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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/959759-Yesterday-was-Great-for-My-Water-Wars-Script-Writing-Project
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This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#959759 added May 27, 2019 at 11:46pm
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Yesterday was Great for My Water Wars Script Writing Project
Yesterday was Great for My Water Wars Scriptwriting Project

There was a slight setback when it comes to the movie Treatment for this project. A problem that has already solved. In fact, it wasn’t too hard to fix. And it looks a whole lot better now. It even looks more like a pattern now than it did before. What does that mean? That’s a very good question. It means that I like the way it looks. I know no one else is going to notice it. But I don’t care.

When I started working on my episode Treatments for my Water Wars scriptwriting project, I noticed that I had two names the same on the Teaser Act One and Act One. I know that no one will probably notice that, but I did. And I don’t like it. So, I had no choice but to change it. At first, I thought it was going to be a problem. But then I realized quickly that all I needed to do was move Act One over one scene. And the problem was solved.

Only that created another problem because I did the same thing to Act Three. Now Reen and Kiirra had a similar problem. Instead of being back to back they were every other act. That’s something that I don’t like to do either. I’m trying to work out that problem. But I’m having a lot of problem doing it. I can do it in these Blog entries sometimes. I’ve even done it on a few of my short stories. But I haven’t with my Outlines and Treatments yet.

What can’t I stop doing? In the past, I didn’t like the same word to begin my paragraphs and sentences. There needed to be at least two paragraphs or sentences before I used that word again. It’s like that with my Outlines and Treatments. Probably will be with my scripts too right now. Only instead of paragraphs and sentences, it is scene numbers.

Like my title for this Blog entry reads, yesterday was a very good day for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. Not only did I correct the problem with the movie Treatment without too much trouble and I finished the episodes for the first two Treatments with which character was with which scene, but I also got started on the Outlines too. So far, all I have done is to create the Outline format for all of them. I did get most of the one sentence for the movie Outline done. But not all of it yet.

After I got home from work, I started working on my WDC Short Story for this month. And I got three more sections done today. That only leaves four more to do. The only problem is that I only have a few days to do them. Otherwise, I won’t be able to enter the contest for this month. And I don’t want to do that. I’m going to try to get at least one or two done before I go to sleep tonight. But I’m not sure if I can do it. I didn’t get too much sleep last night.

If I don’t get any done tonight, then I’m going to have to do all four of them tomorrow. Normally, that shouldn’t be a problem. But it might be depending on what we need to do tomorrow during my second day off from work. I know of at least two things that we need to do. I’m just not sure if there is anything else that needs doing or not.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/959759-Yesterday-was-Great-for-My-Water-Wars-Script-Writing-Project