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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Research https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/australian-stinging-trees-release-spide... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/scientists-find-secret-molecule-that-allows-ba... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200916154852.htm https://phys.org/news/2020-09-mobile-insects-german.html Editor's Picks 1. With One Bullet 2. The Great Devourer 3. Character Intro - POV Jordan 4. Antagonist Assignment 5. The Inspiration Gnome 6. Trouble in Sahdowfen 7. 8. 9. Heading 1 Preparing for NANOWRIMO Heading 2 31 days until National Novel Writing Month Hook October is the month to plan your novel About This Newsletter This is why you should plan your story. Sometimes, when I go to rewrite, I look at the plot and wonder what I--or perhaps my character-- was thinking. At other times, my plot is hidden beneath a plate of spaghetti without meatballs. Letter From the Editor It's said there are two kinds of people, those who can write a novel without planning it and those who need to plan the novel. There is no National Novel Planning Month except writing.com. October is NaNo Prep Month, a time to research and plan your novel. Over the years I have been both kinds of people. One year, I participated in National Novel Writing Month without planning my novel. Another year, I planned the novel before participating in NaNoWriMo. This year I'm participating as a NaNo Rebel, and I am planning my book in October. I am participating in NaNo Prep, which will give me a chance to do some research for some of the entries in my book. For those of you who want to participate in NaNoWriMo, but aren't participating in "October Novel Prep Challenge" ![]() If you are participating in "October Novel Prep Challenge" ![]() Editors Picks
Excerpt: "We are chosen.
Excerpt: As the owner of a curiosities shop, Alma was used to seeing unusual items. It’s what the store was famous for even a century ago when her great grandmother ran it....
Excerpt: It was barely dawn. I could hear my mother organizing the older women of the clan to stoke fires and begin making breakfast. Any early risers were quickly put to work as well with morning chores. I smiled as I rose as quietly as possible from my furs. A good workout with morning chores might be just what I need to loosen up before my trials began.
Excerpt: 1. We are a radical group. We aren't always rational. We have varied beliefs but use a few common ones to excite and arouse our fellow members. We are not one race or one ethnic group. We are not even one nationality. We live all over the world. We have only a few things in common. We hate Westerners, especially Caucasians. Some of us fall into that category technically, but the connotation or association offends us, so we choose to ignore the scientific designation.
Excerpt: It happened to me today, Like a light in the quiet night. It spun my mind into disarray. A rude awakening In the calm of the lingering dawn.
Excerpt: Shadowfen is a kingdom in deep trouble. The crops are withering and dying, the mines have stopped giving their precious deposits, and the fishermen come home with empty nets. Winter is just over the horizon, and Shadowfen wouldn't survive it if things didn't change. Submitted by Readers Activities, Groups, and Contests Feedback "Fantasy Newsletter (September 2, 2020)" ![]() |