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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
I shall now narrate some of my personal experiences. It was in Solan, near Simla, where we had been invited to take part in a Nama Yaj in the presence of Anandamayi Ma. We went in a batch from Simla on a Saturday and did our best till about 9 o'clock at night. We felt tired and moved into a room situated at some distance from the temple of Siva where the ceremony was being held. There we spread ourselves to rest our aching limbs. It was a dark night and the sky was overcast with clouds. Soon a very heavy downpour followed. We were smoking and talking and our talks naturally centred round Anandamayi Ma. One of our party wanted to convince us that She had supernatural powers. A disbeliever in miracles, I sneered at him and blurted out: 'Better keep your cock and bull story to yourself. If your Anandamayi Ma is anywhere near about the position you ascribe to Her, let Her appear before us here and now and I shall then believe your stories'. I had hardly finished when we heard a bang from outside. The door, which we had shut to prevent rain water coming in, went ajar and, believe it or not, there appeared before us a figure robed in white, thoroughly drenched from head to foot. We were startled by a loud laughter, which we knew to be Anandamayi Ma's. Before we could collect our wits, the figure had vanished into darkness! It was still raining cats and dogs, but we did not mind. We sprang to our feet and ran out in the torrential rain to the temple, to be told that Anandamayi Ma had gone o unnoticed and had just returned thoroughly drenched. Another story: Once, while slaving away in office, I had a ring on the phone telling me that Anandamayi Ma had just come. This was unexpected and I immediately rang up my wife to say that I was coming home to take her along with me. Before long, I was driving along Baird Road, New Delhi. My wife said if we had had some time we could have purchased a garland for Anandamayi Ma. By then we were passing through the Baird Square. All on a sudden something struck the windscreen of the car and the steering wheel in my hand became unsteady! I curbed the speed and looked out. To our utter astonishment we found a garland of marigold flowers hanging on the screen as if invisibly nailed! It was not a Tuesday when garlands of marigold abound in and near the Hanuman Temple and our anxious gaze did not discover a pedestrian anywhere near about us! We caught hold of the garland, which was fresh and wet and felt that it was meant for Anandamayi Ma. We took it to Her and told Her the story. She smiled and said, such things did happen! During Anandamayi Ma's first stay in my house at 27, Asoka Road, New Delhi, a Kirtan had been arranged by me under a Shamiana on a bright sunny day. Sadhus like Hari Babaji and Chakrapaniji were there' along with a big crowd. Rain came all of a sudden and it became so heavy that someone proposed that Anandamayi Ma should be seated in my car to avoid getting drenched. This was suggested, as She does not enter anyone's house, but stays under canvas or in temples, ashrams or dharmasalas. I felt miserable, as there was a risk of the Kirtan being stopped. I did not know why, but I suddenly started offering fervent prayers to Anandamayi Ma begging of Her to stop the rain! She smiled and suddenly joined us in singing. In a trice Her face became flushed and Her voice loud and She became oblivious of Her surroundings; Within a couple of minutes, the source of that torrential rain dried up and the hot sun came out again in the sky! I could go on multiplying instances but that may be tiresome. A pall of gloom sits heavily over the world at present and humanity is heading towards a crisis. At this juncture it may be wise for us all to meet and keep in touch with the living phenomenon of peace and bliss, which is Anandamayi Ma. |