A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
Katya the Poet is celebrating 30 years of marriage, theatre, and family gatherings in her blog entry: "30 Years" . Unfortunately, I have nothing similar to celebrate. I replied: So glad everyone is thinking of the pets. I don't have any because I'm still traveling but who knows how long that will last. Maybe until I'm forced to move. This city is gentrifying and kicking us out. Urban Iowa beckons. Or back to small town Kansas and an old car? I'll have to do the numbers. In any case, doubt I'll live anywhere near family. We spread out long ago and nothing will bring us back together. I know how sad that sounds... I do mourn at times. My cousin left a message asking where I was. I replied Montana. I've been dying here 11 years. 30 years... that was so long ago! I thought I had it good. And I did. Then a decade later I didn't. I mostly remember anniversaries of traumatic events. Glad you shared some good memories and that you are still making new ones. So what relationships do I celebrate? Every 1st of December I think kind thoughts of Kevin. In many ways he saved my life. Our friendship lasted quite awhile (1979-2003). And every October 10th I try to call Gary to remind him how long in the tooth he's getting or call him around his two son's birthdays. (2000-present). May 7th was Mother's Day in our house, so I do remind my mother, now 97, that it's HER day. There are other people I randomly think of but too many good memories are entangled with traumatic events happening in the same place or time. Don't ask too closely about Costa Rica (1974 and 2009-present); I've tried to erase many old memories with good ones. I'm in awe how some people here can dig around in their past and come up with gems or even pieces of tarnished silver that just needs some TLC. And those who can turn shit into diamonds leave me speechless. But... back to Katya: I'm glad she has happy memories and is making new ones. We all should cherish those. I've decided to enter the 24 syllable poetry forum. My first entry is "Make me shine! (Scintillate in 24 syllables)" in my old blog "L'aura del Campo" I also wrote my flash offering earlier today:
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