14 Lines
For: "
Form of the week: Duplex"

and "
PROMPT January 17th"

Verse Form
The Duplex 
Duplex is a recent invention of Jericho Brown, associate professor and Director of the Creative Writing Program at Emory University, Atlanta GA. He describes the Duplex as "a new form that renders the musicality and structure of the ghazal, the sonnet, and the blues on a single plane." The defining feature appears to have a little French flare, a tumbling refrain that creates a sort of domino effect.
The elements of the Duplex are:
1.a quatorzain, a poem in 14 lines, made up of 7 couplets. If it sings and has volta or turn, it could be termed a sonnet.
2.loosely written with lines of equal length and meter ( examples use 9 to 11 syllables) Similar to the ghazal although ghazal rhyme patterns are not employed.
3. composed with a modified repeat of the 2nd line of each couplet as the 1st line of the next couplet creating a domino refrain, similar to the blues repeat of a modified L1 as L2 in each triplet.
4. rhyme is created by the refrains repeat, if the end word of L2 in the previous couplet is repeated within the L1 of the next couplet, the end word of L1 should still rhyme with the previous end word. Rhyme scheme ab bc cd de ef fg ga