Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
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3. That's always an interesting concept when you try to mind your own f***ing business then you end up on face book or twitter. plainsue Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I better not go there! Yep. It's hilarious trying to explain 'white privilege' to white folk who have the screaming 'what-about-me's. Yeah, I get that you weren't born with a golden spoon up your crack so why-the-h-e-double-hockey-pucks did you vote for someone who was? Did you really expect compassion from someone who mocks disabled people? Yes, I do understand that life has been tough. Want to live two years in a homeless shelter? Or would you rather get bashed in the head at least three times (that I remember). I'm sure my pain is no greater than thous. Ah ... but this isn't facebook and the people here are intelligent angels . Sorry ... I can only hold it in for so long. Howevuh ... most writers are communicators and thinkers and warm heart-filled people . Not. So, yeah. I could explain: 1. why climate and weather are not the same. Affirm that climate is changing. 2. that sex and gender are not the same thing. That neither is binary. 3. that privilege due to wealth is real. 4. that that's not what 'white privilege' is all about. It's what doesn't happen... 5. that trauma resides in the body. It's not what happened it's how the body stored it. 6. that not everybody is Christian and that morals, and values differ. 7. that virtues seem to be universal, but not always equally valued nor expressed the same way. 8. that Queen Scarlet ruled that a List of Five is sufficient. 9. that I wish she scarlett_o_h were reading this. 10. that the best part of fish and chips is the mushy peas. And so on and so forth. BUT WOULD ANYONE LISTEN? Still, many writers (here or there) ARE truly nice people, even if most bloggers do not care to create community. But nothing NOTHING compares to the insanity on spacebook. It's shit-flinging time all the time, at any hour on any day. Few want an intelligent conversation. Fewer are intelligent or eloquent or ... Cipherville. That's what spacebook is. A bunch of aliens sowing conspiracy theories or flinging racist comments and fake news and then "what's your problem" ... when I try to be rational (a stretch I admit) and calmly (a real ssttrreettcchh) explain reality. Or at least share my experience of travel (43 countries) having lived in 3 countries and 5 states, 17 years in an inner-city African-American neighborhood, 40 years of dealing with issues of unity ... I even have a B.A. ... but what the hell do I know! They have an opinion based on having read ONE book and having lived all their lives in the same town or region surrounded by family and grade-school friends. Gosh-darn, maybe I should never have left home. Only the stupid ones leave, right? So there's my rant. Spacebook is quicksand ... and a slow angry death. So... I'm not always right but at least I don't do twitter. 56.954 |