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Jesus said, "Obey or I will kill you."( Luke 19:27) |
He cares about the little guy. He wants free healthcare for poor people. He wants better public education and free college. I'm very upset about how the working poor have been exploited. Why spend trillions on the rich in a COVID-19 stimulus? President Trump has not helped the 40 million people on unemployment. They will vote with their empty wallets and empty stomachs. Joe Biden doesn't want free healthcare for those 40 million unemployed. He cares more about his wealthy donors. And he is having trouble articulating his solution. I voted for Obama because he had a plan to help the little guy. And he was young and sexy. Neither, President Trump. or Biden is young or sexy. President Ronald Ragan was senile in his second term. We need to lower the age for running for President. A.O.C. would be an excellent Presidential candidate, but she's too young. Jessi Ventura is not young, but he is sexy. And he can speak coherently about the industrial-military complex. Tulsi Gabbard was right about stopping endless regime change wars. Who got rich from the Iraqi war? Why do we have a nuclear missile base in Iraq? That is like building a dynamite factory on a volcano. The newly formed democratic government of Iraq wants the U.S. military out of Iraq. But, there are permanent U.S. bases in Iraq around the Iraqi oil fields. Meanwhile, 40 million unemployed Americans will be foreclosed on and evicted. And there are mile-long lines at food pantries for Americans who can't afford to buy food. Billions of American' tax dollars are spent on Isreal and defending NATO.. Why can't the Federal government send another stimulus check to Americans? The Federal government sent a billion dollars to Google and Amazone. Don't you think this inequality is the cause of some of the civil unrest? This is a basic civics lesson. If you govern your citizens fairly they will be peaceful and productive. Just my rant. Vertago <=+=> XXII |