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Life is a journey - come along for the ride! |
Okay, so I am a goal-setter, determined to reach certain goals by the end of 2019. So, I have compiled this list of goals and the steps to reach these goals....am I being too specific? Probably. Am I being unrealistic? Maybe. Am I being completely too hard on myself? Yup - but that's how I roll. I know it's kinda hard to read, but I couldn't figure out how to edit the outline form without having to completely retype it...I apologize for that. So, with that being said, here are my goals for the rest of 2019: 1. I want to build my faith stronger in God. Begin Date: June 30, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Build a stronger prayer life. i. Set aside time each day to pray and listen to God. ii. Write down my prayers/praises and post them on my prayer wall weekly. iii. Pray over prayer wall daily. b. Study my Bible every day. i. Set aside time each day to read and study God’s Word using my Life Journal. 1. Keep my Life Journal updated each day. a. For every 25 entries to my Life Journal, reward myself. c. Spend time in praise and worship every day. i. Set aside time each day for praise and worship in the morning before work. ii. Set aside praise and worship time each night before I go to bed. 2. I want to tithe/offer obediently to God and begin to save money. Begin Date: June 30, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Begin to tithe and offer to God obediently. i. Put together a financial plan of action that automatically includes tithes and offerings as part of the budget. ii. Stick to the budget and cut unnecessary expenses any way I can to make sure I have the money for tithes and offerings. b. Begin to put small amounts of money aside for fun stuff, emergency fund and savings. i. Set a goal of how much I want to save. ii. Start out small, and build up until you reach a certain percentage of income going into savings. iii. Put the savings part into the budget and treat it like a bill that has to be paid. iv. Consider opening a savings account to put the saved money into that is separate from other money. v. Reward myself with something small for every $100 saved. 3. I want to get into the habit of writing every day. Begin Date: June 30, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Write a poem a day for 100 days and repeat the process each time you finish the previous 100 poems. i. Reward myself somehow for every 50 new poems written. b. Continue to work on my blog, Life Is a Journey. i. Write and post an entry on the 10th and 25th of each month. 1. For every 6 entries written and posted, reward myself somehow. c. I want to finish my first compilation book of poetry. i. Determine which poems you would like to include in book. ii. Determine the order the poems should appear in the book. iii. Make sure the poems are edited for flow, rhythm, clarity and word usage. iv. Name the manuscript. v. Type up and format the manuscript. vi. Print the manuscript. vii. Begin searching for places to submit the manuscript. viii. Begin the submission process. d. I want to finish the final draft of my Mystical Realms novel. i. Find the first draft of story along with all notes. ii. Make sure all character profiles are completed. iii. Edit each chapter and either shorten or lengthen chapters as necessary for them to be of similar length. iv. Complete first re-write. v. Edit the 2nd draft. vi. Complete the 2nd re-write. vii. Edit the 3rd draft (i.e. the final draft.) 4. I want to completely clean and organize my home. Begin Date: June 30, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Pick one room a week and completely clean and organize it. i. List each room that needs cleaning and organizing. ii. Prioritize and list everything that needs to be done to the room that week and start with the most important tasks. iii. Enlist Robert’s help. iv. For each room completely cleaned and organized, reward myself and Robert. 5. I want to build a stronger, happier relationship with my son. Begin Date: June 30, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Begin to have a family fun night every week. i. List activities that we both enjoy that we can do on our family fun night. ii. Pick a night of the week and choose an activity we can do together that we both enjoy. b. Do something outside the home every week with my son. i. Make a list of places we can go and things we can do outdoors that we both enjoy. ii. Pick a day of the week we can get out together each week. iii. Pick a place or outdoor activity each week (preferably free) that we can go together and enjoy ourselves. c. Encourage open and honest communication with my son. i. Choose which things I am not willing to budge on and set the expectations and consequences up ahead of time. ii. Post the expectations and consequences up on the wall. iii. Use encouraging words. iv. Listen more than I speak. v. Keep a positive mindset and attitude. 6. I want to get the ministry that God laid on my heart up and going. Begin Date: July 1, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Get the bylaws finalized. i. Write a rough draft of the bylaws. ii. Find an attorney who can go over the bylaws and make sure they are legal. iii. Write and approve the finalized bylaws. b. Get the mission statement finalized. i. Write out the rough draft of the mission statement. ii. Edit and write the final mission statement. c. Begin to search for a board of directors. i. Check into the resources given to me with regards to searching for board members. ii. Interview and select the first group of board members. iii. Set up a first meeting with the board and go over everything. d. Work on getting the 501(c)3 designation. i. Find out what the requirements are to get this designation. ii. Begin to meet the requirements. iii. Apply for the designation. 7. I want to get my associate’s degree in Bible College. Begin Date: June 30, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Finish the classes I am currently enrolled in. i. Get back to Bible College and review the work already done. ii. Take each class and finish the ones I’m enrolled in currently. b. Track and take the classes I need to take. i. Find out and write a list of the classes still needed for my associate’s degree. ii. Prioritize those classes and take them. iii. If money is required or other requirements are needed, make sure to set up a plan to save the money and get the requirements met in order to finish getting my associate’s degree. 8. I want to become a healthier person so it’s easier for me to take care of my son and my responsibilities. Begin Date: July 1, 2019 End Date: Ongoing a. Quit smoking. i. Set a specific date to quit smoking and quit on that date. ii. Speak encouragement to myself and tell myself I can do it. iii. Find other things to do to relieve stress instead of smoking. iv. Begin now to cut down how much I smoke until my quit date so it won’t be so difficult to quit. v. When cutting down how much I smoke, pick a certain activity or area each week where I won’t smoke anymore and get rid of all smoking paraphernalia in that area. vi. For every week of successful cut-down, reward myself. vii. Once quit, for every 10 days without smoking, reward myself. b. Find a way to pamper myself each week. i. Find things I enjoy doing that will help me to relax. ii. Do at least one thing for myself each week – whether it be some alone time, watching a movie, playing a game, taking a long hot bath, etc. c. I want to begin exercising or doing something active every week, and work myself up to exercising three times per week. i. Set an amount of time to exercise or be active each time. ii. Increase amount of time until I can reach at least 45 minutes to an hour. iii. Increase number of times each week until I am exercising three times a week. iv. Make a list of things I can do that are active and that involve exercise and choose a different activity each time. v. Play music or exercise with Robert to keep me motivated. vi. Once I am at my goal of exercising three times a week, reward myself. 9. I want to move up in my position at work. a. Begin each day with a good attitude. i. Begin each day with praising God for the good things in life. ii. Think about all the things that can go right. iii. Use encouraging words to speak life into my day rather than negativity. b. Continue to encourage other members of the team. i. Use encouraging words to help others step up to the plate. ii. When I see someone struggling, help them out and speak life into them. iii. Look for the good in others and concentrate on their strengths. c. Do whatever it takes to help others succeed. i. Encourage others with words and actions. ii. Help others to “reset” if they begin to get upset. iii. When I see others struggling, help them out. iv. If I see someone who doesn’t know something that I know, show them what I know in an encouraging manner. d. Work with managers and coaches on doing what it takes to earn promotions. i. Ask managers and shift leads what I can do to improve my chances of being promoted. ii. Work with current GM to complete necessary training and certifications required to get promotions. iii. Maintain communication with managers and GM to track progress towards promotions. |