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My daily devotional insights... and reflections. |
Ezekiel 15 --- A Useless Vine --- summarized: This is about a vine tree, useless, without purpose except as fuel for fire. You cannot build or create tools from it; it is unfruitful. Due to their unfaithfulness to God, through the writings of the prophet, Ezekiel, He (GOD) compares the inhabitants of Jerusalem to a useless vine tree. God will set his face against them and strategically destroy them and the city with devouring, inescapable fire. I see “unfaithfulness” defined here by parallelism: “useless, without purpose except as fuel for fire.” ------------------- An online dictionary defines “unfaithfulness" as: not faithful. • engaging in sexual relations with a person other than one's regular partner in contravention of a previous promise or understanding. "you haven't been unfaithful to him, have you?" synonyms: adulterous, faithless, fickle, untrue, inconstant, flighty, etc. • disloyal, treacherous, or insincere. "she felt that to sell the house would be unfaithful to her parents' memory" synonyms: disloyal, treacherous, traitorous, untrustworthy, unreliable, undependable, false, false-hearted, faithless, perfidious, insincere, two-faced, Janus-faced, backstabbing, double-crossing, double-dealing, deceitful; archaic: recreant "you have proved to be an unfaithful member of this community" |