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"Putting on the Game Face" |
It is easy to imagine the fallout that ensued after the court refused the FISA application. Kline continues in Chapter 5, Momentous Consequences. On the same day that the application was turned down, Attorney General, Loretta Lynch called Valerie Jarrett informing her of what happened. Keep in mind that this was shortly after Lynches tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton. That fiasco caused Lynch to step aside from the Clinton Email scandal. The big story was that the "Fix was In." Lynch was depressed. She agreed to recuse herself and accept the recommendation of FBI Director James Comey on how to proceed with investigating Hillary. In the call Jarrett told Lynch that the PRESIDENT wanted to hold off on the FISA for the time being and wait until in the Fall to get it approved. She then told Lynch to have Carl Ghattas, the head of the National Security Branch of the Justice Department, to get the ball rolling on a counter intelligence investigation. Ghattas had oversight over the FBI's counter intelligence operations. Jarrett wanted to give Director Comey the authority to look into election meddling and wanted Lynch to order Ghattas to make it happen. NOTE: When I fact checked Carl Ghattas I could not find a reference to his working at DOJ... FBI yes, DOJ, No. It did appear that he retired early, not that this is uncommon. Lynch did, and the investigation was launched towards the end of July, 2016, about a hundred days before the election. While agents found no evidence of Trump campaign wrongdoing, the very fact that such an investigation was under way, would have political implications that carried "Serous consequences." This is what Klein reported, in his book, All Out War, pages 29 and 30. It is significant because it claims that Ghattas, Loretta Lynch, Valarie Jarrett, and James Comey, were involved in starting a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump Campaign. Further it implicates President Obama suggesting he was orchestrating the scheme. This is where Barr and Durham are could be going in their investigation If what Klein says is true, it provides the links that lead back to President Obama. |