and wishing for various individuals to swallow cyanide. Just color me a wanker at this rate. I don't think it'll matter.

Speaking of which, have I mentioned that Maslow can kiss my ass? No, seriously. I hate his little pyramid of human behavior and all that other horseshit. Why? It doesn't work. Humans are more complex than a pyramid could ever show. Let me pull up a picture of his craptacular pyramid of steaming cow dung.


I chose this image because it contains many of the points that I hold in contention. So...why don't we break it down?

*Idea* physiological-This makes sense. Sadly, this is the only section that does.

*Idea* safety-Security of morality? No wonder Christians go bonkers when the atheists come to town. The Christian sense of morality...is pretty shaky, and that's where my issues with this point lie. Why? Most religions do not separate morality and faith, which causes...terrorism. So when we have these logical fallacies so far down the pyramid, the top part is going to be more unstable than Iraq.

*Idea* love/belonging-I actually had personal issues with this for a long time as a child, and I guess I still have problems with it as an adult. Likewise, I think it should just be entitled "belonging" because I can feel like I belong without feeling love. Work is a good example of this. I feel integral to the kitchen and bath department, but I do not feel any sort of love bond toward any of my co-workers. {e:smack} to Maslow on this one. Then again, back in those days, sociology involved slightly smaller teams of people for investigation.

*Idea* esteem-This is when I start relly having problems with the system. To me, this is self-actualization, not the other way around. Likewise, confidence and achievement are concepts that can't really be analyzed without a given context. There's also the fact that a person can accept facts without having the respect of his/her peers. I'm a living example of this. Actually, let me put it this way. I lack respect from the majority of my peers. Now as far as people significantly older than myself, my odds tend to improve. Go figure. Must be the old soul in me calling the shots.

*Idea* self actualization- Now I've always had issues with self actualization. The term itself sounds extremely pretentious, and yes, I am more than capable of word discrimination. That said, I'm a little baffled by some of the concepts listed here: creativity, morality, spontaneity, lack of prejudice. Um...there are plenty of artists that have been very creative yet have lacked solid self esteem. Likewise, the inclusion of morality seems to contradict the "security of morality" clause in the safety section. And spontaneity? How the fuck is that a trait of self actualization? The retarded and the intellect are each spontaneous in different ways. That reminds me of a great Josh Blue joke. He once said in one of his sketches, "I have this thing called the Palsy Punch. One the one hand, you don't know where it's coming from. On the other hand, neither do I." So spontaneity better be more specifically defined before being attached to this part of the pyramid. And finally...lack of prejudice. Let me just say right now that that will never happen. Humans have come quite a ways in terms of evolution, but there will always be prejudice. I sincerely believe that there is a mental hardwiring for it, intended as a survival tool. Consider it akin to the mentality of wolves. They do not accept outsiders to protect the pack. I think the same applies to humans, albeit not in such a potent concentration since we humans do move more independently. Still, if you think about it, such a mechanism must have worked for humans to have sruvived this long. I'm surprised it hasn't given the right wing wack jobs a reason to at least consider evolution as a viable concept. After all, their prejudice shows an evolutionary tool hard at work: prejudice to protect their group from liberal outsiders. And liberals...are just as bad when it comes to prejudice. Why? Hey, they have interests to protect as well.

I'd continue with this entry, but for some reason, I'm so pissed off I can't rant anymore. I'd rather type up my fanfic. I'd go overdose on Heroes spoilers, but spoilers are killing my fanfic motivation. So I guess I'll just share s cast-related rumor. There's a lot of talk of Zachary Quinto being cast as a young Spock for the new Star Trek movie. I'm no big Trekkie fan by any means, but him as Spock? Sure, I'd go see that movie. If nothing else, he could transform into Spock really well. *Smile*

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