This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
Prompt: "Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition! What was your favorite prompt from the last month? What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition?" I am just thrilled that I made it through the competition without missing any of the prompts with the exception of a Sunday I believe. Sunday is usually my busiest day as I am a chaplain and usually ministering on Sunday. As to which prompt was my favorite, I can't remember what the prompt was from yesterday without going back and looking. It would take me forever to get though all 30 blog entries to determine that. Probably the one I liked best though would have been the one where you asked us to send in prompts and use another's prompt to write our blog. I used a prompt from QPdoll and enjoyed the prompt as I recall. It was challenging to decide among the many good prompts given that day. Congratulations to everybody who was able to complete the challenge. I know it's tough to discipline oneself to stick it out. "Prompt: What scent evokes memories for you?" The scent of the air just before a warm rain always does it for me. The memory is of having a picnic when I was a child and then playing out in the rain afterwards. It was a warm summer day so Mom didn't mind us getting soaked. To this day, some 40 plus years later, every time there is rain on the breeze I remember that. "Prompt: What scent evokes memories for you?" I can't say that any color evokes strong memories for me although red should evoke strong memories for mankind. Red is the color of blood and God shed a lot of it in the Old Testament when Israel refused to repent. Now the world is refusing to repent and God is once more shedding blood. Do people think COVID-19 is a fluke? God wants mankind to put away their idols such as Allah, Buddha, Shiva, and all these others and turn back to Him. He wants corporations to build products worth carrying out of the stores and make more bang for the buck. He wants justice for the oppressed and not some hotshot lawyer making a deal and plea bargaining the innocent into prison. He wants us ti quit suing everybody we meet over stupidity. Law suits are ridiculous any more. He wants Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. He wants us to quit legalizing and supporting sin! |