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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Research Editor's Picks 1. What Makes Me Me? 2. Old Indian Prayer 3. Sariah's Lullaby 4. A Widow's Story 5. Little Oskar 6. Faith and Freedom 7. 8. 9. Heading 1 Women's History Month: Gender Equality Heading 2 Accomplishing equality. Hook Men and women must work together for equality. About This Newsletter “Women and men have been and always will be equal in the sight of God.” Baha'u'llah (A Compilation on Women, pp. 21-22) Letter From the Editor We must work together, Men and women, Side-by-side for gender equality. It's interesting that, in most cases, when we talk about gender equality, we think of it as women achieving equality so that they can reach their full potential. Maybe its because we think men have reached their full potential, which isn't true because of the inequity that women experience. The human race is composed of men and women, and until women have achieved equality in all areas of life, men can't honestly claim true equality. Consider, from both a spiritual and material point of view, the metaphor of a bird. A bird has two wings, if one wing is weak or broken the bird can't fly. Both wings need to be of equal strength before the bird can get off the ground. The same is true for humanity and civilization, which is composed of women and men. Both genders have to have equal opportunities in all areas of life, before humanity can achieve its full potential in building a prosperous civilization. The good news is that we, humanity, has come a long way toward equality. The bad news is we still have a long way to go before full equality is established. This is a task that both men and women have to work on together. Editors Picks
Excerpt: A hint of sadness, a drop of fun mix them together to make me one
Excerpt: O’ Great Spirit of the living waters…
Excerpt: Little one born in wilderness, so serious, so young,
Excerpt: Having struggled to survive the loss of my husband three years ago, I have been thinking about giving up this life of worrying and working overtime in the corporate sector, burdened with a heavy work load and pressure that is rugged and routine. When not at work, I take care of our house, family, and the last of my mother's sisters, while juggling funds and making a few extra dollars writing grant proposals for nonprofits late at night when my children are sleeping.
Excerpt: It was near suppertime one fall Saturday afternoon when I overheard my Dad telling our hired hand, Little Oskar, that he intended to cut oats the next day. The field in question was a small triangular one next to the farm buildings...
Excerpt: I just got back to the house after watching a truly amazing movie about the life of Harriet Tubman, born a slave named Araminta "Minty" Ross. She ended up saving the lives of more than 700 slaves in the 1800s and died an old woman in the early 1900s... Submitted by Readers Activities, Groups, and Contests Feedback "Spiritual Newsletter (February 12, 2020)" ![]() Pumpkin Ready for Spring ![]() Feedback "Spiritual Newsletter (January 15, 2020)" ![]() Rhoswen - Relentless Victory ![]() |