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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2197754
The land's peaceful for now. However, a warlord threatens the current rulers.
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#963953 added August 9, 2019 at 1:10am
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A Ruined Civilization
In this world, many Pokemon have been forced to undergo a world where the tough rule and the weak are either food or playthings for the tough Pokemon. However, a few select Pokemon have learned to form pacts in order to tame the wild lands. Among them is a trio of especially powerful Pokemon known as The Swords of justice. They were able to use their mighty power to drive away some especially dangerous Pokemon from a plot of land. Once they secured it, they organized the Pokemon to organize a civilization for everyone to live in.

Once the civilization of Sigun was set up, the many Pokemon now live in harmony as The Swords of Justice have their friends act as guards around the society, being sure to keep order and make sure bullies can’t prosper. There would be a certain somebody regularly traveling the streets. But…

The Swords of Justice officially consisted of three powerful Pokemon. The Cavern Pokemon, the rough and tough Terrakion. The Grassland Pokemon, the pretty and precise Virizion. And the Iron Will Pokemon, the disciplined and commanding Cobalion. However, a long time ago, while scouring the now tamed wild lands, a certain strange Pokemon approached them, enamored with their style. Said Pokemon was a young, horse-like Pokemon that bore a horn, a red mane, and blue fur around his neck and a blue tail. This Pokemon was Keldeo, the Colt Pokemon. He seemed drawn to the way the Swords of Justice fought, taking particular interest with how they used their horns in their fighting style.

So, being fairly inexperienced, the Keldeo wanted the chance to fight that well. Two of the Swords of Justice were on the fence, but Virizion was immediately drawn to him. She saw the young Pokemon as adorable, and immediately wanted to take him in and help him grow into a powerful warrior. And with that, it was out of the other Swords’ hands: the Keldeo was a trainee of the Swords of Justice.

So, the Keldeo was enlisted as a guard among Sigun, specifically the royal court the three Swords of Justice. The young boy was to be the last line of defense for the Swords of Justice, not specifically because he was the most qualified, but because those three wanted to make sure he was close enough to them to not lose them. Though, that didn’t stop a certain Grass Pokemon from hoisting him.

When the water-y Pokemon wasn’t being trained in the art of the horn or standing beside the court and keeping an eye out for them, he was taking field trips with Virizion. This is typically how one’d play out…
The Keldeo would be standing outside of the grand hut the Swords of Justice used as their home. He always admired the aura of incredibility the three seemed to emanate. It made him himself feel strong. The trainee felt like his muscles had doubled in size while he was around them. He would flex, though, due to a certain Pokemon, he’s been less willing to hang out around other Pokemon…

“Oh Keldi~” the familiar voice came out. The Keldeo could already feel his cheeks begin to burn up, for he knew what that voice meant. He turned around and saw Virizion. She stood 3 times taller than him and seemed fairly slim, save for her wide hips. They probably overtook his shoulder span in terms of width. She was fairly flat-chested compared to the other Swords, wore grass-like boots and gloves, and a wore green lipstick. She usually wore green lipstick, which the Keldeo couldn’t help but look at. Though that only added to his blush.

“How’re you doing out here, my wittle soldier~?” she asked. The Keldeo nervously rubbed the back of his head and turned away.

“I-I’m doing my job m-miss Virizion…” he said. “Nobody’s tried anything. Good thing too, these guns might’ve done some real damage to them…” He flexed one of his arms for the Virizion, though still didn’t look up at her. The Sword of Justice giggled a little, before bending down to get more level with the trainee.

“Oh what would we do without our big, strong boy~?” she asked in a slightly teasing tone. The Keldeo was beet red and stopped flexing, instead trying to turn his attention towards the road outside the court. “Now come on, don’t you think a little break is in order? I’m sure we can use your substitute in the meantime.” The Keldeo began sweating a little. His “breaks” usually only led to more stress for him. Not because of any training or because this lady did anything particularly bad. She just really liked letting people know how cute he was.

“I-I need to get stronger, ma’am,” he said. “I should really stay here and-“

“Nope! It’s my call~ And my call is that you hang out with me for the day!” As she spoke, she gently wrapped her arms around the Keldeo’s midsection and lifted him up, hoisting him into a cradle-hold. He nuzzled his blushing face into her chest and gently stroked at his cheek as she began to step out. The Colt Pokemon, meanwhile, squirmed about in her grip, letting out a nervous groan.

“I-I can walk myself, you know…”

“Why would you want to when your big, strong, Swords of Justice can hold onto you~?” The Keldeo quickly learned that his protests were worthless. He was significantly weaker than all of them, and that was without taking Virizion’s natural strength over water into account. So, she easily carried the boy off down the trail and into the nearby town, nuzzling him and doting on him all the while, occasionally leaving a green kiss upon his face.

Eventually, the duo were down to the shopping square. The Swords of Justice instituted a currency system to ensure that the citizens would each contribute to society in some way, shape, or form. Those that had gems would get their own home, and those that wouldn’t would have to work to get gems. The Virizion, meanwhile, was not focusing on buying anything. She hardly ever did, that’s moreso been Cobalion’s area. No, Virizion wanted to brandish her adorable boy.

She pretended like she was doing nothing of the sort, but that never stopped her from showing the Keldeo off. She was passing by some of the stands, humming as she walked. While she held him, the Keldeo could spy a few of the Pokemon looking on pointing him out to their friends before they giggled. He blushed and nuzzled closer into Virizion’s bosom, hoping to somehow disappear. Though she only brought him close to some friends of her.

Keldeo didn’t even have to look towards them to tell who Virizion had approached. One was a Feraligatr, who had a young Totodile child of her own. There was also a Meganium who took care of the orphaned Pokemon. Those two were very common doters.

“Hiya!” the Meganium cheered as she waved Verizion over. She gently skipped over, making sure you were nicely displayed before her. “Oh, you brought this wittle guy too~?” Looking over, you could see the Meganium shaking her tail with excitement. Her and the Feraligatr were both very plump, boasting large guts and big hips, as well as some fairly big feet. Keldeo could also probably imagine certain small Pokemon being able to hide in either of their mouths.

“Uh… can we go home now?” Keldeo asked. Though your voice was not heard. You were helpless as the Meganium began rubbing behind your ears while the Feraligatr scratched under your chin. You squirmed about at their pampering, feeling really embarrassed as they did this. He was sure more of those Pokemon were watching and laughing.

This was usually why he stuck to himself. The Virizion made sure to make everyone else know how cute he was, he was sure everyone saw him as the Swords of Justice’s teddy bear. Their little, lipstick-stained teddy bear that pretty much stays beside their time whenever. He may’ve been a royal guard, but he knew he was a laughingstock. He didn’t trust himself to be able to stay out of the populous’ nose without someone smelling Virizion’s babying.

After more petting and cooing from those two ladies, the Virizion conveniently decided she had nothing to buy, so she decided it was time to go back. She waved them goodbye, and began heading back to the Swords of Justice’s hut. There, you could see the Lucario that stood guard in your place. You still remembered when he was a Riolu. He was so much smaller than you…

“You are dismissed,” Virizion told the guard. He nodded in response, and then he left the front of the hut, heading down towards the square. She stepped close to where he stood, and the gently set Keldeo’s blushing form back down on the floor. “You felt real tense in my arms, bud,” she started. “We should organize a massage for us both sometime.”

“U-uh, that won’t be necessary…” Keldeo muttered as Virizion ruffled his mane. She simply grinned at him and began to step in, her hand lingering on top of Keldeo’s hand for a little longer than he would’ve liked. Eventually, she left him, and the boy was alone out in front of the hut, just how he liked it. Less people to laugh at him. Only people like the Swords of Justice to baby him…

That was the usual day for Keldeo. Occasional trips to the masseuse included. He admitted that the occasional massage was nice, but not only would Virizion coo about how cute he sounded as his tension was squeezed out, he’d get weird comments from the masseuse about how strong he was. It was a lot like whenever Virizion met her friends and they coddled him. Massages were usually private, but he was sure that someone would laugh at him for that.

Today, he was sure would be another day like that. However, some Exploud-like howls from the perimeters told him the opposite was true. He snapped to attention at the noises, and looked out towards the source. He could see several Pokemon on the horizon approaching. He couldn’t get a read on specifically the kind of Pokemon these were, but suddenly the Swords of Justice dashed past him. He snapped to attention and ran after them.

“Hey! What’s going on?!” Keldeo asked the trio. Virizion and Terrakion were side by side, standing behind Cobalion, who led the charge.

“There’s an invasion,” Cobalion said. “And we’re responding to it.”

“Oh, you really should go home right now, sweetie,” Virizion told Keldeo.

“Yeah, you’ll only get in the way!” Terrakion said. Keldeo blushed at that statement. He would normally argue with her, but Keldeo came to quickly realize that actions spoke louder than words with her. He would prove herself to him. He pumped his leg muscles and ran faster and faster, starting to get ahead of the trio.

“Keldi!” Virizion cried out as the Colt Pokemon charged ahead. But that’d only fuel Keldeo’s desire. He was sick of being the little teddy bear. He would fight for Sigun’s sake, and prove to the Swords of Justice that he was a valuable member! You really pumped your legs, going faster and faster despite the pleading of the Swords of Justice. Your hooves pounded the earth as you got closer and closer to the perimeter of Sigun.

Out there, one could see several tough looking Pokemon pounding Lucarios and Bisharps and all sorts of other guards. They were being pounded by Skuntanks, Lopunny, and all sorts of other crude Pokemon. Keldeo could even see a couple gassed into unconsciousness! He came in closer and closer, but then a presence stepped forwards. This presence was that of a very different creature. Keldeo saw a new Pokemon step into the crowd, disregarding the guards being pounded by the invaders. She appeared wolf-like, boasting thick muscles and an hourglass figure. Her underbelly was white, while the rest of her fur was blue with ribbon-like red fur and flecks of white, fins of gold extending from her back while she wore a similarly golden crown. She also bore a gleaming sword bearing her colors, it looking exceptionally dangerous. It seemed Sigun was being invaded by Zacian and her Amazonian empire, a group of dangerous Pokemon that encourage the strong exploiting the weak.

Keldeo heard horror stories about her and her kingdom would pound and abduct poor boys for stuff no one should even imagine. He knew this lady was dangerous, even the Swords of Justice seemed scared of her! But that’d just make victory sweeter. He’d show those ladies he was tough enough to not be coddled. So, he charged forth, rushing straight towards the wicked Zacian. The wolf-like Pokemon, meanwhile, could see the sole guard charging towards her. She just watched as he approached.

Keldeo charged forth, horn aimed at Zacian. The closer he got, the more he realized how tall she was. She was even taller than the Swords of Justice! He probably measured just above her knees! Once he got close, he rose his head, giving a war cry, before attempting to swing it down on her. However, his sword was stopped when Zacian suddenly brought up her sword, blocking the horn swing. With a flick, he sent Keldeo stumbling backwards. He soon managed to get himself back upright after stumbling for a bit. Then he shot his eyes towards the admittedly pretty warrior, who just casually held her sword over her shoulder.

“What the was that?” she asked, looking down at Keldeo like he’d just insulted her just be existing in front of her. Her tone was terrifying, as though it’d absorbed testosterone from the many wars its wielder had gone through. The voice alone made Keldeo quiver. But he tried to grit his teeth, holding up his arms defensively.

“Y-you better step off!” Keldeo demanded. “You’re facing the trainee of the Swords of Justice!” Zacian rose a brow at the mention of the Swords of Justice.

“…I don’t know who you’re fooling,” she said. Keldeo’s stance dropped a little, him seeming more concerned about her nonchalance. “I’ve personally dueled the Swords of Justice. They are leagues above you, shrimp.”

“That’s where you’re wrong!” Keldeo tried to protest. “They taught me all about swordplay! Like this!” Keldeo punctuated his attack by jumping upwards, going in an arc towards Zacian. He rose his horn, before swinging it down at her. Though she was able to again block the blow. Zacian stepped back as Keldeo pulled himself off of the sword, before going to frantically swing his head. He swung his horn left, right, diagonally, and each time his horn was met with Zacian’s metal blade. She, meanwhile, didn’t break expression, nor did she move from her position at all. And goodness that plain expression upset the trainee. “Stop looking at me like that!” He began upping his pace, swinging more and more recklessly, not even regarding how dizzy this was making him. Still, Zacian continued to block. “Fight back, darn you!” Unfortunately, he would forever regret those words.

Zacian allowed the young Pokemon a few more swings, answering each with another block. However, with one last overhead slice, Zacian swung her blade to parry the blow, causing Keldeo to stumble back, left trying to balance on one foot as his battle plan’s suddenly interrupted. And at that, the Swords of Justice finally charged in… just in time to see Zacian swing her infamous sword. White hot pain suddenly filled the trainee, and his eyes shot wide open. Next thing he knew, he was watching his horn fall down to the ground at his hooves, before he fell onto his backside.

There was a palpable silence as he sat prone before the invader, her blade slicing neatly through the trainee’s primary weapon. She didn’t strike anything vital, at least from a biological perspective. To Keldeo, losing his horn was about the worst thing that could happen here. Not only was it all of his training being rendered to dust, it was a sure-fire means of dominance the villain held over the boy.

“Y… You just…” you whimpered out in both shock and horror. The Swords of Justice, meanwhile, looked on in horror at your terrifying predicament. Then, Virizion growled.

“You bastard!” she screamed as she charged forwards. However, her charge was interrupted when the wolf-like Pokemon quickly turned her sword’s tip at VIrizion, her stopping right before the sword dug into her neck. Keldeo, meanwhile, was trying to rub out the pain in the stump that was his horn. Zacian, meanwhile, smirked at the Virizion.

“Quite the reaction~” she cooed. “You really care about the boy, eh~?” She then began to step towards Keldeo, who was still left on his butt, too hurt to move. “He’s got special place in your heart, doesn’t he~? Oh, what’d you do if I bullied this wittle guy~?” Keldeo then began to look up, fearful, eyes still wide open with horror. And then, she lifted a foot… and gently lowered it between his legs.

“Hng!” he whined, shutting his eyes at the feeling. Then, it began to rub up and down sensually. The trio glared and began to approach, though Zacian held her sword close to his neck, looking over her shoulder at the Swords of Justice. At that, they stopped.

“That’s right, you wouldn’t let your little boy get hurt, would you?” she teased. Then, she continued her rubbing, the Colt Pokemon beginning to blush.

“C-cut that out!” he whined.

“The tough survive out here, kid,” Zacian said. “Those that are too weak can only survive under the order of their superiors. Your friends could stop your superior from abusing you, but you’re weighing them down.” Terrakion tried to step forwards to beat her down, but another shift of Zacian’s sword made her stop. “See? You made them weak, boy~”

“N-no… They’ve only been strong,” Keldeo said. He blushed as he felt himself squirm about to her foot. He felt a strange stirring, that unlike anything he’d ever encountered. He was trying to push it, but she just kept it down. She kept rubbing, and he was beginning to feel… it. He felt it a few times in the past when he occasionally saw the Swords of Justice’s backsides and breasts. As well as other Pokemon in Sigun…

“You need to stop, now!” Cobalion commanded. “He’s just a boy!”

“This boy felt himself mature enough to battle a warlord, he should be prepared for the consequences of challenging one,” Zacian said as she kept rubbing. Keldeo, meanwhile, kept moaning and kept trying to push, but he was trapped. He soon shut his eyes, hoping that he could somehow disappear if he just blocked out everyone else. But the rubbing kept going. “You could’ve stopped this any time now. You could’ve disregarded him and struck me while my back was turned. But instead, you just stood back and watched him get molested.” And then… she took her foot off of him. He then hunched over, panting and panting, trying to cross his legs. His cheeks were burning brightly, and he was panting.

“As fun as beating you without touching you is, I don’t like fighting someone with a handicap,” Zacian said. She then waved some of her warriors over. A pair of talonflame then came over, them significantly shorter than Zacian, and slightly less busty, but still not bad. They both wrapped their talons around Keldeo’s limbs, and hoisted him into the air.

“H-huh?” Keldeo asked as he was hoisted. He began shaking around. “Hey! Let me go!”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Virizion asked.

“Even-ing the playing field,” Zacian said. “This boy makes you weak, so I’m taking him away. I’ve been training for the chance to destroy you ever since you tore down my armies.”

“Zacian, if we fight like normal, we will tear that sword out of your hands, and send you on your way,” Cobalion said. “If you persist and take Keldeo away, you will never live to see tomorrow.” Zacian seemed to give pause… before grinning.

“Ooo, a challenge!” she cooed. “Good~ Lemme see the extent of your anger!” She then waved the two Pokemon away, and with that, they flew away. Keldeo looked on in horror as he was hoisted away.

“Guys!” Keldeo screamed out towards the Swords of Justice.

“Keldeo!” they screamed as he was taken away. However, the Zacian stepped towards the Swords of Justice, a wicked grin on her face. She drew her blade, and the Swords of Justice all glared at her. They all dashed towards Zacian, while she brought her blade up for a battle…

Keldeo groaned, scratching at his face. He stirred in his sleep, before eventually waking. As he did, he was greeted by an unfamiliar sight. He was on a hill out in the forest! He’d never gone this far away from the hut, and saw only trees around, them bearing autumn leaves. He got up onto his feet, fearful.

“…Virizion?” he asked, scanning around. “Terakkion? Cobalion?” …Silence. There’s no response. He’s just out in the middle of the woods. He felt nervous and scratched his forehead, minding to avoid his horn as usual-

Normally when he scratched, he’d occasionally feel his hand brush by his horn, but he didn’t feel it. Eventually, he tried to feel it, but he couldn’t. He felt like he had his horn, but he couldn’t feel his hand on it. Some that lost a limb would feel a like they still have that limb even after the fact. Keldeo was one of these. Terrified, he ran over to one of the trees, and gently placed his forehead against it. No horn. So it wasn’t a bad dream…

“…” Keldeo was quiet, him realizing how ill prepared he was for this fight against Zacian… Surely they would’ve stopped her though, right? They must’ve. He’d just have to see them himself! For now though, he had to find out where he was left. So, he looked out. He could see a worn trail leading through the forest. He merely needed to follow it. So, he galloped towards it, before beginning to head west on it.

He traveled for a while, still looking at the same kind of trees. However, as he traveled, he began to hear sounds of distress, the sound of slight screams. Being a trainee of the Swords of Justice, he decided to go investigate. That took him off the trail and deeper into the trees. As he progressed, he could begin to see the source of the cries: a large and in charge Excadrill chasing after a Pachirisu boy.

“No! No! No!” he squealed out as she finally got her hands on his tail. He dug his claws into the dirt as she dragged him back into her clutches. She dangled him over the ground, and now Keldeo was looking at the attacker. She had a distinct pear-shape to her, with hips far wider than his shoulder span, and some fairly large breasts. She was probably 3 times his height! The Pachirisu she held was a little smaller than Keldeo.

She dangled him in front of her, a cruel grin dressing her face. Keldeo could tell with absolute certainty that this was a bad guy. So, he ran forwards, towards the ground Pokemon.

“Hey you!” he said. At that, the Excadrill turned towards the source of the voice, and could now see the Colt Pokemon. She grumbled to herself, and quickly dug up a hole in the ground, before shoving the Pachirisu into it and burying him up to his neck.

“Stay!” she ordered jokingly, knowing he can’t escape. As evident by the poor Pokemon squirming about in the hole, clearly unable to escape. The Excadrill then stamped forwards, approaching the young Sword of Justice. She stood before him, and crossed her arms, looking down on him with a cruel grin. “What’s happenin’ here? Some teeny tiny Pokemon’s tryin’ to be a big hero now?”

Now looking at the mole Pokemon standing in front of him, Keldeo felt his courage waver. He was suddenly made aware of how giant she was, her whole body looking like it could hide him away in a single motion. But with her standing before him now, he had to hold his ground. He grit his teeth, and brought his arms up in a fighting pose.

“Y-Yes I am!” Keldeo said. “I’ve been training under the Swords of Justice! And that means beating down bullies like you!” The Excadrill’s grin didn’t falter.

“Oh? Some kind of Sword of Justice?” she asked. “Well I don’t know if y’heard or not, but those pesky jerks are gone! The Swords of Justice are all sheathed now!” At that, Keldeo’s tough expression faltered, and his stance began to lower.

“Wh-what…?” he muttered, fear beginning to worm itself into his core.

“They’re not in control of Sigun anymore! It all belongs to Zacian! And that means the weaker are toys to people like us! In fact…” The Excadrill uncrossed her arms, and spread her claw like finger as she began to approach Keldeo, him now beginning to back away. “Why don’t I demonstrate!”

Keldeo’s eyes shot open in horror as he realized he’d have to be in battle so soon after his loss against Zacian. However, he knew that there’d be no running away here. Especially with a civilian in trouble! He tried to narrow his eyes and he clenched his hands into fists. And then, he charged forwards, rose his head, and tried to swing his horn onto the Excadrill. However, once he felt the wind rush against the stump of his horn, he was suddenly reminded of how badly he was beaten. And he realized how much of his training relied on his horn…

The Excadrill let out a belly laugh.

“What was that?!” she asked. “You tryin’ to blow some wind on me or something?!” Before the Colt Pokemon could bring his head up to set up another attack, she wrapped a single set of claws around his head, and hoisted him up. The poor boy was hoisted over the ground, set level with her chin while his legs kicked around. “Ha ha! Feelin’ good about standing up against me, bud?”

She lifted a free hand, and then punched Keldeo’s gut, sending him flying backwards. He slammed into a tree, it snapping upon impact. He slid down to the base, winded by the blow, and the rest of the tree fell backwards, slamming down on the ground.

“Oogh…” Keldeo groaned, his vision filled with swimming colors. All he could perceive was the sound of stomps approaching him. Soon, he shook his head and looked up, just in time to see the bandit’s giant buttocks. He looked up confused, though a twinge of fear was in his face. And then, he was struck by a rancid, egg-y smell! “BLEH!” he shouted, trying to back away. However, he was only greeted with the wall of bark that was the tree. And then, the Excadrill leaned back, until she was sitting right on top of him!

The poor Pokemon was shoved between her cheeks, leading to the young water type kicking about and screaming within. She grinned and clenched her cheeks, her buttocks squeezing around the boy like a tight hug. And then, she stood, bringing the trainee up with it, firmly squeezed within her. He shook and writhed, screaming more and more.

“Is this all part of your plan?” she asked. “Think y’can beat me from in there? Or are you now finding out how weak you are, brat?!” She chortled, shaking her butt around and whipping the boy side to side, which, combined with the rancid stench, only added to his dizziness. He still kept wriggling around, trying to free himself. Soon, she bent over, stretching her butt backwards while her claws began to dig at the earth, working on a hole. “As much as I’d love to pound you more, I gotta take this kid home with me. Soooooo…”

She grunted, and Keldeo could feel her cheeks vibrate a little. He was already anticipating the noxious assault, and screamed more, wriggling about more and more from within his confines. However, her butt held a firm enough grip, refusing him any chance to flee. He would take her attack regardless of if he wanted to or not. More, more, and more gas pelted him, him wriggling more and more. He kicked and flailed, begging for fresh air…

“Oogh…” Keldeo groaned, rubbing his forehead. He climbed up into a sitting position, the faint smell of methane around his face. He soon got up onto his feet, his legs shaky underneath him. He began scanning around, his vision still blurry. “I… Is that all you got?” he asked, trying to bring his arms up defensively. He kept scanning around, before his vision eventually returned to him. He soon realized that he was in that same forest… And he was alone…

“Y-you bandit!” he shouted out. “Where the heck are you?!” He begins spinning around, looking for that darn Excadrill. However, there’s no sign of her, save the smell of gas and the footsteps of a large ground type. Realizing he was alone, Keldeo brought his arms down to his sides, indignantly kicking at the ground in frustration. He should’ve expected that him fighting Zacian wouldn’t turn out too well, they were only beaten by his trainers. But some random Excadrill?!

Surely he couldn’t be that bad, right? …No, it just had to be because of his horn! He’d just have to either get used to it, or get his horn back. Though, if this place is under her control, odds are that she’s likely set her personal throne there… Maybe… As he kept thinking more and more, Keldeo couldn’t help but realize how unprepared he was. Between that bandit and how little he knows about this place, he realizes that he’s out of his element… All he can do now is follow this road and see what he can do to better himself.

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