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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#963048 added July 23, 2019 at 12:23pm
Restrictions: None
Fear Good or Bad?
Write about a fear you experienced as a child that you have since overcome.

signature dancing owl

All Quotes Are From: https://www.success.com/19-quotes-about-facing-your-fears/
“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.—Helen Keller


First let's explore the idea that fear isn't all wrong or bad to have. It's a brain thing. Quote:“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind. —Napoleon Hill It's there to help you evaluate your situation.

Maybe that fear is real and there could be something you could do to stop whatever is causing the trouble you feel in your life?

I think it was Colorado (I could be wrong about the place) during Reagan's administration (I'm using this reference instead of looking up the dates). A Swami of some sort was building a cult. He was using mind power to cause people to faint and other little psychic tricks to keep people in line. I read an article written by someone who was inside one of the gatherings at this cult. Eventually, the USA government used monetary pressure to break up the situation and send the Swami packing to somewhere else. When I read this the man had taken up residence in the UK.

Another group of people in Europe were driven out of a country because they called themselves P. They could make animals and people Pee on command as they prayed. Some of them were arrested but some of them fled to the USA. There would probably be an archived article about this in the New York Times.

The word power is thrown around a lot in the section of the country where I live. At least one church of people I know of has members who have bragged to me that they can call down lightning on people. They also use mind control to get people to do things they want them too. One of the things they brag they can do is put people to sleep. This is concentrating your mind on a section of someone else's brain. It causes a glitch between the workings of your brain and the messages your brain sends to your body via your bodies electrical systems.(spinal cord).

There have been many more science experiments done over the years. So, if you research you will find out there is a lot more information out there that is true about such types of power.

Kabbalah is a type of wisdom used to understand God's relationship to man. However, there is a part of Kabbalah that is called criminal kabbalah. Using this power to influence others in ways that cause them to do things they would not have done if they were following their own abilities and thoughts. Sometimes, sexual energies are used and this is part of criminality. There was a small outcry about Madonna when she was studying Kabbalah with her male partner at that time. She was accused of using Kabbalah to make money? It died down before I figured out the particulars.

It most likely died down because if they get to deep into this they find out how many people in the USA might be involved and because this is a difficult thing to stop.

The cult Scientology is based on Kabbalah.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology

Christ was fighting this kind of power that was being used improperly inside of Israel. Very often you never hear about the difference between mind control, psychic power, and the Holy Spirit. If you get into the nitty gritty the differences are extreme. There are now, in many countries Christians speaking out who know the difference. Honest scholars of the Bible who know the difference.

What does all this have to do with the prompt? I live in an A-frame house. People start rumors about it being a pyramid. People have tried to call down lightning on my house and bragged about it? I don't go to church so they think they have a right to do bad things to me or my children.

In this area, there are a lot of brotherhoods and sisterhoods and just plain churches that rely on psychic power to influence people to go to church not to believe in the things God wanted on the earth when the prayer was taught "on earth as it is in heaven." I was in a member of a protestant congregation at one time and there was a women who was asking people to form a circle, hold hands and pray that a certain family would come to church. That morning the male household member showed up at the end of the service. He did not stay just came to give people a piece of his mind. He probably won't ever go to any church again because he knows, in his mind, when people are influencing him about, what he believes.

Another group I was attending that were Eastern Star based, sat people in a chair to represent someone, who would not bow to their wishes and prayed over the person in the chair as if it were the absentee. Once I asked them why they did not send a delegation or ask the people person to person about their needs in life. I was told they did not have to have any personal contact with anyone they could get them to do what they wanted with prayer.

A female journalist publishing articles in the Erie Times about witchcraft in this area was murdered and her murdered was never brought to justice. Also a lot of years ago.

It's a symptom of disease in society when these issues are not addressed openly. The recent trials of Catholic priests should have been a wound that was opened a long time ago. But, don't think that priests are the only ones guilty of this kind of psychic injury to humans. The Masonic's, Eastern Star, Rebecca's and other like organizations are sometimes involved. I'm even sure that parts of these types of organizations are not involved. You have to take things on an individual bases to get any truth of the matter.

I get what I call the screaming Mi Mi's when they start praying about me. And, it does happen. Yesterday a woman kept calling here and hanging up. When I answered she said she was calling about my electrical bill. I asked her what company she was calling about? She asked me if I was (used my name) I said yes. and if someone told her to call me and harass me they had given her bad advice. She hung up.

Then someone called K and told him his social security number had been compromised. He said if it had the social security administration would have written him an official letter. They hung up. When I read how some of the 30-day bloggers are having mental problems I believe it. To live is to try to keep your own thoughts clear and keep the ability to make good decisions.

I'm really 74. I won't move or give up my home just because someone else wants it. Be afraid of me. I'm love life on the earth. Some day I will die. Probably not today.

By the way I wasn't ranting, but the way I have had to stand my ground and live my life shows me that fear is often reconciled with knowledge of reality. The cults I've written about and have experiential knowledge of are part of my life experience. Sometimes they don't even know they are cults. They think they are Christians,

I always say. If you don't like what I tell others stop attacking me. My way of life trys to mind my business not yours. I don't make crank calls or walk into your home when you aren't there or try to harm your animals. I would not do that. I would talk directly to you if I knew who you are. Just sayin!

The above information has a point. People who live near me read my blog. Hello to all of you who want to find out more about me. I would like to meet you too.


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