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Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #2203831
This is my 2019 NaNoWriMo work
#970308 added November 23, 2019 at 6:12am
Restrictions: None
Wind Chimes
The group of five collected their weapons and arrows from the weapons station, John had been working on stone tips for the arrows. Then they headed up to the kitchens to grab some water and rations, incase they got stuck outside the fence for longer than they were expecting. The last person they had to see was Lee, she gave them each a small emergency medical kit to carry. Tiffany caught up to them before they headed out the gate. She gave her friend a hug and then Willow followed the four members of the scavenging team out the gate.

Piper was younger than she was, maybe around twenty five. She was athletic, about five foot three with long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a dirty red hoodie and a pair of blue jeans with red high top sneakers to match. Her olive skin had a healthy tan to it from being out in the sun, she was the team leader. Jonesy looked to be in his forties, he had a shaved head and wore an akubra, flannel long sleeved shirt and jeans. He had on heavy black boots, that were probably steel caps. Tahla was of Indian background with dark skin, he wore a black jumper and pants with black shoes. He was young, about the same age as Matthew. All of them wore backpacks and carried an assortment of weapons. She stayed close to Matthew since Piper had put her under his care.

They moved slowly but with purpose. Willow could tell they had definitely done this many times before. Ducking behind cars and fences, and whatever else to stay out of sight of the zombies. Piper came to a halt, holding up her hand for the others to stop. She signalled that there was a group of zombies ahead of them in their path. She pointed at Matthew and Tahla, who both had bows strung over their shoulders. They nodded and stepped forward, nocking their arrows and taking aim. Willow poked her head around the vehicle they were behind, her hand gripping the handle of her bat, ready for if the zombies charged. The boys let the arrows fly, the two zombies were struck in the head and went down. The others shuffled around in confusion until one lifted its head scenting the air. It ran in the groups direction. The others followed, six altogether.

Matthew's second arrow found it's target but Tahla's caught the zombie in the shoulder. It swung around and growled, continuing to run. The boys shouldered their bows and drew their meelee weapons. Willow stepped forward and swung her bat at the head of the first zombie, she knocked it sideways with a sickening crack. She had split the skull. Jonesy stepped up beside her, swinging his blade at another zombie which effortlessly sliced the head off the body, the head gurgled on the ground and he stomped on it. Piper came next, her machete glided through the eye socket of the next zombie. Tahla swung his bat downwards on to the zombie's head that had the arrow sticking out of it's shoulder. It crumpled to the ground. Piper had pulled her machete out of the zombie's head and she swung at the last one. The blade went through the zombie's neck and she twisted the blade to the side. The zombie's head flopped to the side. Matthew swung his bat which tore the head from the body. They watched the head fly down the road.

"Good job everyone," Piper said quietly. "Now, let's keep moving." Willow felt energised, the excitement and adrenaline pumped through her. Matthew gave her a smile and Tahla demanded a high five. After rolling her eyes Willow obliged. Her first real zombie kill. "Not every zombie is that easy to dispatch. The fresher they are the harder they are to kill. Older zombie's have the bonus of being in a state of living decomposition which is what makes it easier to slice through the bone and organic matter." Piper said softly to Willow. Clearly she had been somewhat impressed with how Willow had stepped up and dealt with the zombie she hit.

They were able to avoid another small group of zombies that stood under a tree, they were transfixed on something in the branches making noise. It sounded like wind chimes, but Willow couldn't see which branch they were hanging from. Every time the wind blew the wind chimes jingled their cheery melody causing the zombies at the base of the tree to groan in frustration, their arms swung blindly above them, occasionally they would slap or scratch each other and they would growl at the one that hit them. Willow caught sight of Jonesy who chuckled quietly to himself, Matthew and Tahla exchanged knowing glances as they moved away from the zombies.

"What was that?" Willow whispered to Matthew, his shoulders shook at he tried not to laugh out loud and he held up a hand before he opened his mouth.

"That was me, before I joined this lot. I had a neighbour to had dozens of those damn chimes hanging on their porch. When I realised they were attracting the zombies to the property I decided to take them all and place them in some high trees, good for some distractions, as long as we are quieter than the jingling we can generally sneak past the ones underneath." Jonesy told her, watching as Matthew regained control of himself. "I did leave one in the backyard for my neighbour, every time I pass the house she's staring up at it, or at least listening to it."

"Clever. Every little bit helps." Willow replied. It was amazing how the mind worked out different ways to help survive. And something as simple as the noise of a wind chime could distract the zombies. "The best I did was throw rocks onto the neighbouring carport to draw the zombies away from my stairwell when I had to get firewood or whatever else."

"Hey, that's pretty good, I mean, you got here, so you did everything right. And you even saved Tiffany." Matthew said.

"Yeah, and then we saved you two." Tahla piped up with a cheeky grin.

"Shh!" Piper had turned and was staring at the others. "Can we have some quiet please, we aren't safe out here in the open, keep the talking for the faction. I don't want to get bitten because you lot couldn't keep your traps shut." Everyone nodded and they continued towards their destination. Willow hadn't been to a shopping centre since before the outbreak.
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