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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
REFLECTIONS ON ALL DIVINE MASTER PRAJNANPURUSH SRI SRI BABATHAKUR Threefold Way of God /Supreme Self-I Realization In the words of the Master the threefold way is --- (¡)Path of 'I' (¡¡) Path of 'Thou' and (¡¡¡)Path of 'Thou and I' Combined'. 'The realization in the form of the 'Absolute-I' signifies that 'all that is, all that was and all that will be' is verily 'I---the Supreme Self '. 'The realization in the form of 'Absolute Thou' signifies 'Thou art all and all are Thine'. This 'Thou' is 'I of Thee' I and mine of me.' 'The realization in the form of 'Absolute I and Thou combined' signifies 'I in Thee and Thou in me', which implies undivided relation between the Absolute Being and the individual being as master and servant, ....and Purusha and Parkriti.' 'Realization through the path of 'I' is associated with Jnana Samadhi,Vijnana Samadhi, ....,Nitya Samadhi and Nityaleela Samadhi. 'Realization through the path of 'Thou' is associated with the Bhava, Mahabhava and Swabhava Samadhi; Asmitanuga Samadhi, .... and Nitya Samadhi or Nityaleela Samadhi which is the highest of all kinds.' Then the Master goes on to explain how through the difference Samadhis mentioned above, divine to super-divine states are realized in the journey towards the realization of the Absolute Self I-Reality though the 'I' or 'Thou' or 'I and Thou combined' principle. 'In the supremely transcendental or eternal aspect of the Divine I-Reality no sense of I or Thou exists, but in its immanent or intellectual aspect It is characterized as the Infinite-I and Thou.' Towards the later part of the chapter there is a very detailed, vivid and lucid explanation of the characteristics and function of Antahkarana i.e., mind, intellect, ego and min-stuff. An excerpt from this explanation is—When the inner organ is absolutely sure of the object that mind cognizes, it is intellect;when it cannot determine whether it is the same object or anything else, it is mind; when it remembers the object and wants to enjoy it again, it is mind-stuff; and when it gets identified with the object and claims it to be its true nature, it is egoism.' Sri Sri Babathakur Note:- I have been alluding to an excerpts from the preface of the book titled KNOWLEDGE OF KNOWLEDGE VOLUME - I Source:-KNOWLEDGE OF KNOWLEDGE VOLUME - I, Page -XVI Website : http:// saccidanandasociety.org E-mail : saccidananda.society@gmail.co |