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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/989077-July-25---July-31
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#989077 added August 13, 2020 at 2:10am
Restrictions: None
July 25 - July 31
A weekly blog that starts skinny on Saturday and fattens up by Tuesday and is ready for slaughter by Friday ... if not before.




"O Thixo, ndikokele, Ndikusele, ndenze ndibe
Isibane, esi bengezelayo Enkwenkwezi eqaqanbileyo
Ungu somandla isobu gangamsha"1
- Abdu’l-Baha

*HeartBroken* MY THOUGHTS

July 25: Thoughts of 'home' in Sweden. One of many places I 'come from'.
July 26: Moment (restaurant) in Taichung was one of the most interesting places I've visited.
July 27: I'm pulling my weight with commenting. Not as good as two weeks ago though. I try.
July 28: I wrote a perfectly rational blog after ranting earlier ... it felt good.
July 29: I'm not really into robots. I use technology but I don't want to be used by it.
July 30: I really need to get a grip on myself. Just keep plugging away.
July 31: Wanting to be normal, or perceived as such in order to be accepted, creates problems.

*Mountains* WEATHER

July 25: 18° going up to 29; 21° in Mariannelund, Sweden, going down to 11.
July 26: 28° going up to 31; 26° and humid at 4 a.m. in Taichung, Taiwan. Rainy week.
July 27: 23° going up to 34; 2° in Dunedin, New Zealand, a high of 9 today.
July 28: 28° going up to 36; 29° in Saint Lucia in the Caribe, 31/25 all week.
July 29: 20° going up to 32; 26° and dry in Jamestown, NY, rain this afternoon.
July 30: 25° going up to 36; 9° damp and dreary in Puerto Montt, Chile.
July 31: 27° going up to 37; 17° and sunny in Tromso, Norway.

*Tree2* IMAGES

July 25: Flowers, vegetables, butterflies. Pine shade, breeze.
July 26: Crush of cosmos, waxing crescent moon, quiet except for traffic, peanut butter.
July 27: Orange jello with peaches, peach crisp.
July 28: Orange jello with peaches (finished!). Empty table-top (been months). Stayed in.
July 29: Dark glowering skies with huge thunderheads and 0% chance of rain? Puh-leeze.
July 30: A yearling in the middle of 4th Street. Love orange cloud sunset.
July 31: Sparse shade under the aging trees. Pulled pork. Cherries.


It's increasingly obvious that I will NOT do all of these in any given month. Priorities are given to sporadic contest. Blink and I may have to wait 3 months!

*BoxcheckR* "No Dialogue Contest-CLOSED SS <700. No dialogue. HEAT by 7/31. "A River of Thirst (Jarom) B/E
*BoxcheckR* "Invalid Item FF < 300 Flash Fiction Romance/Erotica by 7/14(Freedom) B/E "Before the showing (300 words) [139] (13.July.2020)
*XW* "The Dialogue 500 SS <500. July: A Dialogue with your Doctor at the Sanitarium.CLOSED "Hemorrhoids ran out of time
*Radioactive* "The Science Fiction Short Story Contest SS <2000. July: {bitem:} ran out of time
*XW* "WEIRD TALES CONTEST SS <1000, July: invaders from outside. CLOSED "Invalid Item ran out of time

*BoxcheckB* "Poetic Traditions Poetry Contest <50. Old or new not awarded. Limited to 20. "First drum set
*BoxcheckB* "Write from the Heart Poetry Contest Romance. 12-20 lines "Mayfly [169]
*BoxcheckB* "Shadows and Light Poetry Contest Round 85 to 14th Old or new. Free verse <40 lines. "One ... Mississippi ... Two
*Box* "Shadows and Light Poetry Contest Round 86 15th to July 31st or Aug 14th? Old or new. Free verse <40 lines.
*BoxcheckB*1 "Invalid Item Round 74: mondo. "White rosebuds [123]
*BoxcheckB*2 "Invalid Item Round 75: syair. "2020 unmasked [159]

*Box* "Invalid Item New or old <50 lines

Whenever: "The Random Poetry Contest
August: "Invalid Item <60. It's a dark month...
September: "Verdant Poetry Contest Nature. Autumn. Form and words by Sept. 30.
September: "The Humorous Poetry Contest <15 Humor. Round 33. B/E

*Box* *Box*"The Writer's Cramp Daily noon-noon WDC = 10 a.m. MTT. Must be item.
*BoxcheckR* *BoxcheckB* "The Taboo Words Contest ~ On Hiatus Monthly. <750 <40 July: FIREWORKS"Comforting Sophie (taboo) [113]"Sophie's Lament [114] (255 words)

*Box* *Box* "Kittiara's Writing Contest 1 ss, 1 poem. Theme: renewal
*Boxcheck* *BoxCheckB* "Second Time Around ~ Birthday Special Old non-winners! Got lots of those (poem/ss) June 15th-July 14th"Thunder

*BoxcheckB* "Invalid Item Erotica! <500 words, <15. July: DEVOTION "Unhappy without you (12 lines)

*BoxcheckR* "Invalid Item July theme: RESOLVE <1000 ""90210" (991 words) — Stardates 4157 23-26-28
*BoxcheckB* "The PET NEWS CONTEST SS <2500, P <40. July: A REAL WILD PET *RibbonW* HM "Julie had an aardwolf [160]

*XW* "The 4 Controversies Contest Opinionated non-fiction essay >1200. By July 17: COVID-19Ran out of steam

*Box* "Share Your Faith until June 30. Story or poem. Prompt: dealing with anger. "Opening the garden ... of the heart [109] (36 lines)
*Box* "The Contest Challenge A contest of contests... every month.
*Box* "The Bard's Hall Contest SS <1000 GC+ Sizzle! July 31. CLOSED "Invalid Item

"Journey Through Genres: Official Contest

*Chicken* POULTRY

DAILY for JULY: "The Daily Poem by 4 p.m. WDC by: 25th *Boxcheck* 26th *Boxcheck* 27th *Boxcheck* 28th *Boxcheck* 29th *Boxcheck* 30th *Boxcheck* 31st *Boxcheck*
THREE DAYS A WEEK: "Invalid Item by midnight WDC by: 27th *Boxcheck* 29th *Boxcheck* 31st *Boxcheck*

*RibbonW* *EggV* "Le monde gris [154]

*Egg1* "Little Virus goes on a trip [156] (silverseuss)

*Egg5* " The dying leaf [158]

*Egg3* "Priscilla's dog days recipe [157] (24 σ)

*Egg7* "Contestant [162]

*RibbonW* *Egg9* "Saint Andrew's Parlor [164] (24 σ)

*EggO* "From Dawn till Dust [163]

*Egg6* "Ingrid Fossensdatter [167]

*Egg2* "Book, wine and blinkers [166] (24 σ)

*Egg4* "We abide [168]

*RibbonW* HM *Egg6* "Julie had an aardwolf [160]

*Egg8* "Wind, where do you take me? [133]


*EggG* "Ombra mai fu

*EggV* "But in the end, a passing thing [183.zm]

Not yet laid: *Egg8* *EggB* *EggG* *EggR* *EggV*

*Pig* PORK

DAILY: "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge

Ye are drops... [161] (296 words)  (18+)
Flash fiction < 300 words: cloud, feet, bread. "Ye are drops of one ocean..."
#2227882 by Kåre Enga in Montana

 Doll-collar [165] (298 words)  (18+)
< 300 card, collar, doll
#2228081 by Kåre Enga in Montana

Sophie's Lament [114] (255 words)  (13+)
< 300 words Prompts: book, frown, safe. Not: fireworks sparklers crackles bangs bright.
#2228303 by Kåre Enga in Montana


*Reading* READING


I can't focus on audio-visual! I need to finish one movie and find one that works for me. I have 200 to choose from. May need to go on-line and watch some East Asian love story serials.


NoW: 4K (G) *Boxcheck* 4K+ *Boxcheck* 4A (V) *Boxcheck* 4M+ *Boxcheck* 4P+ *Boxcheck* KAMP *Boxcheck* G (1-6) *Boxcheck*


25: 2/12 (Changhua-finished), 26: 2/11 (Moment-Taichung), 27: 2/11 (Rainbow Village-Taichung) 28: 2/11 (Rainbow Village), 29: 2/11 (Taichung-finished), 30: 2/13 (Lukang), 31:2/13 (Lukang)

*Vomit* CHORES

25: *XW*, 26: 30 min, 27: *XW*, 28: 30+min, 29: 30 min, 30: 20 min+, 31: 10min.


25: walk, 26: walk, 27: out, 28: *XW*, 29: out, 30: out, 31: out


July 25th: Saw Nan and Rick and others. Got to chat to people on my walk. Cardamom and toffee milkshake. Posted two postcards.
July 27th: Sat in the shade with Laxmi, Kathy, Ben. I ended up with lasagna and peach crisp.
July 29th: Sat with Charles, Laxmi and Bill. In the shade until that sneaky Sun came around.
July 31st: Laxmi, Bill, pulled pork, beans, cherries.


July, 1973: Meso-American Anthropology and Chemistry at Kansas U.
July 25, 2013: Saw Presidenta Chinchilla in Nicoya, Costa Rica.
July, 2018: Vienna and Graz in Austria.


Olivia de Havilland dies at 104 (NBC) Now gone with the wind ...


Fresh killings in Darfur as Sudan prepares to send troops (AFP) Agricultural people versus nomads.
'Alarm' at Poland's plan to leave treaty protecting women (AFP) The traditional war-on-women returns.

*Raspberries* OPINIONS

"Gen Z good and bad closed
"why do i write closed
"Follow the money, the morals (or lack thereof) [re disease] closed
"homeless kindness closed

*Martian* SPACEBOOK quotes (you can guess context):


Reference to challenges, contest and prompts (not all appearing on the same week):
BC: "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise (daily) (I'm not a member)
BCOF: "Blogging Circle of Friends using my Nlog (nature blog) "Nurture your Nature and "Hoarfrosts from Hell (daily)
JAFBG: "JAFBG (open rants)
JI: "Journalistic Intentions using my Blog "Enga mellom fjella (8 blogs from 16 prompts) "June post. I'm finished. "  
30DBC: "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS (July)
MHA: "Invalid Item weekly prompts starting June 14th.
OP: "Invalid Item using my Plog "L'aura del Campo
PP: "Promptly Poetry Challenge (2024-2025) my Plog response to prompts as I missed the sign-up date.
Real: "Welcome To My Reality Forum 75 prompts *Box* August Prompts "REALITIES ... prompts and ideas
SB: "Space Blog

July 25 SB&30DBC: "My life's a jigsaw puzzle that needs to be put together.
July 26 30DBC: "PIE
July 27 30DBC: "Do you really want to hurt me?
July 28 30DBC: "I get to rant!
July 28 SB: "Racism: wash, rinse and repeat.
July 29 30DBC: "Universal translator
July 30 30DBC: "It's over
July 31 BCoF:"Orange ... the color of my heart

Visited this week so far and commented:Princess Megan Rose 22 Years Chris Breva hullabaloo22 tah2o jabberwocky lizco252isback Bernie QPdoll Cadie Laine - Happy 24th WDC! IceSkatingSugarCube Eric Wharton Sum1's In Kalispell Montana Apondia Lazy Writer est 4/24/2008 bobturn Pumpkin Joy Elisa: Middle Aged Stik Lostwordsmith Alexi Lyn's a Witchy Woman Cheddah Elle - on hiatus 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace Charity Marie - <3 Waltz en France 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson ridinghhood-p.boutilier Prosperous Snow celebrating Cappucine WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness Sumojo BlueMoon queenkissy QueenNormaJean gettinPomsready SandraLynn Charlie ~ SB Musing
Trying to keep up on blogs. Over 30 last week but 15-20 is a better goal.

*MailY* Postcards:

July 25: Denise and Charlotte in Texas

I moved to Missoula July 2008 and the mountain burned:

Sentinel on fire at night

         *PoseyO*          *AntR*                              *PoseyO* *Butterfly2T*                    *PoseyO*          *AntR*                              *PoseyO*                    *PoseyO*          

2.672 views as of July 25th.

1  In isiXhosa. In English: "O God, guide me, protect me, make of me a shining lamp and a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful."

© Copyright 2020 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/989077-July-25---July-31