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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#962791 added July 18, 2019 at 12:01am
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It is IMPOSSIBLE to Experience the Presence of the Soul for a Master or a Follower of Both the Third and Fourth Kind of Spirituality.
If Krishna is Kind and he Gives Samadhi or Switches off Maya then Even a Lion can Experience it without being in a Human body and without knowing anything about Spirituality but Krishna does not do that easily, and Soul in the World of Maya and when it is Under Maya does NOT have the power to Give Samadhi to the body it is in Or to Switch off Maya(Bhagavad Prapti)

To be able to SOMEWHAT sense the Presence of a Soul, A Mind Must Live in an Advanced State of 'Halting to Zero' Discipline or Like I mentioned Either Cessation of Emotions/Both Cessation and Arising of Emotions HAVE to be there.

There is NO WAY a Body can Experience SPIRITUAL JOY unless the Non Intoxicating Joy in every cell Is attained by Cessation of Emotions OR The Supremely Intoxicating Joy in every cell is Attained by Both Cessation of Emotions and Arising of Subsequent Emotions. Even in a Dum Siddhi State, Only Relative Peace is Experienced and NOT any Joy.

There is a Difference between Reduction of Disturbance (Emotion) and Death/Cessation of Disturbance. Former Reduces Distress but Joy is attained Only 'At least' at the event of Samadhi. That is The End of Disturbance and An Interesting Joy in every cell and If The Case is Bhagavad Prapti then It is the Most De-distressing and Most Joyous State.

We very well Know That By this in knowledge of ours Eckhart Tolle lives with the Cessation of Emotions and he certainly Experiences A Non Intoxicating Bliss in Every Cell. We also know that Kripaluji Maharaj lived with BOTH the Cessation of Emotions and Arising of Non- Suffering Emotions. That means he must have lived with Both Bliss and The Most Joyous State That we say. We say Most Joyous because as compared to the 'Cessation of Emotions' State, it is a Far More Superior Experience.

Thus, It is only and Only when a man lives with either of the Above states, He Can KNOW the Bliss and Joy in Experience. Philosophies don't know of these Blisses in theory and Still The words Bliss and Joy do as much round as the Word Spirituality and Meditation. Does Radha Krishna Know the Bliss and Joy? If we Go by the Experience of the Bliss(Intoxicating/Non Intoxicating) in Each Cell, Radha Krishna DOES NOT experience the Bliss and the Joy that ACTUAL BLISS/JOY talk about all the time. (But he said he Experiences RASA. What is that then? We are coming to that.)

Again Thus, In the Third and Fourth level or Inexperienced Spirituality, A Teacher/Follower Must not say that they Experienced a Bliss or a Joy because When someone will ask them about the Journey/Experience/Sadhana/Mind Science, They would Give a Wrong Answer because Inexperience Based Spirituality is Wrong Spirituality. Any Spirituality that is NOT Practical in the Practical Practical Way and Not even PRACTICAL IN JUST THEORY way is Incorrect Spirituality.

Just because we know that the Practicality of Spirituality is Bliss and Joy in theory, we can Not come out and say that we experienced Bliss and Joy. That will either be termed as Deception OR One shall Again Exhibit the Inexperience by Claiming that the Joy that we Experience on seeing Mountains or In a Serene environment is Spiritual Bliss and Joy. That is MAYA and Mayic Joy that we experience in Jungles and As a Sanyasi and in Vacations or in Silence alongside a River or sitting alone in a Jungle and hearing The Therapeutic Sound of a waterfall. They are all Maya and so they Give us Mayic disturbances. We like them because in the Heirarchy of Material Joys they Fall higher because that is Goodness Maya just like Radha Krishna's angst sometimes is Goodness Maya. But Maya is Maya.

And We don't Stress our minds too much on out Business affairs when we go Touring and so It Feels we Relaxed. That is a Temporary relief. The Root Cause is there and We will again be the same Stressed man when we come back or get a call. Also, Concentrating at a scenic view shall Hold the Thoughts to some extent and we may Experience De distress and even that is not the Sustained De Distress that One Actually Attains by a mind Sadhana.

A Depression Pill Suppresses the Symptoms, The Cure can only be attained if the Curer Knows The Science of Maneuvering or Halting. And in Spirituality, Maneuvering keeps Us Material. One Must consult the Panic and Mind threads many a times if one wants to Understand the Basic Complications of The Mind Body Reaction Theorem.

Coming Back. If any Teacher of Spirituality finds out in the due course that it's a Practicality based subject and He/She feels to somehow Retain the Followers(And Still does not want to follow Practicality himself) or Smartly add/change Course then What he can do is He Can LIE That He has The Experience of that Joy and Bliss and the Experience of Presence of An Entity that is not the body but He must VERY SMARTLY present a Science of the Mind by Finding a Scholar First and At least Understanding in Theory what Gets Explained in the Complicated Mind Control (And Related) threads.

See, Practicality was still not known But If one is Intelligent, He can Present himself as that Practical Knower and MANY seekers will Not be able to Catch it.

Seekers are Innocent lot. When many don't know how to catch the Third and Fourth or Even the Second level Spirituality for that Matter than How can they catch an Intelligent Man's smart deception of Giving the Practicality of The Mind and not Knowing it in Practise? But a Good deal of Work has to be done because a Scholar needs to be found and then His Related Lecture and then A Lot of Brainstorming before one can come out and DECEIVE. A Lot of Pros and Cons need to be worked out.

Radha: 'I am the Gambling of the Cheats!

She means, 'I am the Intelligence of Those Master Con Men and Master Deceivers in the Game of Cards!'

And then The Teacher can come out and Begin by Lecturing the Science of the mind which he knows not Practically but he will still be able to deceive.

And Then What the Teacher can do is that He can Give the Symptoms of Samadhi Attained or Even Bhagavad Prapta and even Attach Videos of a Few Fearless and Straight Postured Samadhi Attained. He can Make Sure that People don't Come and Check Samadhi Symptoms in him because he won't have it and Not even Use the Word Samadhi when mentioning the Bliss and Joy. Only Say, 'I Live in Bliss and Joy!' These smart statements will be those SAVERS because we never claimed that we had Samadhi just in case A Scholar questions. Let the Scholar know that the Con Man does not experience the Spiritual Bliss and Joy. The Scholar is not going from Door to Door Explaining that that is Not Bliss and Joy.

A Samadhi Attained Does not experience Bliss in Only Mountains or Rasa Experiencer Experiences RASA in only Mountains. Both Have what they have when they are even Taking Showers.

When Bliss Is Experienced or Even a De-Distressing Halted State of Mind is There, The Mind is NOT Producing Thoughts. In even a completely Controlled Mind state, as soon as his mind will start talking about the Beauty of the Mountains (By Thoughts), The Body will go in a Chaotic State of PLEASING Disturbance. And because Even The Last Mind Control has not yet given the Man a Samadhi or a Bhagavad Prapti so Even in the Mountains there will be a few moments of DE DISTRESS or the Presence of a Soul but NOT the Bliss or the Joy.

A Rasa Experiencer Can Experience Rasa Even Before Samadhi. That is, as we have Always Discussed, both an Adbhuta Baat and a Tathya (Strange Thing and an Epistemological Fact) Known to Scholars by both theory and Experience.

However, If the Spiritual Teacher claims that he Has begun Experiencing Bliss and Joy Before Samadhi or Bhagavad Prapti than He Must Present his case as the Special case. As a Scholar I have Not yet come across any such case since the time my Research goes back to and it goes back to Yugas and Yugas. However, A Scholar may NOT be aware of this Strange Phenomena and Not a Known Phenomena and the Teacher must present his case with strong practical experience and Science of the mind.

In case of Conning, The Teacher knows that he does not Experience it and so he may follow what a Scholar advises on 'How To Deceive?' Again, The Joy that We Experience in certain Peaceful Situations are all Maya. What we see is Maya?What we Think is Maya? What we feel is Maya?

Even After Catching the Samadhi or Bhagavad Prapti or Rasa, In Theory Nothing can be said, Yet We say that a man became free of the mind in Samadhi and That he becomes free of Both Mind and Intelligence in Bhagavad Prapti(Absolute Absolute Attainment)

One May Argue that Radha Krishna Ji, What if You Copied the Science of the Mind from an Avatara'd lecture and did a Brilliant Homework and by Your Intelligent Intelligence, you Presented the Science of the mind in those Threads as if you know it in practise while the Truth is that You have done what you are advising con men. And You Have attached Kripaluji's Videos so You Have Given Experience Symptoms also.

And you have very Smartly said that Your body still NOT Exhibits as CLEARLY as Kripaluji's Body may Exhibit and that The Maya is NOT switched off so Even if I look at you, I will not be able to confirm it.

In That case, I will Say just three Things.

1. Who is the Man behind giving you all these possibilities and strategies?

2. Please have a Look at the Confidence and detailing on this Page. In fact, Please read only this Post again and You shall Find it very difficult to Not Trust me. Even Leonardo did not have that Confidence when He Deceived Tom Hanks in Steven's 'Catch me if you Can'! Remember the Scene?

3. If I am Lying, Than It is very simple. Radha Krishna does not have it but everything else is true so We will go and Listen to the Man whose Videos I have attached. My work still gets done because I am That Business Man who approaches Thakurji for Another Gift once a Man Experiences an Experience after coming across me or If the Source information was me. I will lose following but I will NOT lose my business. But how many Con Men will be ok with that proposition?

Conning Happens in the Game of Incorrect Spirituality and Incorrect Religion to Gain Followers and to Make many the Followers of the Passion of One Human Being or a Group.

Talking About Rasa that I Experience. It is a Non Suffering Joy Which, as per my Nyaya Verdict, is Either a Unique MAYIC Experience Not Related to Goodness, Passion and Ignorance Maya(This is Technically Very difficult but I will still keep it) OR An Actual Soul Experience. And even in this Case, even if it is A Definite Soul Experience, It can still not be confirmed in Theory. But Yes, It is That Joy which is Of the Svabhav and Category of The Most Joyous State that we Talk about and like I said before, There is a Stark Difference between The Distressing Emotion of an Earthly Boy Girl Relationship and a Non Suffering Joy which begins with a PANG for Maheshwara and a Form Eruption. It's Got nothing to do with that Mayic Feature.

And Talking about Love in Spiritual Context. It is Not Even Experienced in Deathless States and Infinite Tattva and So It is Sad that The Spirituality that We talk about Uses this word Every now and then. When Love is NOT present in the Samadhi Spirituality than How Can The Spiritual Games Continue the usage of this word? Some May say that It's not that Scholars only have the Right to word LOVE. I am Not saying that. Please make use of this word all the Time for Earthly things and Relationships but If Anyone will Make use of it in the 'Beyond the Matter' Context than A Scholar of RASA has all the right to look into it and see if Any Undertaking of That Rasa/Soul Love/Soul Bhav Concept was Ever known or Initiated by the One who Promoting the idea.

I Have even Used the Word Soul Beat for Rasa and Have Titled a Post as 'Rasa is Soul Bhav!' That Strictly Comes From My ANUBHAVA(Experience) of Contradicting Emotions. A Nyaya Verdict.

It's very important to understand what Maya is, atleast in Theory, before using words like Bliss and Soul and Love. I shall Discuss Maya Tattva in Detail in a Post.

I am amidst Himalayas like I said in the Last Post of this Thread. Have not yet attained what I come here for. No need to go anywhere to look for Soul Bliss and Soul Joy and Soul Rasa and the Dark Skinned Boy. Run away from The Bliss/Joy/Love Disasters and Only and Only Fix the Mind on the Form of your Choice. I sometimes go here and there because A Few things happen. When they happen with you, you shall also go, but that Law of Abandoning All Sadhanas and All Endeavors and Only REMEMBERING A Form is an Uncuttable Statement said by Thakurji Himself.

Mind remains fixed on the Girl who is free of Residence yet She resides and that Residing is a Superior aspect than No Residence.

Radha: 'Every Creation Rests upon me but I don't reside in Every creation!'

That is because If the Absolute Absolute will be seen residing in Certain worlds like Earth than Residing in such worlds will immediately gain Merit.

Yuddhishthira: 'There is NO merit is Living and leading an Existence Where Govind Does not reside!'

Yet, Mind Remains fixed on the Girl who Resides at the Hills of Vindhya, Shore of River Yamuna, In Dwarka and atop a Hill or At the base of a Huge Rock or at the Base of a Hill in the Mountains which Is popular amongst us as VALLEY.

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