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This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities. |
Considering It was Wednesday Yesterday Unfortunately, I was right about me not getting too much writing done at work yesterday because it was Wednesday. Don’t get me wrong. I did get a lot more than I thought that I would get done. And I would have gotten a little bit more than that if it wasn’t for work. If not a lot more of the movie Treatment for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. What did I get written yesterday? I almost got five scene paragraphs done. Unfortunately, the first four of them were Establishing Shots. And the only reason why I didn’t get the fifth one done is because of work. If not for it, I not only would have gotten that one written but several more. After all, I still had two and a half hours left on my shift. So, I had plenty of time to do several more. Especially, since it wasn’t that busy during that time. I can’t write about what happened at work yesterday. If I did, I would have to kill anyone whoever reads this blog. I know that isn’t a problem right now. But someday it might be. I’m just kidding. I would never do that to one of my fellow WDCers. Today I return to my regular post. So, I should get a lot more written on this movie Treatment. I don’t know how many I will get done. it all depends on how busy it is at work. If it’s like the last several Thursday, I should be able to get quite a few done. I’m hoping to be getting fifteen to twenty done on Thursdays and Fridays and twenty to thirty on Saturdays and Sundays. But it’s probably got to be ten to fifteen during each weekday and fifteen to twenty on each weekend day. And that’s if I’m lucky. One last thing that I would like to write about today that it doesn’t have anything to do with my Water Wars scriptwriting project. It’s about my WDC Short Story for this month. I did another section in it. But I wanted to do at least two of them. Unfortunately, this one went way over the two hundred word maximum. So, I had to redo it to get it down to two hundred and three. Yes, that’s over my maximum. But only by a few is okay. Especially, if the first two are under a little bit.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you are about to read (see) is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian, etc.). |