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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#967799 added October 25, 2019 at 11:07am
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The Terrifying Truth of the Deep State
There were several articles written in the past week reporting that prize bulls in Oregon were found dead.... organs surgically removed, without any sign of blood. The reports seemed mystified by the dead bovines and attributed it to cults or perhaps disgruntled employees trying to get back at their owners. How soon we forget! There is nothing new about these types of animal mutilations and if you search Linda M Howe, an investigative UFO journalist she wrote a book on this type of phenomenon. Back in the 70s, 80s and 90s this was happening all the time and the sheer volume, MO, and identical circumstances pointed to the culprits being ALIANS! Yes, ALIANS, not crazy cult followers or cattle rustlers, ALIANS!

Abruptly it stopped, but now it is happening again which is a bit disconcerting. I say "disconcerting" because all these animal mutilations were taking place in the olden days , concurrently with human abductions. There were in fact witnesses, who saw a cow being drawn up into a saucer like object, and the woman and her daughter were abducted shortly afterwards. Her testimony was confirmed by hypnosis. These human abductees were released unharmed while the poor cow was unceremoniously allowed to fall back to earth once selective parts, characteristically reproductive organs. were surgically removed with a bloodless precision we can't duplicate today. Don't take my word, search "Linda M Howe, animal mutilations" and then the latest example, "Bulls, mutilations, Oregon."

When I finished my research I concluded that the Planet Earth was a huge biosphere teeming with life and that it was being visited by ALIANS, who by all accounts have an obsession with the biology of certain animals particularly human beings. I know this sounds absurd to those who have not inquired into the firehose of UFO information reported since the end of WW2 but the question of animal mutilations is well documented and explained by Moulton Howe's research. The people in Oregon are scratching their heads like this phenomena never happened before. Ask any Midwestern cattle rancher who has been around awhile and they'll give you an earful.

People often ask "What do the ALIANS want and why are they nosing around our planet? One common denominator, the one recurring theme is biology. The biology of life is extremely complex and was created at a molecular level. While it can't easily be replicated from scratch the DNA in living organisms can be manipulated and adapted to a host of other living lifeforms existing throughout the galaxy. Hence the interest.

After Roswell Incident in the 1940's, crashed saucer like craft were recovered in New Mexico. This started an onslaught of new technological advances as we sought to back engineer the downed vehicles. In the seventy-five years that followed the mystery of how these UFOs operate was slowly unraveled and at places like Area 51, under the cover of being an Aerospace research facility and Training Area for aviators, work has continued at a fevered pace to decipher the nuts and bolts of how the off world mechanical technology works. Concurrently, we have become more focused on what our interstellar visitors are showing such an interest in.... unlocking the secrets of these marvelous biological organisms that we inhabit and motor around in and know very little about. We are encapsulated in an organism of mind blowing complexity that for all our medical science, are only now beginning to scratch the surface of how it operates. The ETs are embarked on the same quest and are visiting a pristine world teeming with exotic life forms, that include intelligent life in its most primitive form.

So what does this have to do with cows being beamed up into space craft, carved with bloodless laser-like precision and the abduction of human beings? If you don't want to hear the answer don't read any further... be content to go to sleep at night thinking about the hum-drum events of your daily lives, oblivious to the undercurrents that swirl below the superficial impressions you have of the world around you. It is the stuff of nightmares and sordid happenings that will make you bolt wide eyed in bed at the realization of what the Deep State is involved in.

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