May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar. |
It was 'death by cop' and 'being black'. [re autopsy] 2.june.2020 Some of my facebook comments today: More succinct: it was 'death by cop' and 'being black'. [re autopsy] Actually ____, people who live together get along just fine ... with people they live with. Racism kicks in very strong however when people don't. It's basic fear, distrust or hatred. It's taught by 6, 7, or 8 (to quote 'South Pacific'). Racism at its core is a spiritual disease. [re: we all get along... this is softly disagreeing] Perhaps giving Putin too much credit. Americans are doing this to themselves. Ignore centuries of inequality and hire thugs to protect that. Americans would better off looking in a mirror. [re Putin is to blame] Look ... this can be cleaned up. No, I'm not justifying the vandalism, but no one died here. It's a memorial and can be CLEANED UP. I will save my rage for those who maim and kill. I am always amazed by people who value property more than their fellow human beings. When they say they will vote for a leader who embraces that lack of values, it frightens me. [re vandalism of a veteran's memorial; other comments support killing vandals] The protesters = looters equation is dangerous. Since many Americans value property over people, [peaceful, non-violent] protesters aren't being heard. Yesterday at WdC: I've been very concerned that the issues of racism and brutality would be deflected by violence as many people would rather confront the violence with more violence (as certain political leaders drool with their law&order fangs) than deal with underlying inconvenient Truths. Because I believe we are all One I take these affronts on humanity personally. That said, until people can actually sit at each other's tables, share a meal and chat as friends, we haven't even begun to address the poison that is killing us all. |