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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2213350
6 people from Earth in a space plane travel to a world of giants 72 times bigger than us!
#975809 added February 21, 2020 at 6:33pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 11
Later that evening, Darian came to Zima's dorm. "How about we go out for a night on the town?"

"I'm only eighteen," said Zima. "I can't buy alcohol."

"I know of a place where you can get in if you're eighteen, and I can buy a drink and give it to you."

"Okay!" said Zima.

"Let's get one of the captives and take him with us," said Darian.

They went to the lab and Darian grabbed Mason, and the two gianteses stormed off into the night. The passengers of the Thunderbolt were concerned.

"Now we've lost Leo and Mason," said Tyler. "Those two were the only ones who could pilot the Thunderbolt!"

"Maybe Mason will survive!" said Nolan.

"We can only hope!" said Natalie.

Meanwhile, Darian and Zima took public transportation to a nightspot where Darian did as she had planned. She bought a mug of beer for Zima and gave it to her, then she bought a mug of beer for herself. They made friends with another giantess from their University. Her name was Kayla. She carried an tall captive in one hand, and a mug of beer in the other. Darian showed Mason to her.

"He was a champion race car driver back on Earth," said Darian.

"I bet if I put my captive in my mug of beer," said Kayla, "I can swallow my captive faster than you can swallow yours!"

"I'm not gambling with Mason," said Darian. "He's too valuable! He can win me more captives!"

Darian turned to go use the bathroom. "Zima, can you hold my beer while I use the bathroom?"

"Yes," said Zima, "and can I hold Mason for you, too?"

Darian handed Mason to her as well. After Darian left, Zima challenged Kayla to a contest.

"If I swallow Darian's captive faster than you can swallow yours, what do I get?"

"I have three more captives at home that I can give you. Can you match that?" Kayla asked.

"I happen to have three captives at home I can give you if I lose," said Zima. The two women shook hands, and dropped their captives into their mugs of beer and it was on! Zima guzzled her beer down quickly, while Kayla tried to down hers just as quickly, but Zima was just a little bit faster. Zima slammed her empty mug on the table next to them, and wiped her mouth with her forearm.

"Done!" said Zima while Kayla was still on her last swallow.

"How did you beat me?" Kayla asked. "I'm a champion beer drinker!"

"I've practiced for a long time with soda!" said Zima. "I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Inside Zima's belly, there was a struggle going on. Mason was fighting for air. He had found an air pocket, but he needed to conserve his air if he was going to survive the savage depths of Zima's belly.

Meanwhile, Darian returned from the bathroom.

"Hey, where's Mason?" she asked.

"I sent him crashing to the depths of my unyielding belly!" said Zima. "But I won the contest! Kayla owes me three captives!"

"You need to puke him up right now!" said Darian as she grabbed Zima's arm and walked her over to a Gak dispenser. She used her credit card to purchase a small bottle of Gak, and opened it.

"Drink this!" said Darian.

"No!" said Zima, sticking out her tongue. "I want more beer! Besides, I don't want my stomach acid to mess up my esophagus and my throat!"

"Gak protects your esophagus and your throat from the effects of any stomach acid that comes up!" said Darian. "Now drink it!"

"No!" said Zima.

"Drink this and puke up my captive, or you're not my assistant any more!" said Darian. "You'll be off the project!"

Zima scowled and took the bottle of Gak, and drank it. She headed to the women's restroom, and found a sink and plugged it up. Within moments, Zima began to puke. Mason was vomited up into the sink, and Darian grabbed him and washed him off.

"I'm sorry, Mason!" said Darian. "Zima just got a little carried away!"

Darian and Zima returned to the bar area and met up with Kayla.

"Hey, did you guys come in a vehicle?" Kayla asked.

"No, we took the tram," said Darian.

"I brought my shuttle cruiser," said Kayla, "how about you two come home with me to my dorm so I can give Zima the three captives she won from me, and I can pick up some more captives so I can try to win them back?"

"Sounds good to me!" said Zima. "I guess I can grab Brody and his two students and use them as collateral."

"You don't have to do that," said Darian, "they're too valuable! You can use some of the nobody's in my captives that Mason and Tyler won for me!"

"Sounds good!" said Zima, and the women left.

Eventually, they made their way to the lab and Darian grabbed some of the no-name captives who were locked away in the habitation module with the passengers of the Thunderbolt. Darian grabbed about ten of them and put them in a jar. They returned to the bar in Kayla's shuttle cruiser, which was set to autopilot because she had been drinking.

Back at the bar, the contest was underway. Zima had a mug of beer, and so did Kayla. Darian placed a captive in each mug, and said, "Go!" and the two young women started drinking. Zima took an early lead, but Kayla began to catch up. Zima finished her beer about half a swallow ahead of Kayla and slammed her empty beer mug down.

"Done!" said Zima, just before Kayla slammed her empty beer mug down.

"This doesn't make sense," said Zima. "I lose a captive for each captive I win. How about for the next bet, we bet three captives?"

"You're on!" said Kayla.

The contest resumed again. Darian dropped a captive into each mug, and the two young women started drinking again. This time Zima nearly chugged the entire mug in one gulp; apparently, she knew she had more to lose this time. She slammed her mug down on the bar while Kayla still had a substantial amount of beer left in her mug.

"That makes two captives currently struggling inside my belly," said Zima, "and four that I won from Kayla!"

"If you drink a bottle of Gak, you can produce two more!" said Darian. "Then you'll have six captives all together."

"I'm not drinking any more Gak!" said Zima. "Those two captives in my tummy right now are going to stay there permanently!" Zima gave a wicked smile, despite being slightly drunk. "If I kept them, that's where they would end up eventually anyway!" Zima lifted her blouse to reveal her light brown tummy, and said, "I wonder if they're still alive inside there? How much air do you think is in there, Darian?"

"Not enough!" said Darian. "Zima, are you ready to go home yet? You're kind of drunk!"

"One more round!" said Zima. Darian bought another mug of beer and handed it to Zima.

"I'll bet all four of my captives that I just won against four of yours!" said Zima to Kayla.

"You're on!" said Kayla.

"We need to get out of here before the management finds out you're under twenty-one," Darian whispered to Zima.

"Okay, this will be the last one!" said Zima. Kayla had her mug of beer and her captive. Darian took Zima's captive and Kayla's captive and dropped them into their respective mugs, according to the official rules of this drinking game. The citizens of Thanatar took this drinking game very seriously, it had been popular for thousands of years.

"Go!" said Darian, and the two young women downed their drinks so fast that it was difficult at first to determine the winner. Zima's mug slammed down against the bar just a split second sooner than Kayla's mug.

"Zima is the winner, again!" said Darian. Zima collected her eight captives and Darian hustled her out of the bar before they got caught for Zima being under twenty-one. It would be a scandal if their University found out a college freshman was drinking beer in a drinking game at a local bar.

Zima carried her captives in her fists none-too-gently, as Darian and Kayla helped her get to Kayla's shuttle cruiser. Kayla set the shuttle cruiser to autopilot, and had it return to the campus. Darian walked Zima to her dorm. Zima set the eight captives she had won on her dining room table.

"I think I'm gonna puke!" said Zima, and she walked to the bathroom and vomited into the sink. Her captives came up, but they weren't as fortunate as Mason had been. They were all dead.

"They're dead, Zima!" said Darian. "I told you that you should've drank some Gak back at the bar. All these captives are wasted!"

"I've got a resuscitator for captives!" said Zima, as she fumbled around for the device she was looking for. "Here it is!" Zima used the device to try to revive the captives who had spent the past 45 minutes in the depths of Zima's belly. One of them started to awaken, followed by the other three.

"You did it!" said Darian, clapping her hands together victoriously. "You've revived them!"

Zima rinsed them off and had them get dressed in clean clothes that she had on hand. When they were changed and dry, Zima set them on the kitchen table, and got a glass of water.

"I revived the four of you for a reason!" said Zima. "So I can enjoy swallowing you for a second time!"

Zima picked one of the captives up, and tossed him into her mouth, and took a huge swig of water and tilted her head back, and swallowed. She repeated this procedure until all four captives were swallowed. Darian was holding Mason in her hand, and he witnessed this.

"Zima," you resuscitated them just to swallow them again?"

"Yes, I wanted to feel the satisfaction a second time!" said Zima, with a wicked grin.

"I'll leave you here at your dorm now that I know you're safe," said Darian. "I'm going to return Mason to the lab with the others."

Darian turned and left Zima's dorm, and carried Mason back to the lab. She dropped him off in the habitation module, and left the lab.

"We thought you were a goner!" said Nolan.

"I almost was!" said Mason. "I got swallowed by Zima during a drinking game at a bar. Luckily, I got puked back up and I survived!"

"That Zima sure is evil!" said Tyler. "I feel sorry for Nolan, he's owned by her now!"

"I trust Zima!" said Nolan. "She would never hurt me!"

"I don't think you should trust her!" said Mason. "She'll probably use you a few times, and then when she gets tired of you, she'll just swallow you! She gets off on swallowing people!"

"Don't judge her!" said Nolan. "She's a product of her environment."

"Don't judge her?" said Mason. "I saw her accidentally vomit up four captives, and do you know what she did with them? She cleaned them up, put them in clean, dry clothes, then swallowed them a second time!"

"I still love her!" said Nolan.

"You're letting your love for her blind you!" said Natalie. "We can't trust these giants, or these 'titans' as they call themselves, regardless of whether or not you're in love with one of them!"

"If we ever find a way to get back to Earth," said Nolan, "I'm staying behind with Zima!"

Meanwhile, back at Zima's dorm, she got a habitation module that was almost half the size of the one Darian had at the lab. She put her eight new captives inside, and then set Brody, Anthony and Johnathan inside with them. Zima changed into her nightgown, and slipped into bed. She pulled up her nightgown to reveal her bare brown stomach, which she patted and caressed.

"Don't worry, tiny slaves, your deaths weren't in vain! You've given your mistress a lot of satisfaction!" despite being slightly drunk, Zima smiled mischievously, as she was known to do. She got out of bed and walked over to the habitation module, and lifted her nightgown to reveal her stomach.

"There will come a day when all of you will come to know the inside of my tummy!" Zima smile evilly. "What better fate than to surrender to the belly of a goddess? No, more than a goddess, a titaness!"

"What about me?" said Brody. "I'm a skilled tennis player, I can win you more captives!"

Even in her drunk state of mind, this made sense to Zima.

"Yes, your life will be spared!" said Zima. "As long as you win more captives for me! My belly is a never-ending pit for captives! I'll never tire of swallowing them!" Zima still had a wicked smile on her face as she put a sheet over the habitation module so the captives could sleep for the night.
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