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Latina from alternate reality shrinks non-Latino segment of humanity! |
Gordo, Chuy, Soledad, Summer's Moon, Flaca, Rica, Flora, and Cameron were watching Sharky surf. He caught a good wave and rode it in, then walked ashore with his surf board. "Sharky, that was incredibly awesome!" said Gordo. "I don't have to worry about people dropping in on me any more!" said Sharky. "Now that most people have been shrunk down to ant-size, I don't have much real competition any more!" "You know what I think?" said Gordo. "No, I'm not a mind reader," said Sharky. "I think you should throw another party tonight!" said Gordo. "Good idea!" said Chuy. "Gordo, you're a genius!" "What do the girls think?" Sharky asked, as he turned to face them. "Should we have another party tonight?" "I think we should!" said Soledad. "Definitely!" said Flora. "Count me in!" said Rica. "We can watch Soledad swallow more captives!" said Flaca. "Maybe she can teach me the right way to do it!" "I'm definitely all for it, babe!" said Cameron. "Then it's settled!" said Sharky. "Tonight, we party!" Within two hours they were at Sharky's house with multiple cases of beer. Gordo, Chuy, Flaca, and Cameron were busy calling people and inviting them to the party. This time, Sharky had bought numerous bags of chips and dips, and Soledad set them up nicely on the dining room table. Before long, the party was in full swing; there were at least twenty people there, and most of them were young women. Anastasia Alvarez showed up, and Soledad got one of her boxes of captives and set it near the table. Anastasia was very burly, but not to the point of being fat. She had long dark hair and brown eyes, and was very attractive despite her fuller size. She wore fishnet stockings with a short mini-skirt, and mid-calf black leather boots. Her blouse was very revealing, showing her shoulders and most of her arms. Anastasia began pounding on the table to get everyone's attention. "It's time to swallow some captives! The only question is, how should we do it? Let's get creative this time!" "You could pound some of them with a beer!" said Chuy. "Here, I'll get you one!" Chuy walked to the ice chest and grabbed a Corona for Anastasia, and handed it to her. He used a bottle opener on his keychain to open it for her. Anastasia opened the box of captives that Soledad had set out. Inside the box, it looked like a miniature city, with the exception that the structures were transparent and could be temporarily pulled back so the ant-sized captives inside could be easily grasped. Anastasia grabbed about twenty of them very carefully, so that she didn't crush them, and dropped them into her open bottle of Corona beer. "Look at them, they're swimming around in there!" said Anastasia as she licked her lips. Most of the people at the party gathered around to watch the spectacle. "It's not going to do them any good! Bottoms up!" Anastasia tilted her head back as she took a swig from her beer, and as she turned the bottle upside-down, the tiny captives instantly floated vertically upwards to the bottom of the bottle. They tried in vain to stay afloat, but Anastasia was too powerful for them. Within five long seconds the bottle was half empty, and it became apparent to the bystanders that those tiny captives didn't stand a chance against Anastasia's mouth, gullet, and stomach. When there was about an ounce left in the bottle, the last of the captives flew downward into Anastasia's mouth and met their doom in the depths of her powerful (to them) belly. "Victory is mine!" said Anastasia as she raised her arms in the air, "Those tiny slaves didn't stand a chance against my awesome gullet!" Everyone in the room cheered for Anastasia. "What we need is a beer bong!" said Chuy. "Does anyone have one?" "I do," said a guy in the back of the room. "If someone can give me a ride, I can go get it at my house." "I'll take you," said Flora. "My car is out in front. How far do you live from here?" "Close to Five Points," said the guy. "That's not far, let's go!" said Flora. "Rica, do you want to come with me?" "No, I'll stay here with Nick," said Rica as she felt her necklace. Nick was inside the locket attached to the necklace Rica was wearing. She opened the locket and dumped Nick out, then put the necklace back on with the top of the locket hanging from the necklace. Nick, who was one centimeter tall, stood on the table and waved to everyone. Soledad saw him and she came over and grabbed a seat near Nick. "Hi, Nick!" said Soledad. "Remember me?" "Sure I do!" said Nick. "We made out a day or two before I got shrunk." "I've been thinking," said Soledad. "Since both me and Rica like you, I've been wondering who you would like to be owned by, me or her." "I don't know," said Nick. "What advantage would I have by being with you over Rica?" "There's no advantage," Soledad replied, "I just like you more than she does." "I guess I would have to stay under her care for a while, and then stay under your care, and compare the difference!" said Nick. "Are you saying you're going to let me own you?" said Soledad, moving her hands toward Nick. "Temporarily?" Rica hung on Soledad's every word. "Are you okay with that, Nick?" Rica asked. "Sure!" said Nick. "I've always liked Soledad, I don't mind being owned by her for a while!" Soledad collected Nick in her hands and kissed him. "Thank you, Nick! You don't know how happy you made me!" Soledad had a beer in her hand, and sprinkled some captives into it. "You can watch me swallow some captives, Nick! But first, I'm going to use the bathroom!" Soledad left her beer and left the room. Anastasia thought it would be funny to stick Nick in Soledad's beer. When Rica wasn't looking, she grabbed Nick and dropped him in. Soledad returned, and grabbed her beer, but apparently she didn't see Nick. She began pounding the beer, and in moments, Nick and the ant-sized captives who had been inside Soledad's beer swimming around had been swallowed by Soledad. Anastasia laughed at this. "You just swallowed your boyfriend!" "What?" Soledad asked. "I stuck Nick vasquez in your beer, and you drank him!" said Anastasia. Soledad screamed. "I was too buzzed to notice that he was in my beer!" said Soledad. She lifted up her shirt to reveal her stomach and said, "Nick, I hope you're okay in there!" Meanwhile, inside Soledad's belly, a drama played out. Nick and the ant-sized captives Soledad had swallowed were still alive. There was a pocket of air at the top of Soledad's stomach, just as there had been when Rica had swallowed Nick several nights earlier. The tinier captives screamed, while Nick tried to conserve his air by holding his breath and only breathing when he had to. "Does anybody have any of that shit that made Rica puke the other night when she swallowed Nick?" Gordo asked. Sharky and his friends were concerned about Nick, because he had been a good friend to all of them before he had gotten shrunk. Nobody had syrup of ipecac, which was "that shit" Gordo was talking about. "There's only one thing we can do!" said Chuy. "Get her to drink some hard liquor to make her puke Nick back up!" Sharky went to his liquor cabinet and grabbed some tequila. He grabbed a shot glass and poured some for his sister to drink. "Drink this, it'll make you puke, Soledad!" "No! I don't want to throw up!" said Soledad. "If you don't throw up, Nick will suffocate inside your stomach walls!" said Sharky. "Do it for Nick!" Soledad made a funny face and took the shot glass. She swallowed it abruptly, then slammed the shot glass down, and Sharky refilled it with tequila. Soledad took the second shot and drank it, and after slamming it back down again, Sharky refilled it a third time. "When I puke, where should I go?" Soledad asked. "Puke him out right here on the table!" said Sharky. "I don't want to risk losing him in the toilet if someone accidentally flushes it. "And Anastasia? You can get the fuck out of here, this is all your fault!" Anastasia got up to leave. "I was only trying to play a practical joke, I didn't mean any harm!" "You don't play practical jokes with people's lives!" said Sharky. "Especially when we're dealing with a friend of mine!" Not long after Anastasia left, Flora returned with the guy who was retrieving his beer bong. She walked through the front door just as Soledad puked up Nick and the other captives. Soledad fished him out of the vomit. "What happened?" Flora asked. "Anastasia played a trick on Soledad," said Sharky. "She put Nick in Soledad's beer when Soledad got up to go use the bathroom. When Soledad got back, she was too drunk to notice Nick, and she accidentally swallowed him!" "Is Nick all right?" Flora asked. "He looks all right," said Sharky. "Where's Anastasia?" Flora demanded. "I'm going to fuck that bitch up!" "You know it's not my fault, don't you, Flora?" Soledad asked. "I love Nick!" "I'm not blaming you," said Flora, "but I want to find that bitch who tricked you into swallowing my cousin!" "She went outside just before you showed up!" said Sharky. "But she's pretty burly, are you sure you can handle her, Flora?" "I think I can take her!" said Flora, and she went outside and starting shouting Anastasia's name. Anastasia heard her and returned to the front yard of Sharky's house. "What?" said Anastasia. "You put my cousin's life in mortal danger! I'm gonna fuck you up!" said Flora, as she swung on Anastasia and connected with her right cheek. "Oww!" said Anastasia, and Flora swung again and again. By this time, the party-goers had started to trickle outside to watch the fight. Seeing that she had an audience, Anastasia tried to swing back, but Flora was too good of a scrapper. For every three punches Flora threw at Anastasia, Anastasia only threw one punch at Flora, and only half of Anastasia's punches connected. All of Flora's punches connected when she hit Anastasia. Within a minute of the fight, Anastasia had a bloody lip. "You bitch!" Anastasia screamed. "You made me bleed!" "Then do something about it!" said Flora. Anastasia put her hand to her mouth and ran away from Sharky's house. "You'd better run, bitch!" said Flora, as she returned to the house. Once everyone was back in the party, everyone started congratulating Flora on defeating Anastasia. "You're a scrapper!" said Gordo. "I don't think I could take her on," said Cameron, "and you're skinnier than me, Flora! Good job!" Sharky was cleaning the vomit from the table with cleanser. "How about we have a swallowing contest?" said Rica. "That'll get this party back on track!" "I nominate my sister Soledad!" said Sharky. "I've got twenty bucks that says she can win against anybody here!" "I think I can beat her!" said Rica. "I'm older and I've got more stomach capacity!" "Who wants to bet me?" Sharky asked. Three different guys each put twenty dollars down next to Sharky's money. "If I lose," said Sharky, "I pay each of you twenty dollars, so I'll be out sixty bucks! But if I win, I get your sixty dollars! Soledad, don't let me down!" "I won't!" said Soledad. The beer bong was brought forward. Two bowls were brought to the table, and a hundred captives were placed inside each bowl. "You go first!" said Rica. "So I know what score I need to beat!" "I wanted to go first anyway!" said Soledad. "Remember, if either one of you pukes, you lose the competition!" said Sharky. Soledad got the beer bong and held the hose to her mouth, but paused to say, "Stick all hundred captives in the beer bong!" Gordo got her a beer and opened it, while Chuy got Soledad's bowl of captives and got ready to dump them into the beer bong. As soon as Gordo started pouring the beer, Chuy dumped the entire bowl of captives in with it. When the beer touched her mouth, Soledad started swallowing like crazy. The tiny ant-sized captives plummetted helplessly through the tube, drawn by the force of the beer flowing furiously through it. In less than ten seconds, it was over; all hundred captives had disappeared from the beer bong and had ended up in the depths of Soledad's unforgiving belly. "I'm a conqueror!" said Soledad, lifting her arms in victory. "Now it's Rica's turn!" said Gordo, as he uncapped another beer. Chuy got the second bowl of captives ready. Just like before, Rica put the hose to her mouth as Gordo poured the beer. Chuy dumped the bowl of captives, and Rica guzzled them like she was a woman dying of thirst who had tasted water for the first time in days. Just as she swallowed the last drop, she began having a problem. Rica gagged, struggling to hold down the beer and captives she had just devoured. In a matter of seconds, Rica puked all over the floor. "I won!" said Sharky, collecting the sixty dollars and the original twenty he had put down. Most of the people in the room clapped and cheered that Soledad had won; she was pretty popular. "But what is it with so many people puking tonight?" said Sharky. "Now I have to clean it up!" To Be Continued! |