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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#977175 added March 5, 2020 at 5:23am
Restrictions: None
Supreme Being
Ma's discipline is simply described as a complete surrender of the personal will to the Will of God. The release of Divine Shakti, which follows such surrender is never a source of corruption, never a danger, for the power is used by the Supreme Itself and never by an individualistic agency. The knowledge that is attained in such a state is not what is called conceptual knowledge. It belongs to a plane higher than the mental. Is it what in our ancient books is called the Sat-chit-ananda consciousness? It is difficult for those of us who are still living within the framework of the intellect, the logical mind, to speak of a supra-mental consciousness. But some of us have seen the manifestation of the results of such a consciousness.

Even at the risk of being autobiographical, I cannot help mentioning a rather striking illustration of the power which Ma exercises with such extraordinary ease and spontaneity. I belong to a school of thought which looks upon running to a teacher for the solution of one's personal problems as rather childish. The pupil is expected to co-operate with the teacher in the helping of the world and not waste the teacher's time in diverting his attention to his own little self. But without any kind of warning, a problem, a conflict of a peculiarly difficult nature, arose in my mind. No amount of wrestling with it or attempts to quieten the mind in order to dissolve it, were of any avail. I felt that I could not waste more time over such a conflict. I asked for an interview with Ma, which was readily granted. I could only tell Ma that I had a problem - I was not in a position to explain the nature of that problem.

So I sat quietly in front of Her. She spoke no word, offered me no verbal explanation; within a couple of minutes, the mind was in a state of a deep stillness, the problem was effortlessly dissolved - I was in a state of an ineffable peace and joy. She quietly said to me, - "Pitaji, you are in that state now -continue to be like that." I made my pranama and left Her presence. It is possible to give all kinds of psychological explanations of the manner in which such mental transformations are brought about. If I had been cured of some physical ailment as quickly, I am sure that such an event would have been hailed as a miracle. But the cure of a psychic disease is just as significant as the healing of a physical one. I cannot pretend to explain such a phenomenon. I merely wish to draw attention to the fact that the state of 'no-mind' as it is called in Zen Buddhism, or the Sat-chit-ananda consciousness, is a very vital and dynamic condition. It is not out of the emptiness, but of the fullness of Life that the Divine Shakti performs its miracles of healing, physical or super-physical.
Why does not the Mother answer to the cry of Her children?" She was once asked. Immediately without a moment's deliberation, rang out Her voice, - 'Pitaji Pitaji". There was no response to Her call. Once more She called and someone stood up in the hall and responded.

She laughed - and She laughs with the whole of Her being - and triumphantly said - "You did not answer, because you thought I was not serious in calling you. But you answered when you realised that I was calling you. Likewise the great Mother knows when Her children are at play and when they really need Her. They call Her often without really wanting Her. But when they fall and are hurt and cry for Her help, She answers immediately."

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