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A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
What characteristics do you admire in a leader? Is there or was there a time in your life when you took on a leadership role? Research different leadership styles and describe which style you would most like to follow. Which style are you? When you are in a leadership position, do you exemplify the qualities you admire in a good leader? Yes, I've been a leader... No, I'm not good at it. I can encourage people every day of the week. I can poke holes in irrational arguments. I can point out better ways of doing certain things... but not all things. I can add to the discussion. I can even make a difference. But... I'm simply not disciplined and focused enough to lead. 1. A leader needs to lead. I've been fortunate to have a good boss or two. Someone who can mentor or at least bring out the best in me. I've also worked for those who may know their job but should never ever manage others. 2. People skills are important. Intelligence and experience are not enough. It's great to be part of a team working on a shared goal. But the leader of that group needs to be able to weave those talents and make 1+1+1+1 = 5. The sum must be greater than the parts. 3. There are many types of leaders. The autocrat is one kind that needs slaves and sycophants to succeed. I don't suck-up well. However, they can get much done. The traditional Chinese top-down system has created marvels. But few ask about the toll on individuals. 4. Does the end justify the means? LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson), president of the USA (1963-1968), knew where every skeleton was hid in Congress. He seized the moment of a nation in mourning and twisted arms until he got what he wanted. He wasn't the nicest person. But, the civil Rights Act and his vision of a Great Society moved a reluctant populace forward. We owe him much. 5. Who's counting the dead bodies? Probably me. My personality likes to point this out to people I am in agreement with. I turn livid with those who purposely harm others, even with good intentions. If I'm in disagreement and you're inhumanely mean, watch out... because I'm watching and taking notes. ***** In conclusion, leaders can do good and bad. Usually both. History judges them, sometimes unfairly. Overall, I prefer leaders who have a keen mind, a broad vision and a huge heart. It takes both to make wise decisions... yet even then... In other snews, two of my recent flash fictions of note:
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