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A metaphor for my take on life and how it affects me. |
I'm speaking of the days I missed writing in my blog. Something must have gotten in the way but darn if I can tell you what it was. My body keeps telling me that I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm feeling the two miles I walk daily. Sometimes getting out of a chair is an effort and taking the first few steps is a challenge, but once I get going I'm ok (I think)! I drove down to Yucaipa yesterday to visit my Mother. There had been an accident on I-15 earlier but was still causing a traffic backup. I chose to go a different route, taking Lake Arrowhead Road to State Route 138. This is a 2 lane road with many curves, I wasn't in a hurry but still found myself coming into several curves at a higher rate of speed than was advised. Fortunately I was able to brake sufficiently before entering the curve to keep my car in its lane. This happened several times and I should have known better. I take my iPad down with me so I can show my Mother pictures of her grand and great grandchildren. Along with pictures from Facebook to see what the people that are familiar to her are up too. We had a good visit and when I left I found the traffic was backed up again just beyond State Route 138. I took that offramp and instead of going the way I came, I took Summit Road (I'd never been on the road) along with a number of other people. It didn't have nearly as many curves to deal with and it was enjoyable ride. It came out on a road that I use when going to see my mom so I was happy because I was closer to home. My trip into the back country, did make me aware of the tinder box the whole area is! It seems like it's a catastrophe waiting to happen. We've been lucky the back side of the San Bernardino Mountains haven't burned since 1996. The weatherman said we could get some rain, a week from this Friday. We could use it, and I have some pre-emergent we need to put down before it rains. The only problem is, a half inch of rain is required to soak it into the ground. If we don't get that much rain then we have to water by hand. That's what happened when we first moved here in 2017. That was a Pain! Time to get moving and dealing with todays issues. Make that honey-do's. Just kidding Life Is Good and God Bless |