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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
We are all rational people I suppose. We also believe in Science. So let me try to deal with this issue to Atma in a scientific way so that you are convinced of it's presence. It is only then will you ever be motivated to have that as a goal in life worth pursuing. Let's looks the very large and very small. The very large is the cosmos and the very small is the particle and Atom. In the cosmos in space there is matter as matter and energy as another form of matter The sun and the planetary system forms a basic building block of the universe. They are in galaxies. The galxies are in a cluster. Billions of cluster of galaxies form the universe. The funny thing is that they are not radomly crashing into each other and each one is dancing and moving all the time. How is this possible?? The scientists have accepted a force that keeps them balanced in space. It is called Dark Matter. It's not dark at all but the human being cannot see it and look at it using their senses.But mathematically it's proved that this so called dark matter exists only it's pull effect can be observed by the movement of other knowable matter like sun's and galaxies. So it is quite possible for the existence of something very significant even though there is no way the senses can reach there. Let's take the very small Today the scientists tell is that for every particle there has to be an anti particle for existence. Can anti particle be observed in any way using the human senses?. No. Does it exist ? Yes. Yes.. So Vedanta reveals the existence of Pure Consiousness which provides sentiality in every living thing.Atman is like dark matter. It cannot be seen touched smelt felt etc. Yet it exists. So we want proof that Consiousness exists right? We say the very fact that you are self aware is the proof. What bigger proof do you need let's say we make a robot just like a human being and can move around and do it's thing. Will it be the same as you?? The one thing it will lack is self awareness because consiousness is not there. Can it ever become a human being like you? However beautiful it is inside .. Not possible .. So the proof of existence of Atman is before us every minute every hour every day Your thought itself is proof of that we call Atman or consiousness Everything you do is based on consiousness alone . This beauty we cannot see??. So it is with every living thing at different levels. You as a human being is rare one to reflect it's full glory So an Advaitist says there is nowhere to go . simply by knowledage of Vedanta correct knowledge arising out of purity of the mind you immerse yourself in that which is the basis of all. Does the space in your house run away somewhere when it's broken down??Does dark matter go anywhere.?? the Sat in SatChitAnanda means Existence.It is the closest thing in us perhaps that why we can see us. We see the matter in body mind complex yet refuse to see the spirit that makes you alive. Knowing that the Vedas say all else is known, for it is the basis of everything. That you are . Tat Tvam Asi. Love and blessings |