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Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #1955558
Science Fiction Fantasy on Earth being colonized
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#989367 added July 30, 2020 at 2:26pm
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Chapter 1 Ruff draft

The year was 2311, and to most that would mean, 2300 years after Christ, however it was simply 2311 Current Era. All perceptions of Religious beliefs were on hold until Earthlings figured out who created who first. Mankind had discovered that Alien life with longer history than Earths were here. However, with that said, we never got the chance to do that research because the United Nations Military council betrayed the treaty with the Sephorasti by attacking a Sephorast colony 600 light years from earth. The UNM attacked the colony, unaware of the circumstances, the colony was pre-tech society of Sephora and man had no idea how vast the species was.

This is the story of that betrayal and what is happening to us now.

2092 CE
Earth first contact.

Septa Chorastix walked casually to his new office in London, England and looked at each of the humans that worked in the location as helpers. They were a chipper sort of creature, very happy most times, but they smelled of dirt. Even the name Earth equaled dirt. Very strange creatures to name themselves after how they smelled. Seven months prior to this new posting of his the Sephora made contact with the emerging intelligence of the humans, however it was slow process by which the Council of 11 would move. Finally the Colony was started in the deserts of Australia for the Sephora, and an exchange of technology had begun. The Human race had already started to colonize many areas of their Galaxy and two other Galaxies near by. They had been given warp technology and now were jumping to Galaxies 50 and 60 light years away. The human race absorbed technology so fast and built so rapidly without care of how far they travel or how many die in the process. They are bold and without fear, which was scary for Chorastix.

'Good day to you Septa, may i get you a refreshment?' The young secretary assigned to him asked neutrally.
'That is so kind of you Secretary Joanne, yes please. You know my likes.' He responded as his 4 legs glided into his office, the massive creature stood 2.7 meters in height, his 4 arms swayed as if blown on the wind as he walked, his five fingered upper hands and 3 finger lower hands wiggled with anticipation of his day.
'Yes Septa,' She responded and bounded off to get his chilled salt water.
The tiny creatures were half his size, and because she was a female she was smaller still, they were like newly hatched Sephorasti.

As he approached his office door the computer on the wall was blinking blue alarms. Blue (as red was for humans) was the dominant in terms of alarms for the Sephora. The creatures knew that when blue was on your screens you stopped everything and payed attention. He hurried to his computer terminal and tapped the desk and the three dimensional keyboard suddenly appeared and he tapped to answer.
'From high command, encoded to this station.' The alarm read, Chorastix keyed in his alarm code and the message began.

'All Sephorasti must leave their stations now, we are at war. Leave planeside to the colony or to space station Chakra Muor. This is not a drill, we regret to inform you that all of Sephora are at war with the Earthlings. The United Nations military has seized one of our colonies by force and told us they will not leave. We are at war and the Guardians have been activated. ‘My Sha, what are we to do.' Chorastix left passing his secretary and on his way out of his newly acquired position. He fled to the space port and would head to the colony within Australia.

The colony was shielded and no Earth weapons would be able to penetrate while the war began. 'How terrible. The humans have declared war on the Sephora over a silly colony that they say they were there first. Our colony was under ground 2,000 cycles before they ever attained space travel. I am so sorry Xorast, my dear one, prep for evacuation to Chakra Muor. No weapons will even come close to harming us there. Humans have no idea what they have unleashed and the Council of 11 have activated the guardians. Hurry my mate, we will be gone before it starts here.' The ambassador proceeded to his ship, the one thing about humans, they would not fight anyone that was not soldier to soldier, but the Guardians cared not. Soon the human race would be enslaved. A terrible thing, war. Why would any creature resort to killing for territory or technology, the Sehpora would have given it freely.

2199 CE
War continues

The Reagan 2 was 440 meters of gleaming death against the back drop of the black of space. Her and her 22 battle cruisers were skulking 3 Sephora cruisers near titan. The Glimmer of the moon was bright against the 3 cruisers. Their design mimic human design, all humans knew the Sephora didn’t have the stomach for war and yet the guardians were next to impossible to kill planet side. Earths battle satellites that surround the primary were already destroyed by the Guardians. Earth was not going to win the war. The UNM Parliament was ready to surrender. All mankind had ousted the council that caused the stupid war in the first place, however the 7 times to surrender to the Sephora were not acceptable, the Aliens wanted humans subjected to slavery. That would not do.
“Commodore we have solution.” Ensign Leitners com twinged as they prepared to fire.
“Roger that, General band please, Roberts.”
“Yes captain your on.” The coms tech Brightwood sent back.
The 386 souls on board the Reagan were working smoothly and effortlessly as war had made them.
“All hands, all hands, fire solutions prep to fire. On my mark ” The ships fire in unison but for the first time in the war all of the laser batteries and missiles sparked and flashed into a barrier. The 3 ships became more than 60.
“Ruse, its illusion, all hands prep for warp at your own risk. Alpha 1 automate.” The commodore shouted, however the entire task group was wiped out in a flash. There was 186 people left of the 22 ships, and would be called the massacre of titan.
So the war went for the next 3 years for mankind.

2102 Current Era.

The Earthlings are routed and the ships of the Sephora have taken all their cities on all their planets and moons. They are an enslaved race, they tried to sue for peace 27 times but the Council of 11 knew that if they did they would have to fight these creatures in the future and what would happen if they had the weapons and technology of the Guardians. The Sephora would be conquered or worse.

2308 Current Era

The 9'7" creature walked off the spaceship and the humans in Wayneville fled in all directions. Sephta Chorastix had not been on Earth in all the time for fear of the angry fighting humans. They made good soldiers but without the updated tech they would not stand a chance against other aliens. The humans had long ago been dominated after they betrayed the charter they originally signed. The shame of the Sephora was that all the humans were not to blame just the few that ruled them. Thus, by the few that rule, the many would be subjugated. Now 180 cycles have past and the old that ruled have been long conquered and are dead. Why the creatures would never give up was beyond him.

Shots from the primitive weapons sounded out and bounced off Chorastix shields without a second thought. The Guardian stood next to him with its weapons at full readiness. The 3.5 Meter machine was a giant protector, Chorastix could never fire weapons at creatures that were sentient, he just couldn't. No Sephorasti could, only the soldiers, machines could.

'My name is Chorstix, i am in control of this domain or your country. I am the new Septa, please stop your weapons. You can not harm me with these weapons, and my Gaurdian will protect me even though your weapons are harmless.' The new country Septa declared.

30 feet from where the ship landed humans were scattered out in a defensive half circle of the landing platforms. They knew that the new leader was coming and hated them all. The hate was not of the Aliens abuse or none abuse it was just a subjugation of freedom. Of the 4.8 billion humans left male or female alive liked being held back from learning or venturing off into space freely.

The other 38 human colonies, on 14 land masses, were cut off for the last 200 years and humans who lived on the other planets had no way of contacting Mother Earth. This subjugation was not a slavery that humans were used to, simply a slavery of knowledge. The Sephora had technologies thousands of years ahead of humans, and they held it back in fear of just this sort of event that humans pulled on them 200 years past.

The location for the Septas residence was remote and outside of old New York city and a small jump to the other continents on the planet. Easy to defend and on the water for lounging.

The city of Waynesville had 2,841 people in it and was a tiny spec of a city compared to New York or New Los Angeles. Those cities had tens of millions. There would never be a time when people from Waynesville would have the latest technology to fight the slave masters. However, the citizens wanted that technology and one person decided to do it differently after 200 years.

During the war, one billion human lives were sacrificed to fight, now all ships and technology that had been a threat was gone except for the humans themselves. They could keep their puny weapons, both nuclear was obsolete and they could not harm the Sephora. Their electric cars and vacations to places would not be curtailed. Their cellular phones would ding and ring, they would scury about their business and still housed the same technology from 2092 but all alien tech was purged from their computers, AI’s, sources gone completely by the Sephora, Men that were aware of the equations were sent to prison worlds and locked away till they died of natural causes.

Jason Popper was the one that would turn things around for the human race, after two centuries. Jason knew that from his studies of the alien he could befriend this alien and truly become a friend to the task masters. They hated violence and humans were violent. They fought each other in bars, over females, over land, food. They fought. The aliens never killed, their machines did, and those machines were almost unbeatable.

'Hello Septa, please have your Guardian not kill me.' Jason walked out from behind a fuel building. Jason was brilliant in terms of tactical and weaponology, he knew that if the Guardian shot, the depot of fuel would explode from its nearness; thus, he would not shoot but Jason had planned for that. 'Never do something without knowing the outcome before and all other possibilities.' His instructors taught him .

'The Gaurdian will not shoot unless provoked. My visor shows you have no metallic weapons so you may approach. I am Septa Chorastix, you may call me Council. Your Sephoranese is unreal where did you learn to speak it, i still speak limited human patterns because you all have different languages.' The new ruler replied.

'Council, thank you, and i learned from the computers that the Sephorasti left before the war. We managed to break their codes and tried to glean the technology but the Sephorasti are brilliant, more so than humans. Humans are so stupid, we hurt ourselves, and others around us unless governed. The Sephora hate violence, what we could have learned if you would have come here 500 years ago. We would have become great partners to the Sephora, yet we had a taste for space and its freedom. The governments were simply stupid.'

'I have come forward to offer myself as your aide, or even as a helper, or slave or employee if you wish to pay. I merely wish to be a true trusting helper. I feel that humans have ulterior motives and I wish to explore with you if you will employ me. I speak 8 languages of earth including Sephoras fully. I am eclectic in that i wish to learn everything except war. I wish no war. No harm, just freedom to follow you.'

'Hmm,' The Sephorastix people were almost ten feet tall on average, their Guardians were 13 feet. The two of them standing over the small 6 foot frame of Jason seemed daunting, yet he did not flinch on any account. The Council was by nature a pacifist. The Sephora people hated killing anything that was sentient, and would refuse even in war to allow their Gaurdians to kill. Almost all the machines weapons were none lethal. Their ships carried missile and lasers that would defy technology, such as stopping all human ships from being able to fight. Their ships suddenly lost all power and were helpless. One shot per ship and ships no longer worked, the Sephorastix peoples hated death. Each of them lived on averaged 1000 Earth years, so they had a long time to ponder.
'You are offering your services before i have a chance to put up an add for help. How did you know i was going to employ helpers?' The large creature leaned backwards on its prehensile tail. Sitting.
'Common sense, Council. I believe i can help you with that same common sense. Almost, what's the word, rickslep, in English its magic, i don't know the word in Sephorast. I calculate and can assume. You will need food advisors, you will need leadership advisors, both here and off world, you will need repair and maintenance workers, you will need dome security, should i go on? I know what a Majordomo is you would call it your Valet. That is what i wish. You will need your baths scheduled and make sure the water is heated and oiled to the proper length. You will need your food prepared without thought of meddlesome humans, and machines can only do so much for the comforts of Chakra Muor, the home world.' Jasons blond hair was blowing in the wind gently that gave him an i don't care look. He wore it long to make him look less like a government man and more like a farmer. His blue eyes were vibrant and intelligent for a 28 year old, however he was a smart person in terms of learning. In terms of intelligence, you could call him a genius.
'I think i will hire you and if you prove yourself right you will be a great asset.' Two of the Sephorastix four arms were the user appendages, and the other two were the preening appendages. Sephorastix people had dark tan skin 4 arms and 4 legs, with a tail. They appeared to be almost lizardly except for the skin. Their 3 eyes were positioned alarmingly as humans had two eyes and a nose, Sephora had 2 eyes and an eye. Their nose or sense of smell was their entire body, they could smell a human miles away. The aspect of having a new hired valet was so exciting that Council was eager to teach this human to see how it might work out. His skin tone changed from aqua to greenish blue hue as his excitement grew over the thoughts of Jason.
'How much do humans get paid for a high paying job, just write it down and ill pay you double. You are my Valet. Do well and make more and learn more.' Sephorstix was happy about the new employee and leery. His skin color change again to a maroonish green as he thought of what humans planned and plotted.

2309 May

'Council, you have appointments with the human government in Paris and Shanghai this afternoon. They are eager to try and manipulate you into giving them ships with no weapons to get to the outer colonies. This is good, but also bad, i would not trust them not to have weapons of mass destruction on those ships so i would make sure each ship had a Guardian on board as a stationary patrol. If they get out of line you have the means to disable them, i know how they think.' Jason told Council openly. The last year and a half had been a blur of activity for him and the alien. Jason knew the only way man could recover is to partner with the alien long term and some day, some day they would be free, and not dead. They would not become extinct.
'Thank you so much for that insight Jason, i believe you are right, we will concede their ships to give them some freedoms and we will require a Guardian to be in the engine room and the bridge. They will not be able to disarm them, they haven't the tech. You are so right Jay.'
'Yes also, your main dome is being retrofitted with the new tech from Chakra Maur, they need your approval to begin a weapons test for human neutralization, if they try to rob you again while we are away. May i tell them to do so?'
'Yes, yes. You need not ask me that in future i trust you implicitly Jay. If Humans and Sephorastix peoples would have had a mind like yours 200 years ago we would not be in this position. I think your mind is abnormal Jay, please forgive me, but eccentric maybe? I believe you are here because of the war. New humans will be born and more will be like you i think, those that think in terms of partners rather than collaborators or slaves.' The Council of 11 believe you to be the best find ever in history in relationship to our races. We have a planned trip to Chakra Muar and you will be leaving Earth with me soon. I think its time, and the Council of 11 wish to interview you. You may have new futures with us. It is a one year flight, you can stay awake or put in cryogenic stasis if you wish. Its a long flight 681 million light years.'
'I will let you know what i wish Seph, for now i should gather my belongings and let my family know.' He was elated but kept his attitude in check.
Jason suddenly shocked had nothing to say, he was so glad, the plan had worked. He would be viewed as a leader, now if he could just get humans to stop freaking fighting each other and the races, 'We could grow again, hell what could a 29 year old from Waynesville, do. Nothing at this time. Someday.'
'Council! I am pleased to know that maybe, just maybe the humans someday can partner with the Sephora rather than be subjugated. I thank you for your trust and will earn more.'

The Paris meeting went just as Jason had told the Council, the humans were rude and arrogant about their demands and Jason had told the Alien leader what would happen. Chorastix was the appointed alien leader of the outpost known as Earth, he was the ultimate leader and the Sephora peoples leaned to him for the answers on this outpost. He in turn leaned on Jason, Chorastix wife Xorast, had met Jason on hundreds of times but never really said two words to him. Jason was the Valet of Council not her, yet she would give computer notes to Council for Jason to do, yet something today changed.
'Hello Jay, i am so please that the Council of 11 have confided in you and my mate, I too am excited about your and his future. I never would have thought to trust a human, i fear you. Yet you are here and I am mixed in emotion to thank you.' She leaned her 8 and half foot frame over and grabbed his hands palms up and he could feel her breath on them and she seemed to kiss his hands. 'I am pleased to know you are such a person of peace, as the Sephorastix, you have my loyalty for what you have done. From now on may i call on you for help as well if i need it?" She asked him as if she was pleading for some reason her body turned a brilliant aqua marine.
'Oh god yes, i am sorry, did i not make it clear. I am at your and his disposal. Do you need a Valet of your own, many people are looking for work, better food, better lodging, that are similar to me. I can do the interviews and find you a trust worthy female and the lie detecting computer will fine tune the search?'
'Well maybe if Chorastix approves i will have that. It is so hard for me to do anything with my Guardian, it is just a #$%#@% machine.' The Gaurdians were artificial intelligent machines that were, to humans, Godlike. They could think faster, act quicker, were adaptable, and above all else, deadly. Yet to an alien housewife maybe it was just that, a machine.
'Would you like to ask him or should I Xorast?' He asked.
'Could you please? It would mean more coming from you than me. And you may call me Shor, my nick name. Thank you.' She leaned over and engulfed Jason in a bear of hug. He was elated to know that the female liked him so much as to touch him. This was a grand day.

In a galaxy 1,000 million light years from Earth the Alien race at war with themselves, almost on the same tech base as the Sephora, were the Carzmuur. The Carzmor were 2 meters of death, their teeth were 2 layers of 100 teeth and could sheer through wood. Their hands had retractable blades that could slice through metal. Yet their tech base of lasers and missles were almost equal to the Sephora. However, they were millions of light years from home world of Chakra Muor as well as the other settlements of Humans and Sephora.
Soon the Carzmor would discover Wey travel by ship and would be knocking on Sephora doors. The Sephorasti peoples number 2 trillion yet the Carzmor people were on thousands of planets and were ten times the mass of population. The millenia the Carzmor had been growing and growing on thousands of worlds, and they killed everything that came against them, and enslaved or ate the rest.
The war, the complete opposite of the Sephora, in terms of temperament they were demons. What would happen when they finally clashed.

'Jason, the council find you more than helpful, they wish to start a school for humans and you will lead it. They want you to find others like yourself. Those that can partner with us and who dream of free choice. We would like them to volunteer and would like to educate them, however the council also wishes to implant into their brains a chip that will moderate their temperament, a chip that would not control them but would stop them from violence against the Sephora, it will not help them against others however if they attempt to kill Sephora they would simply not. Maybe they might even stop fighting with each other. If they agree to this we will do it. We could never do this without their consent, it is against our morals to even attempt such tampering with another race of sentient creatures. If they wanted to do this then they would truly be partners with us such as you. What do you think?'

Jason pondered his thoughts before he spoke, the Sephora often pondered for hours on one question and Jason mimicked the Sephora in this to gauge his response. Five minutes went by with no spoken word. The Color of the council never changed from purple greenish neutral during the wait. He was a patient leader.
“Council, after I have given this some thought I believe my answer will not change, however it might. To the question would humans allow you to put a chip in their brains to protect the Sephora from harm. No, no I don’t believe they will, I would not. The temper of a human is what makes them patient or criminal. I feel if you take that away you will not have a human. No I will not ask them to have their brains changed however, you can ask each of them if they want an enhancement like longer life they would need the chip implanted to safe guard the Sephora from their actions; or their health with genome therapy to cure them of illnesses their payment would be a chip in their brains to protect the Sephora from them attacking. “
“This chip, could it be changed so as to do one thing, render a human in a coma until its removed if they should attack only a Sephora?” He asked quizzically.
“Yes, that could be done. Would that be more amenable to a human?” The council asked neutrally his color not changing.
“Yes, yes I would even want that chip if you like for genome therapy to extend my life past its 80 or 90 years.”
“You shall not be tampered with in any way Jason. IF you want genome therapy or any thing at my disposal you have it just ask.” The council turned blueish green, anger. What had Jason said?
“Are you upset with me council?” He asked quickly is posture showing abeyance.
“No, no, it is not you. I didn’t believe you would ever harm one of us, I didn’t not make it clear not you. You are the Chosen of the 11. I did not make it clear and I am angry for not. I am so sorry,” he leaned forward and grabbed Jasons tiny hands in his. “Please forgive a stupid old council, you can call me Sheph no more council. You are the Chosen. You are the human Guardian that the Council has chosen. Please forgive me.” He backed away from Jason.
Jason suddenly understood some insights into the Sephora, there was no vote, there was not questions, they picked in unison in silence with color changes and Jason was the new middleman between the races. He was the unelected go between. He knew this was it, the first step to mankind’s freedom. No human would ever goto war against the Sephora again, he would do everything to stop this. Knowledge was freedom and freedom was travel.
“Council Sheph, I am overwhelmed. I need a moment please, may I be excused to go eat and ponder.” He asked in his most neutral none excited tone.
“I am sorry again, you never have to ask again. You are Chosen. Forgive me, just call on me when you are able, the ship will be transiting back to earth. When you are ready for enhancement or sleep or anything this is your communicator to me, I will be ready. Long life to you Chosen, long life to us both.” With out a goodbye or a see you later the Council walked away.
Jason was on the verge of screaming, he had waited for this moment and knew it was real but he had not expected it to be so soon. Only 3 years. He retraced his steps for the last 3 years and would write down every step in his diary every day. He had his personal computer pad that only he could access and the council but no others could. He had his private thoughts day to day and on day 631 he wrote that progress may take 5 more years and now this. He was elated.
Sitting in the dinner room or cafeteria was a massive room with 60 large tables, they had suddenly created a small table just for him. He never had that before as the Guardian caretaker walked towards Jason, his massive mechanical form loomed and stopped. Jason turned and waited to be addressed but the Guardian said nothing.
“Do you need something Guardian.”
“The Council have assigned me to you personally, no one will harm you while I function. I will get your food, check your domicile. I am your Guardian assignment until I cease to function. I have your DNA imprint and can locate you within a 1000 mile range anywhere. What do you wish for my name to be.”
The creature stood still as can be. The death machine could have been a purple stone as still as it was. No lights except for the circle of eyes that encircled its upper canopy would light up or move.
Jason pondered for a few seconds, ‘Another turn of events. I am a free man with his own guard. I did not expect this at all. Name?’
“Name you, what to name you, name? Well ill give it some thought while I eat.”
“What do you wish for food please, I will get that food while you ponder.” The creatures legs shifted.
“Oh, um, bring me the stir fried meat dish please, and a salad. Also a large lemonade please.” The creature shifted and was gone.
‘My own Guardian, name. This is incredible. What to name him Agocide or Heracles. Ago son of Zeus. I think I will call you Herc for short so no one gets the emphasis but me. Its easy to say and quick.
The machine was moving back with grace carrying 2 trays with his hands while the other two hands were at the ready to kill anything that approached unannounced or threatening.
“Jason please inform me of what you wish me to call you.” The machine uttered and stood still as he put the trays down.
“Jason is fine, and your name is to be Herc. This is the name I will call you from this day forward. Does that seem suitable?” He asked and waited.
“it is as you say. Herc is acceptable. Please touch the metallic plate on the left tray please for authentication.” The machine responded.
“ok, ouch. That was a shocked what was that for?”
“Bonded to you. You now have a communicator embedded, which will work anywhere in the known galaxy. Due to light speed response the chip will work from Earth to any planet known by the Sephora. I will know and come if we are separated and you need me or are threatened.”
This was strange, he was free, he had his own Guardian. He could go or do anything.
“Will I have a personal shield as the council does as well Herc?”
“Yes Jason, it is being retrofitted to your frame now. You will have it in a few hours. The council has upgraded your quarters to match the Chosen, you no longer are in the same spot. They have given me directions when you are done. You have a flag from the council to come chat when your pondering is over, if you would not mind.” ‘What the f..This is amazing I am not commanded im am asked. Amazing. Feels so good.’
“Inform sheph that we will be there shortly.”

Jason finished his meal, it was the best thing he had eaten in his entire life, could have been freedom or they upgraded his food somehow. Fantastic.
Jason arrived at the large cabin of the council it was as spacious as a shuttle hanger bay, with sauna, bath mechanical guardians stood on both sides of the door as he approached the huge doors were already opened as the council ambled closer. Xora watched from the interior. “Sheph thank you again for giving me this honor, I will do everything in my power to be worthy till the day I die.” Jason grabbed the lower right hand of the Council and put it to his head. The councils colored turned bright purple as his 3 eyes opened wide and he looked back to his mate and down to jason, Jason had never seen that color change before.
“You honor me Chosen, I am no one special and you honor me. Thank you Chosen. Please come in make yourself comfortable I have fabricated a chair that I am told is very comfortable and have this in your cabin as well.” The Sephora rarely sat in front of humans, the council pulled a cushion and aligned it under his tail and sat. “We have 932 days of flight time back to earth, I would appreciate it if we could talk for a few visits before you hibernate?” The council asked it as if talking to his superiors. Strange.
“Council I am at your disposal at any time day are night,” there was no night or day in space. “Just chime Herc, my guardian and I will come. I love our talks Sheph.” He responded eagerly.
“I am elated, you are no longer my valet I will have to get a new valet when we are back at earth. My mate will also be allowed to have a valet of your choosing for us. Our safety is at your disposal.”
Jason was alarmed, God help me. If I fail I could cause a major issue for humanity.
“I will choose correctly and I will make sure that all Guardians protect your safty first and the humans second. Your life is more valuable then theirs, in my eyes. We must have peace, we must have partnership. I will find the right ones. Sheph, I have a question, on earth I will still be in your domes and with you correct? I Do not wish to relocate I want to be near you. I like working with you?” Jason asked concerned.
“Chosen, you will live where ever you wish, and if that is by me it is done. I will relay to earth your habitat will be fabricated within a month. I am so proud to be near you. You are the Chosen. We will introduce you to Earths UMN when we arrive as the Chosen. You will mitigate Earths people with the Sephora in all ways. You will have a 4 Guardian patrol plus Herc to watch over you at all times. Your shields are upgraded to a 100 mile zone. That means if any weapons are within that perimeter the guardians will liquidate and stun. You are more valuable then anything on Earth. You are the Chosen. I was commanded to enhance you with no chip, however your health is paramount when you hibernate you will be enhanced and your genome altered, your life span should sustain you over 600 years. The human body is easy to cure and maintain. With your permissions would you like enhanced strength and response time? Also you have embedded yourself with Hercs DNA sequencing, I am happy and relieved you have done this. May I link my guardians to Herc to protect you as well?”
“I believe that means that hundreds of Guardians will deploy to protect if I need help?”
“yes that is what it means. You will find many resources for the Guardian to help you with.
“Fantastic also, yes, please while I hibernate enhance me please. You do whatever you feel I will need and I agree completely. Please just make sure no control chips in my brain, I find that abhorrent.” Jason responded got a brief shiver of slavery.
“Never Chosen, only what you wish. I will have it done. Also, may I call you Jason? You are the Chosen, I just wish to know what you would allow me to call you?” The council asked his purplish green color was returning.
“Sheph you can always call me whatever you wish, Jason is find, or any other name you wish I am at your disposal. I also wish to ask if Xora can come forward and sit and talk as well? Is that proper for me to ask that.” Jason pointed to her standing by the baths listening, she leaned and looked at her mate.
“As you wish Jason, Xora please.” The council shrugged and she ambled forward and grabbed the cushion. Her bright purple hue showed her excitement.
“Xora I am so please to be able to talk with you both without worry of what I would say. I do not know if you heard but Mankind will never, ever harm another Sephora if I can help it. They will come around and be partners to the Sephora. It is unacceptable to war with your own people, and Sephora are my people as much as humans. I am ashamed we could not have had this 500 years ago. But better late than never as one person said.” Jason leaned forward bowing his head to Xora.
“Oh my… um.. I am without words I must ponder.” Xora responded.
Interrupting a bit Sheph was quizzically. “Jason do you know of the male and female counter parts of the Sephora? I ask this not lightly but the reason male and female mats are different is because once one is mated the female loses herself, her hormones, her being changes after mating. We have 31 children that we have created in the homeworld dens. They were sired by us but we do not raise them the way humans do. I do not think you knew that, we have no affinity for our young, the younglings war with each other and their parent so we do not raise them, the dens do. Once they reach adulthood there Sephorongs change to passivity. This is why we are different than humans. The male and female before and after mating still retain their independence. Xora does not control her fear. Once mated the female always has fear. Her Sephorong changes her and the males must protect them from the harms that would come or they would not eat, they would not sleep, they would die.” Ahh now I get it Jason thought.
“oh.. so now I understand totally. Xora, if it please you when you are with me you are my protected as well if this will not breech any protocal Sheph, Your house is my house.” Shephs color changed again to a purplish pink, brighter than before. Has to be honor or gratitude he will have to find out these new colors he had never seen before. “On Earth we protect family first the everything else we love. You are my family now. Please understand that I am blending Sephora and Human but I am still grasping with the understandings and implications.
“Herc will you bring me a lemonade please.” The mech moved off to the rear of the cabin area which would be a small kitchen Jason presumed.
“I am overwhelmed with honor Chosen, um Jason. I am pleased, my passions would have never dreamt the Chosen would honor my house so. Thank you Jason. Thank you Chosen. I have no words I must ponder.” The council shifted his upper carapace tilted exposing his neck as a sign of submission. Jason was being honored with their lives.
“Thank you both, I have more questions please. You both are family so we can talk freely without so much as worry of what we say. I would like this no matter what, always honesty. I will never lie to you to my death. I will always tell you so. Could you both tell me how many planets are there in the Sephora civilization, I have always wondered this?”
“Oh yes, yes, I have forgotten myself. Your cabin you have not returned to. You will have all upgraded equipment, unlocked data. Your computer has everything mine has, except for specifications of the Drone ships and shield data and weapons data, your have all that I have at your finger tips.”
“That pleases me to no end. I will spend many days in my cabin researching and planning on how to bring our cultures closer together. We will be two peoples, one race some day. I vow this.” The council leaned back and was amazed at how he was feeling, this human was the One that all Sephora had looked for and he had found him, by chance. The Council of 11 said there is only logic, it was not chance or luck. He is the One.
“Jason, please forgive me but would you like a mate? I have human embryo I can clone and gestate do your demand. Simply we have the ability to create females and they will be humans but as clones you will have a chance to bond with them or not, use them as mates or not, you can choose them as you wish to maintain your habitat or be assistants, give them their freedoms to leave you or love you as you deem.”
Jason was at first angry then it was not malice that Sheph had intended but his loneliness that Sheph was concerned with. He was worried for Jason.
“I will ponder this I will give you that answer at another time. So much has hit me at the same time may I go to bed now. I am a bit sleepy.”
Sheph stood and Xora stood and both spoke. “Please come back at your leasure Chosen, they both tried grabbing his hands to put them to their stomachs in obeisance.
“Please you two, never do that if you do not wish it. We are family at its odd im so tiny like a Sephoran child.” They both turned a different shade of greenish purple only briefly.
“As you wish Jason we shall abide. Please take your rest and call when needed. We can talk again tomorrow or the next day.”
“thank you Sheph.” And he walked out of the large cabin. “Herc can you lead me to my cabin please.”
The mech started walking at a slow speed for it, and Jason was walking pretty quick to keep up. After two lifts and turbo walkway and a few more of what seemed miles away he came to his cabin and the doors opened only after Jason spoke, ‘Open please’ the door was coded to his voice and DNA hand print. The cabin was perfection, everything he needed from flat screens on all the bulkhead walls so he could watch the television and any holo vids he could bring up on the computer along with his bed which was the most luxurious thing he had ever laid down in. The Sephora knew what humans needed and he had it all. He had it all except another person.
‘Clones, would it be right, ethical. I would bring 2 or 3 females to life and give them their freedom to work my dome as whatever they wish. Is this right. They would be loyal, no Earth preconceptions and if I fall in love or they do fine. Why couldn’t I do it. I know im tricking the systems of old Earth relationships, but back home every women I ever dated looked down on the Sephora, I couldn’t date a bigot.
Yes, I would create a few clones and ill research it first to find out how long it takes, and can I create the right girl for my taiste but what if she doenst like me? I would have to be educated and be a partner not a slave however with that education and freedom comes choice. I would have to date them to see if they would like me and so many other things. God, this could be nuts. Maybe to create a harem the old Muslim way of many wives. Or Maybe make it like to Mormons did. No! No religious undertones. Strictly education and choice. They probably would reject him but he will try.’
“Herc, notify Council Sheph I would like to meet with him tomorrow at 11 ships time, please.”
“It is done Jason, would you like a bevarge or snack?”
“Yes please, could you bring me the soda I like and some pie. Lemon please. “
The mech left the cabin without response.
‘So I finished to research on the planets 68 plants and 184 lunar bodies and colonies of the Sephora. Mankind had 11 habitats on 6 planets isolated from mankind, however they were finally sending ships to those habitats to escalate relationships. He would have to take over those ships and the spread of bias and bigotry. Mankind would have to be brought out of their racism of the Sephora if they ever wanted freedom.’
Socialism and democracy could be blended but so many people interjected their own politics and beliefs into governments, that would have to go. There would be an adopting of a Council of humans on Earth and on all other planets. “We will have to come out of the stone age of beliefs and move forward, it will be painful but we can adapt.” Jason talked to himself as the door opened and Herc entered.
“thank you Herc. I am getting hungrier as these days go on. Herc you might know, can a human be enhanced without going into hibernation? I didn’t want to look it up if you knew.”
“Yes Jason you can, however there is some recovery time and pain but the meds can nullify that. I am an AI I have all the knowledge that your computer pad has in my memory. I also can tap the ships core for answers I may not have.” The mech responded.
“oh, I didn’t know that. Can you change your voice output to match a humans? Or can your speech patterns mimic a human? I just would like to talk to another person from time to time.”
“Male or female Jason?”
“um, Male please.”
“How is this voice.” The voice was perfect, like that of another man he just met.
“Fantastic, yes use that voice from now on please Herc. I love it. So can they enhance me and then when its all done wake me? There is so much to do before I hibernate I would like to keep working if I can.”

2309 may, 6 days after enhancement.

As he awoke Jason felt as though it was a fog that he couldn't see through, his eyes not fixating on anything except the fog. "I cant see anything. Hello, is anyone there?" He called out to the fog.
"Relax," a familiar voice consoled." Be at peace Jason, the auto doctor is here and all enhancements were fine. The DNA splice was fine, everything is showing up, as you humans say, in the green. You just need to follow some brief instructions and be calm. You will be fine, This is Braq-tech 1101.. Braq go ahead, start activation." The council Sheph told the small human who was Chosen. This was Human and Sephora's best hope for future, he would let nothing happen to the human.
"ok, ok, im good go ahead Braq." he exhaled and tried his meditation process he learned from the council.
"Chosen, please focus on my words. First your ears you should be hearing a high pitch tone, is it there?"
"ok to access your internal AI, which is connected to all systems at a touch. Including none vocal connections to Herc and to the council as well as the Earth link. You will have to just follow this process. Vocal password one time set up. Say the following: A space quota space."
"A space quota space." he responded.
"Earth space link space," The tech continued.
"Password space password space Jason."

Suddenly, after calling out his name he rebooted, which is the only word you could use. The organic AI that was now embedded in his cerebrum was functioning and his eyes could see. Crisp, with a green inlayed panel floating in front of him, exploded into his view. "Thank goodness I can see. You will help me to access all the icons I am looking at, I hope Braq?'
'Yes one step at a time.' The technician called out within his mind.
'ouch, that's unique. Who else can talk to me within my mind?' Jason called out as the telepathy was channeled by the council. 'I as well Jason. You know this is how the Sephora beat the humans. Instant communication is as simple as a thought.' The Earth 'overlord' called to him within his mind.

The days working his new abilities was incredible and active as Jason ran faster then he ever dreamed. Jumped higher then he could have and his mind worked faster than any human alive. He was as efficient and quick as the best of the Sephora, however the Guardian assigned to him was his biggest advantage. The mech Guardian would launch in tandem and in a joint effort the two of them were and incredible fighting duo. Not that he would ever need to fight again, he was however a tremendous force with the Guardian. The Atonement, was the ship they were traveling on and its 840 meter frame shuddered as they transitioned once again to .855% of light speed or 638,000 miles per second. The shields that protected the ship were daunting. Jason often thought about how the ship deflected meteors, solar gravities, standard radiation attacks as if it were a brief wind against a tree. The Guardian lunged and Jason retreated with ease, his speed and rotation were amazingly fast as he parried the guardians attack and felt no pain as the impact was absorbed by his own armor.
'Herc I need you to check your plasma arc its seconds off tone, make sure your tuned to the same harmonics as I am.'
'Understood Jason.' The large machine lept and Jason rolled under him as quick as a gymnast runs a mat.
He sprang back. His leg parried one of the four legs as one of the adjacent legs came down onto Jasons thigh, he pivoted and the mech leg rolled of his as if it was a ball. The mech did not put his weight into it and Jason lept unto the shoulder of the Guardian with a splash clang and the Mech said 'disabled attack, Jason won engagement.'
'Yes, that's what humans can do Herc.' He responded with the glee of a child.

'Yes Council I wish to hibernate, these last 44 days have been grand however, its a long long way to Earth and setting up the schools and the interviews. The enhancements were phenomenal and the downloading process makes understanding and learning an obsolete process. I want to fly a spacecruiser just down load the specs and you know. I did not expect that when i started this process. Amazing technology. The 11 were correct to keep this technology from mankind they would have absorbed it and improved it and defeated you. Mankind now must learn to partner with Sephora or be extinct. I will not let that happen.'
'You are correct Jason.' the council thought back to him with a nod.
'Thank you again for giving me this opportunity, i know it was the 11 but it was you that started the process. I owe you more than you know. Thank you again.' The thought transference process was very strange and Jason had no idea how to send a hug or thank you with warmth, but he managed and the Sephoran responded.
'You will need to go to bay 21a1 for Hibernation process, Herc will take you there.'
'Confirmed see you when i wake.'

2310 April, standard time.

The ship settled in the Australian compound with a thud, its 140 frame was large enough to be see a mile away and the compound workers were lined up in 3 lines of 10 all waiting to greet their Boss and the planetary Leader as they disembarked from the large shuttle.

The 4 massive mech Guardians walked off the ramp first and then a uniqueness that had never been seen, Jason walked out first along side Chorastix and Xora followed. One mech behind her as well ambled off the shuttle.
The compound majordomo was a lean black man who ran up to the council. "My Lord, welcome back sir." He bound. 'Forgive him for not addressing you first, they do not understand.' The council called.
'hehe thats ok i didnt expect to be addressed first, or even at all.'
"Martin, you must understand, this is the Earth representative from now on. His name is Jason Popper, you can call him anything he wishes, but he is the representative now, not myself. The Council of 11 have bestowed upon him the title of Chosen. He is the link in a chain that has never existed before."
The mans eyes were wide with stress, fear, unknown. " i am so sorry," he bowed deeper still. "i had no idea, i didnt know i am sorry please forgive me lord."
"Please stand up. None of that is needed, i am as human as you. You can call me Jason whenever we are not around dignitaries or mixed company. We have had a long long flight, lets begin with introductions to all of the employees and lets start the interview process. Council if you and your mate wish to retire i can do all that or you can come with me to the community building for interviews and lie detector tests. I want no misunderstandings with the new employees."
"Thank you Chosen, you can call me when you need me or have questions, i will help in any way. I am off to a warm salt bath. Will we have dinner tonight at 17 hundred hours, yes?" The council asked verbally.
"Absolutely council, i would not miss it. I also need to go over my cloned list of assistants and how long that process will take as well. I decided to have 3 or 4 clones for my home quarters, as well as a personal assistant. I only want an assistant I can trust." The council nodded and moved off with 3 mech Gaurdians and 2 stayed behind, Herc shuffled to stand beside his master.
"Martin lets go to the community center please." Jason Followed the man and walked past the rows of workers standing there. "Martin are you going to dismiss all these workers? Why are they still standing here in the hot weather. Send them about their business please."
Martin stopped and spoke and they were off in every direction.

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