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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#990820 added August 22, 2020 at 10:57pm
Restrictions: None
August 15 - August 21
A weekly blog that starts skinny on Saturday and fattens up by Tuesday and is ready for slaughter by Friday ... if not before.




"O Lord my God! Assist Thy loved ones to be firm in Thy Faith, to walk in Thy ways, to be steadfast in Thy Cause. Give them Thy grace to withstand the onslaught of self and passion, to follow the light of divine guidance. Thou art the Powerful, the Gracious, the Self-Subsisting, the Bestower, the Compassionate, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful." -Abdu’l-Baha

*HeartBroken* MY THOUGHTS

August 15: My blood pressure was low. I laid down. I have no energy.
August 16: All periods have tribulations. This is ours/mine to overcome.
August 17: I just want to sleep. 'Depression napping' isn't a good idea in the heat.
August 18: Lavinia's death is on my mind. Knew it was coming but I'm a bit rattled.
August 19: nothing
August 20: Going through each pile is tedious, but I found some things.
August 21: Still not sure why I have barely spoken to people at WdC or IRL this week.

*Mountains* WEATHER

August 15: 32° hazy going down to 12; 31/27° all week in Dakar, Senegal.
August 16: 32° 36/17, dry; 19° in Warsaw, Poland. 31/14 this week, and rain.
August 17: 35° and a warm night to follow; 16° in Arusha, Tanzania. 27/15 all week.
August 18: 28° and languid; 3° Katse Dam, Lesotho. Cold and very windy. 21/-7 this week.
August 19: 32° and sticky, gloomy; 12° Saint Regis Mountain, NY, going down to 2.
August 20: 26° and cloudy; 26° in Honolulu, 31/24 all week.
August 21: 33° hot; 24° at midnight in Trondheim, Norway, det er ganske varmt.

*Tree2* IMAGES

August 15: Vegetables and fruits, the orange glow of my 'Sinful' melon. Haze in an empty sky.
August 16: Quiet. Peaceful. Gentle breeze. Banana-vanilla pudding.
August 17: Doe with fawn. Heat. Glorious sunset of orange streaks in the north-west.
August 18: Languid day. pictures of sunset. Mushroom pizza and harp music.
August 19: Quiet walk.
August 20: nothing
August 21: blackened prairie where Mt. Sentinel burned. Smoky haze from other fires.


It's increasingly obvious that I will NOT do all of these in any given month. Priorities are given to sporadic contest. Blink and I may have to wait 3 months!

*Box* "No Dialogue Contest-CLOSEDOpen in new Window. SS <700. No dialogue. B/E (no August yet)
*BoxcheckR* *Box* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. FF < 300 Flash Fiction Romance/Erotica by 7/14(Freedom) B/E "Before the showing (300 words) [139] (13.July.2020)Open in new Window. July 15-July 29: Non-Fiction (Food)
*Box* "The Dialogue 500Open in new Window. SS <500. Covid-19in-progress "the certainty of waterOpen in new Window.
*Box* "The Science Fiction Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. SS <2000. August: heat {bitem:}
*Box* "WEIRD TALES CONTEST Open in new Window. SS <1000, August: The phantom hand. CLOSED "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
*Box* *Box* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. 4 prompt ss 500-5000
*BoxcheckR* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. ss >4 font. AUG 15th "Letter to María Celeste [176] (coffee) [431 words]Open in new Window.
*BoxcheckR* *BoxcheckR* *Box* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. Weekly horror <1500 ss: 1-8 Romance; 8-15 Supernatural; 22-29

*BoxcheckB* "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contestOpen in new Window. "Summer's storm [177]Open in new Window. By 8/8. "From the grave, a voice [237] (10 lines)Open in new Window. By 9/9
*Box* "Poetic Traditions Poetry Contest Open in new Window. <50. Old or new not awarded. Limited to 20.
*BoxcheckB* "Shadows and Light Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. Round 86 to August 14th. Old or new. Free verse <40 "SmokeOpen in new Window.
*Box* "Shadows and Light Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. Round 87 August 15th to September 14th.Old or new. Free verse <40 lines.
*BoxcheckB*1 "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. Round 76: triveni. *RibbonB* "Quepos in June [186]Open in new Window.
*Box*2 "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. Round 77: landay. "Sunset of 2020 [189] (landay)Open in new Window.
*Box* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. August New or old <50 lines
*Box* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. <60. It's a dark month... State Fair

Whenever: "The Random Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.
September: "Verdant Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. Nature. Autumn. Form and words by Sept. 30.
September: "The Humorous Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. <15 Humor. Round 33. B/E
Closed: "WFTH Poetry Contest - ON HIATUS Open in new Window. Romance. 12-20 lines

*Box* *Box* "The Writer's CrampOpen in new Window. Daily noon-noon WDC = 10 a.m. MTT. Must be item.
*Box* *Box* "The Taboo Words Contest ~ On HiatusOpen in new Window. Monthly. <750 <40 August - Cookout In progress: "What is this? [202]Open in new Window.

*Box* *Box* *QuestionW*"Kittiara's Writing ContestOpen in new Window. 1 ss, 1 poem. Theme: renewal
*Box* *Box* *QuestionP*"Second Time Around ~ Birthday SpecialOpen in new Window. Old non-winners! Got lots of those. Round 17: Aug 15th-Sept 14


*QuestionW* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. Erotica! <500 words, <15. August?
*QuestionW* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. <1000 or poem August?
*Box* "The PET NEWS CONTESTOpen in new Window. SS <2500, P <40. August?

*QuestionW* "The 4 Controversies ContestOpen in new Window. Opinionated non-fiction essay >1200. Round IX?

*Box* "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window. A contest of contests... every month.
*Box* "The Bard's Hall ContestOpen in new Window. SS <1000 GC+ August 31 Pet/human. "PET/HUMAN DIALOGUEOpen in new Window. Needs to be s/s

*QuestionW* "Share Your FaithOpen in new Window.
*QuestionW* "Journey Through Genres: Official ContestOpen in new Window.

*Chicken* POULTRY

THREE DAYS A WEEK: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. by midnight WDC by: 17th *Boxcheck* 19th *Boxcheck* 21th *Boxcheck*

*EggV* "Summer's storm [177]Open in new Window.

* *Egg6* "At Tussaud's [179] 24σOpen in new Window.

*Egg9* "But in the end, a passing thing [183.zm]Open in new Window.

*Egg8* "MLK coming down the tracks 1963 [182] 24σOpen in new Window.

*Egg10* "de Sade lives! [184] 24σOpen in new Window.

*RibbonB* *EggG* "Quepos in June [186]Open in new Window.

*Egg1* "In the year 2010 [190b] Chores [190a] 24σOpen in new Window.

*RibbonW* *EggO* "Draft Notice 1969 [192b] 24σOpen in new Window.

*Egg2* "Old enemies 24σ [194]Open in new Window.


*Egg3* "this our fairy tale [175] a songOpen in new Window.

*EggB* "From the grave, a voice [237] (10 lines)Open in new Window.

*EggR* "Sunset of 2020 [189] (landay)Open in new Window.


*EggG* "Ombra mai fuOpen in new Window.

Not yet laid: *Egg4* *Egg5* *Egg7*

*Pig* PORK

DAILY: "Daily Flash Fiction ChallengeOpen in new Window.

Image Protector
Highway KK (299 words) [190] Open in new Window. (18+)
< 300 words flash on a hot day (drive, cup, brown) in Nevada, Missouri. Part 1 of 3.
#2229699 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon

Image Protector
Jenny [191] (298 words)  Open in new Window. (18+)
< 300 words: "this is boring" and heat, lots of heat. Part 2 of 3.
#2229797 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon

"Turn, turn, turn ... on me [181] (698 words)Open in new Window.


"Yokai 8/15Open in new Window.

"Hemorrhoids Open in new Window. only-dialogue-July

*Reading* READING


I can't focus on audio-visual! I need to finish one movie and find one that works for me. I have 200 to choose from. May need to go on-line and watch some East Asian love story serials.


NoW: 6KAMP *Boxcheck*, 6KAMP *Boxcheck*, 5E(67) *Boxcheck*, 6MP(g) *Boxcheck*.


15: 2/14-17-fin, 16: 2/18 (Jiufen-fin), 17: 2/19, 18: 2/19-fin, 19: 2/20 (Jiufen), 20: *XW*, 21: 2/20 (Ruifang).

*Vomit* CHORES

15: *XW*, 16: 20 min, 17: *XW*, 18: 30min, 19: 30 min+, 20: 30 min, 21: 15 min.


15: walk, 16: out, 17: out, 18: out, 19: walk, 20: *XW*, 21: out.


August 15th: got card from Mary in TX; chocolate-irish-cream milkshake At Butterfly Herbs; bought a small melon 'Sinful' $1.25.
August 17th: sat with Laxmi, Dalton, and Bill. Pork and stuffing.
August 19th: very late, very quiet walk for groceries. Ice cream on sale.
August 21th: sat with Dalton, spoke with Willie. Beef something.


August, 1963: Floods!
August 2018: Italy, Switzerland, Norway.


Bernie Sanders says Trump’s attacks on mail-in voting a ‘crisis for US democracy’ (Guardian) I concur.


Polish nationalists and LGBT activists face off in Warsaw (Reuters) Erosion of human rights ... a backlash from traditionalists and nationalists.
Mali’s President Resigns After Detention by Mutinous Soldiers (Bloomberg) Change comes without bloodshed.

*Raspberries* OPINIONS

"Homeless shit ... again and again. Open in new Window. closed

*Martian* SPACEBOOK quotes (you can guess context):


Reference to challenges, contest and prompts (not all appearing on the same week):
BC: "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's ParadiseOpen in new Window. (daily) (I'm not a member)
BCOF: "Blogging Circle of Friends Open in new Window. using my Nlog (nature blog) "Nurture your NatureOpen in new Window. and "Hoarfrosts from HellOpen in new Window. (daily)
JAFBG: "JAFBGOpen in new Window. (open rants)
JI: "Journalistic IntentionsOpen in new Window. using my Blog "Enga mellom fjellaOpen in new Window. (8 blogs from 16 prompts) "June post. I'm finished. "  Open in new Window.
30DBC: "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. (July)
MHA: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. weekly prompts starting June 14th.
OP: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. using my Plog "L'aura del CampoOpen in new Window.
PP: "Promptly Poetry Challenge (2024-2025)Open in new Window. my Plog response to prompts as I missed the sign-up date.
Real: "Welcome To My Reality ForumOpen in new Window. 75 prompts *Box* August Prompts "REALITIES ... prompts and ideasOpen in new Window.
SB: "Space BlogOpen in new Window.

For August: 30dbcof is a combo of 30DBC and BCOF in my Tlog (travel blog): "On The Write PathOpen in new Window.

August 15 SB: "4517 62 SC hears a story... "Smitten with a kitten" [260]Open in new Window.
August 15 30dbcof: "Misr (Garbage City [187])Open in new Window. picture of statue in Torino.
August 16 30dbcof: "Ethiopia: Lelibela [188]Open in new Window.
August 16 Real: "Reality! Chapter 1Open in new Window. closed
August 17 30dbcof: "Blood and Urine (Arusha among the Maasai)Open in new Window.
August 17 SB: "What's a vacation. (4157: exact stardate unknown)Open in new Window.
August 18 30dbcof: "LesothoOpen in new Window.
August 18 SB?: "logic and emotionOpen in new Window. closed
August 19 30dcof: "Ho joang? Lesotho - day 2Open in new Window.
August 19 SB: "preachers and politiciansOpen in new Window. closed
August 20 30dcof: "lesotho day 3 durbanOpen in new Window. closed
August 20 SB: "Good friends stardate ?Open in new Window. closed
August 21 30dcof: "Kaapstad, Suid AfrikaOpen in new Window.
August 21 SB: "Brightness and color of starsOpen in new Window. closed

Visited this week so far and commented:

Elisa, Stik of Clubs Author Icon An insightful and funny entry: "Coronavirus MagazineOpen in new Window.
Beholden Author Icon Can we avoid cliches? I mentioned Taboo Word Contest. *Smile*
Robert Waltz Author Icon Can blue-eyed folks hold their liquor better?
Chris Breva Author Icon Do you trust preachers or politicians, both or neither.
QueenNormaJean now the melt Author Icon Lots of tomatoes, grasshoppers, a cat, a fawn? And heat. Lots of heat.
Apondia Author Icon Having fun in a virtual hot air balloon? *Bigsmile* And ghost ships?
Charity Marie - <3 Author Icon Missing her loving husband. *HeartT*
SandraLynn Author Icon Is having a real good time with the virtual tour.
Joy Author Icon do we over-react?
bobturn two misfits Roy and Elvis and their monster-mom Gail.
Grateful Jess Author Icon The gray rock approach: do not act emotionally, narcissists are attracted to drama and they feed on that drama.
Charlie ~ Author Icon Really needs support from each and every one of us. *HeartO*
Veritas Author Icon How can one work with no direction nor support?
🌻 pwheeler ~ love joy peace Author Icon has advice on sleeping. *Sleeping* "Sleep Notes from Prevention Magazine Open in new Window.

Trying to keep up on blogs. Not a great week, 15-20 is better.

*MailY* Postcards:

Received card from Mary in TX and postcard from Anne in WA.

Statue in Museo Egizio in Torino, Italy, August 10, 2018.

         *PoseyO*          *Shark*                              *PoseyO* *Butterfly2T*                    *PoseyO*          *Shark*                              *PoseyO*                    *Shark*          

2.791 views as of August 15th.

© Copyright 2020 Kåre เลียม Enga (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre เลียม Enga has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/990820-August-15---August-21