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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/987650-The-Niceties
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#987650 added July 9, 2020 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
The Niceties?
July 9th Prompt: Write about the last time you did something nice for yourself.
         Nice? For me, myself, and I? Most of the time we treat each other with respect. After all, we're in 'this' together. If one goes down, we all tumble and bruise.
         So...I just poured a fresh cup of tea for myself. Ya, ya, I know its already a gazillion degrees and we're glowing with perspiration, but she needed the caffeine persuasion. The camp neighbours fiddled with their gas water heater, yet again, at two a.m. Who needs hot water at that time? Apparently, cursing at it and beating it did not dissuade it. Groan. They argued with it throughout yesterday, and now they're repeating their desperate efforts. Come on. Their trailer sat unused for the past two years. The water heater is most likely a bit rusty. Myself needs to sip, slowly.
         A few moments ago, I made the bed. Myself is a neat nut and that kind of disarray irks her. I hope she appreciates my efforts. This chore required a great deal of stretching, tugging and tussling. We really need a bigger bedroom. I do not like the shuffle, shuffle side step 'round the mattress. I need to sit and catch my breath.
         Oh, yesterday we all had lunch with my sister. We lounged outside, on the restaurant's newly erected patio deck, under canvas umbrellas. Sigh. That Covid and its restrictions deny indoor dining.The poor waiter never ceased moving. Up and down the stairs he climbed with platters of food and drinks. Then he juggled our dirty dishes. Me, myself and I lauded his dedication.
         We enjoyed our reunion.Whew, it's a wonder neither of us has laryngitis. We embody the "cannot get a word in edgewise" philosophy. Together we squeezed in much catching up. We parted well sated.
         Most of the time, me speaks out loud and expects myself and I to listen without interruption. She loves the sound of her own voice. I suppose this is normal behaviour because we spend so much time in each other's company.
         I have learned a few tricks over the years though.To avert me's attention, I introduce her to a book. With her nose buried in it for at least a couple of hours, I can enjoy some peace and quiet. She believes I am being nice, but am I? Do we both revel in the respite?
         Before we transferred to our camper, I baked a variety of our favourite desserts. They await us in the freezer. We love to pamper ourselves. Anything homemade is nice with a fresh cup of tea. Oh, I need to refill myself's cup. Perhaps if I do this she will sit with me outside on the deck. I feel a nice breeze coming.

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