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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#966128 added September 13, 2019 at 4:31pm
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Who am I

It's like the story of the student who was in a class like this, and he kept asking his teacher, "Teacher, explain it more. I don't understand, tell me more." And this went on and on. And at the end of the class, when all the students left, the teacher told that particular student to stay here, and then he told him, "Follow me," and he took him to the edge of a river. And he said, "Look into the river." The student did, and he pushed him into the water
and held his head underneath the water until he nearly drowned.

Then he pulled him up by the hair. And he looked in his face and he said, "What is it you wanted more than anything else in the world, while you were under the water?" And all the student was able
to do was to gasp for air. And he said, "Air, air, air."

And the wise teacher said, "When you want to awaken as much as you wanted air, you will."

This is true of all of us. Just take a look at your personal life. Just for today, what did you want more than to awaken today? If you were angry, then you wanted that, more than awakening. You see, whatever you put your feelings into, that's what comes first in
your life. If something upset you? Then that became your God. You wanted that more than anything else. If you were in doubt that became your God. Whatever turns you on, whatever turns you off, became your God for that time. And that's what you give your energy to, so you increase that condition.

As an example, if you are having problems with somebody,
the more you think about it, the more you fuel it. The more you try to take any kind of an action to stop it, or to prevent it, or to change it, the more you are saying, "This is the truth about me."

How should you react to something like that? You should not react. Something within you will do what it has to do, and you will be at peace if you will allow it to do so, first things first.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all of it's righteousness, and all of these things will be added unto you," which means first things first. Focus your attention on the Self. Realize that you are pure awareness, that you are aware that I am consciousness,
resulting in bliss. Therefore you are a body of bliss. Not as a human body, when I use the term body, I mean the body of the universe.

You are a body of bliss. Bliss is your nature, and in that bliss there is nothing wrong.

Calm down, mellow out, relax. You are the body of bliss, and your divine nature is consciousness. You can never have anything wrong in your life unless you put your mind on it and make it so.

This is why you have to control your thinking. Do not allow your
mind to tell you what's going on. If you learn to live in the moment, if you learn to center yourself and stay only in that moment, then you will be expressing consciousness, for consciousness is a moment thing. Consciousness is not yesterday or tomorrow. Consciousness is this moment. It's the gap between yesterday and tomorrow, the fourth stage of life. After waking, dreaming and sleeping, then there is consciousness.

So putting first things first will alleviate all of the negative conditions of your life, if you have any. It will awaken you. And as you work on yourself, and your mind brings up all kinds of things, as it will sometimes. In a very gentle way ask yourself, "To whom does this come?" and keep still. And of course the answer will be, "It comes to me. I feel out of sorts, I feel depressed, I feel as if I'm not getting what I want, I feel that somebody is taking advantage of me."

Further questioning, "Who is this I? What is its source? Who
gave the I birth? Where did it originate from? Who am I?" There is never an answer to the question of, "Who am I?"

By doing this process you will immediately feel better. And every time the mind brings up something else, you use the same procedure. "To whom does this come? Who is feeling this? I am?"

Just by saying, "I am," it will immediately take you out of your personal thoughts about yourself and lift you higher to what "I am" really is. Yet if you don't feel that, you can ask again, "Then who am I?" And you keep doing this over and over and over.

Someone called me the other day and told me, "Robert, I've been practicing for twelve years, and I feel despondent and I feel depressed."
So I said, "Why?"
And he said,"Because all my friends are enlightened except me."
I had to laugh. "How do you know?"
"They told me."

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