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This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities. |
Barely Twenty-Five Scene Paragraphs Done Yesterday It’s that time of day again when I put aside what I’m doing to write this Blog entry before midnight WDC Time. And believe it or not, I have been working on my writing today. I got sidetracked for a little bit today with some things that need to be done. But I got them done with plenty of time to get some writing done too. At least the planning of it. I will get to that in a few paragraphs. Let me start with what I did yesterday at work when it comes to my Water Wars scriptwriting project. It started out kind of slow too. but after getting to my first scene paragraph once I did four Establishing Shot ones, it took off from there. Once I really got started writing, I couldn’t stop. My pencils took over from there. The only thing that slowed me down was work. And that’s why I only got twenty-five scene paragraphs done for my Water Wars movie Treatment. It was not a typical Sunday at work yesterday. The first half of my shift was. There was very little I had to do at work. But for the next three hours, it got very, very busy. In fact, it was about twice as busy as it usually is the whole day. If not busier than that. I was lucky that I could only get twenty-five paragraphs done. That included ten Establishing Shot ones. For a long time there, I wasn’t sure I was going to get that many. The only reason I did is that I forced myself to do it. I know that I don’t have to end my writing with a specific number. But I like to do it anyway if it’s at all possible to do. I had about an hour to kill until the end of my shift. So, I could probably write another five scene paragraphs without too much trouble. But I decided not to try because of work. It’s usually a little busy the last hour of my shift. Mostly that’s true during the week. But it can be that way on the weekend too. It just wasn’t yesterday. Instead, I went online on my cell phone to check my WDC accounts. I do that several times a day. Mostly for my secondary account. But I’m babbling again. While I was checking that account, I saw a contest that caught my eye. So, I went into it. And I liked what I saw. But I did have a could of questions about it. So, I emailed Jeff about them. I got my reply either today. That’s what I have been working on the rest of today. Yes, I know that I did a lot of ranting and raving on yesterday’s Blog entry about me cutting back on my short stories and contests. But I also said that I was thinking about not doing so many. So, I’m only being a partial hypocrite. After I get done with this Blog there is one of thing I need to do before I go back to working on this latest challenge. And that’s to create my Prompt for next month’s scriptwriting contest.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you are about to read (see) is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian, etc.). |