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Latina from alternate reality shrinks non-Latino segment of humanity! |
Flora Flores drove her car to Sharky's house with Rica Luna in the passenger seat. Nick Vasquez was inside the locket connected to the necklace that Rica was wearing; she was Nick's new "owner" or guardian. Flora pulled up in front of Sharky's house and parked. Flora and Rica got out and walked up to the front door, and Flora knocked on the door. "Come in!" said a voice from inside, and Flora opened the door and the two of them entered the house. Once inside, they could see Sharky Suarez and his girlfriend Cameron Chavez, Nacho, Chuy, Gordo, and Gordo's girlfrend Flaca. Cameron was wearing a black leather mini-skirt, shredded stockings, and mid-calf boots. Her shirt was a tank-top that showed off her belly button. She was sitting on the carpet of the living room floor with her legs spread out, and a group of shrunken captives were marching around on her thighs. Flaca was wearing a pair of shorts, a tee-shirt, and sneakers with socks. She also had some ant-sized captives on her legs, but they were on every section of her legs; her thighs, her calves, and her knees. "What are you guys doing?" Flora asked. "We're just dominating some captives," said Cameron. "They're learning their new place in life, and adjusting to thinking of us as their masters!" "I think they're enjoying it!" said Flaca. "You left your voice amplifier here," said Cameron. "We've been using it to communicate with the captives!" "We should stop calling them that," said Flaca. "How about calling them slave-toys?" "How about pawns?" said Rica. "They've been reduced to a pathetic race of pawns!" "That's a good label for them," said Flaca. "I'm just getting tired of calling them captives!" Flaca turned her attention to the ant-sized shrunken people on her legs. "You enjoy being my slaves, don't you my pawns? You would truly have it no other way!" The voices of the tiny people on Flaca's legs could be heard as a dull murmur as the tiny people seemed to agree with their mighty mistress. "It seems like they're agreeing," said Flaca, "but I don't know if they're doing it out of devotion to their ruler, or if they're doing it out of fear of being cast to the depths of my belly!" "I thought you were against swallowing captives, Flaca!" said Flora. "I was," Flaca replied, "but after hanging around Soledad I kind of got used to the concept of thinking of the shrunken people as disposable. I don't get off on swallowing them like Soledad does, but I do get a certain satisfaction out of it none the less." "I'm glad you came around to my way of thinking!" said Rica. "I'm just like Soledad, I get off on swallowing captives!" "Speaking of Soledad," said Flora, "do any of you know where Summer's Moon is? She usually hangs out with Soledad." "She went to Griffith Park with my sister Soledad," said Sharky. "Soledad drove her car there and Summer's Moon went with her." "You can go ahead and sit down and hang out if you want," said Sharky, and Flora and Rica sat down on a couch. Rica opened her locket and released Nick and set him on her thigh. "They don't sell strawberry banana Nesquik at the Rio Hondo book store any more," said Nacho, getting back to what they had been talking about before Rica and Flora had arrived. "You can say goodbye to a lot of that shit from now on," said Chuy. "A lot of your snacks and fast food companies were run by white people, and with them gone, the companies are gone, too! It's just a matter of time!" "You're right," said Sharky, "there's going to be a paradigm shift with society as Mexico ascends the sociological ladder of this new world." "Rica, you have Nick now?" Nacho asked. "Yeah," said Rica, "Flora gave him to me. He'd rather be with me anyway!" "Even though you swallowed him at the party?" Nacho asked. "He's forgiven me for that," said Rica. "Haven't you, Nick?" "Sure!" said Nick, waving his arm to show he agreed with Rica. "I wish my slave-toys would be that enthusiastic about serving me!" said Flaca. "If you'd stop swallowing them, maybe they would learn to trust you!" said Gordo. "Trust has to be earned!" "We should be going," said Flora. "I want to drive to Griffith park, and I want to get there before it gets dark." Rica picked Nick up and put him back inside his locket, and she got up with Flora and the two of them left. "I think I can use Nick's help!" said Nacho after Rica and Flora left. "When Narcisa was at the party, she said the Conquistadora journeys to her house to meet with her every night at 11:47!" "So?" said Chuy. "If I can get Nick into her starcruiser, maybe we could acquire some mind control technology that I could use to make Soledad fall in love with me! Nick is small enough to sneak inside!" Sharky's friends started laughing at Nacho's outrageous suggestion. "He never gives up!" said Chuy. "You'd better not use any mind control technology on my little sister, Nacho!" said Sharky. "You'd better just forget about this evil plan of yours!" "Slaves!" said Flaca to the shrunken people on her legs. All attention shifted toward Flaca. "I am going to lift my knee, and when I do, I command you to stay astride my leg, any of you who fall to the floor will be executed by me in a manner of my choosing! Get ready!" Flaca moved her right foot closer to her butt, and in doing so, raised her right knee into the air. She did it slowly, and some of the shrunken slaves were able to hold on, but some of them fell. Flaca was close enough to the coffee table so she could grab a cup, and she collected the shrunken people from her legs and placed them inside, and set it on the coffee table. She gathered the tiny people who fell, and put them in a group together. There were about twelve of them. "How should I execute them, babe?" Flaca asked Gordo. "Butt crush them!" said Gordo. "I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you have a nice ass! Let's see you smash them with your butt!" "Does anyone else want to see me do that?" Flaca asked. "Yeah!" said Chuy. "Okay, here I go!" said Flaca, and she lifted her butt into the air, and lowered it as she sat down hard on the captives. "Whoa!" said Gordo. "They must've been smashed for sure! Do it again!" Flaca got up on her knees, then sat back down on the captives. When Flaca got up and examined the shrunken captives, she could see that they were crushed to a pulp! Gordo got up from his seat and walked over and brushed off his girlfriend's ass. "They died happy!" said Gordo, and he kissed Flaca. "Does anyone want to see me swallow some slaves?" Cameron asked. When she heard voices of assent, she said, "Sharky, get me a string of spaghetti from the kitchen. There should be some left from what I cooked last night." Sharky went to the kitchen and got a string of spaghetti, and returned to the living room. He gave it to Cameron. She placed it on her thigh. "I want all of you to climb astride this spaghetti noodle!" said Cameron to her tiny captives. "Some of you will survive, some of you won't. Whether or not you survive will be determined by how much skill you have, and how long you're able to hold on!" "What are you going to do to them?" Sharky asked. "I'm going to hold them over my mouth and see how many of them can hold on!" said Cameron. Just as she had said, Cameron lifted the spaghetti noodle over her head, and the shrunken captives held on for dear life. There were about eight captives. Cameron opened her mouth and lowered the noodle toward her open maw. Two of them fell in right away, but the others held fast. Cameron lifted the noodle high into the air again, carefully keeping it centered over her mouth, then she lowered it again. She did this over and over again, faster and faster, until two more captives fell into her waiting mouth. Cameron swallowed them, and the others in the room could see a distinct bulge in her throat as she swallowed, sending four helpless miniaturized human beings to her stomach, never to return. "So I guess you four are the survivors!" said Cameron. "Do you remember how I promised that some of you would survive? I lied!" Cameron stuffed the spaghetti noodle into her mouth and began chewing furiously. She swallowed, then she smiled, proud of what she had just done. "You two are killing off all of your captives!" said Nacho. "Doesn't it bother you that some of them were people you knew from school?" "If you were one of them," said Flaca, "and you were going to get killed anyway, wouldn't you want to get killed by someone you knew?" "Yeah," said Cameron, "wouldn't it be better to be killed by a hot chick?" "All I know is Soledad wouldn't do any of those things to me if I was her shrunken captive!" said Nacho. "She would wipe you out!" said Cameron. "She can't stand you, Nacho!" "Well, things can change!" said Nacho. "You're still thinking of that ridiculous plan to steal mind control technology from the Conquistadora, aren't you, Nacho?" Sharky asked. "Are you really willing to risk life and limb for my sister?" "What's the worst that could happen to me if the Conquistadora caught me?" Nacho asked. "She could shrink you!" said Sharky. "You could end up like Nick Vasquez, living in a locket in some heina's necklace!" The others laughed at Nacho because of his ridiculous devotion to Sharky's sister. "I'm out of here!" said Nacho as he got up to leave. "Fuck all of you! Some time in the near future Soledad will be in love with me, and we'll be married! I'll go to Narcisa's and wait for the Conquistadora, and I'll get some mind control technology to make Soledad love me more than any woman has ever loved a man!" Nacho slammed the front door as he left the house, and he headed for Rica Luna's house. Meanwhile, Flora drove to Griffith park with Rica in the passenger seat. They found a parking space and went to the demonstration, and looked for Soledad and Summer's Moon. By the time the sun went down, they still hadn't found Summer's Moon. "We're not going to find them," said Flora. "We might as well go home!" When Nacho had left Sharky's house he went to Rica's house and hid in the bushes. When Flora dropped Rica off and left, Nacho waited outside Rica's bedroom while she turned her light on. He waited for over an hour for her to turn her lights off, then he made his move. He removed the screen from Rica's bedroom window, and slid the window open. Nacho climbed in quietly, but after he was completely inside Rica's bedroom, he felt cold metal touching his temple. "Freeze!" said Rica, turning the light on. Nacho could see that she had a gun pointed at him. "Nacho?" she asked. "What the hell are you doing here?" "I wanted to take Nick with me and go to Narcisa's," said Nacho, "so I could have him sneak into the Conquistadora's starcruiser and steal mind control technology from her!" "Nick isn't going anywhere without me!" said Rica. "Then will you come with me, and bring Nick?" Nacho asked. "He can get into places we can't because of his small size!" "Yeah," said Rica, "I'll go. I already met the Conquistadora, but I guess I could meet her again. I want to get another box of captives from her!" Rica and Nacho left Rica's house, and Rica had Nick inside his locket on the necklace where she kept him. They walked to Narcisa's house, which wasn't far from Rica's. When they got there, it was just before 11:47, so they waited a couple of houses down from Narcisa's house. Sure enough, the starcruiser landed in front of Narcisa's right on schedule. The Conquistadora got out and left the door of her starcruiser open. Rica and Nacho made their way toward the starcruiser. "Toss Nick inside!" said Nacho, and Rica opened the locket and gently tossed Nick into the starcruiser. When Nacho tried to enter, a defense mechanism was activated and he was shrunk down to the same size as Nick. "I'm shrunk!" said Nacho. "Help me!" "I'm not going near that thing!" said Rica. "I don't want the same thing to happen to me!" To Be Continued! |