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Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Jalál (Glory), 12 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Saturday, April 20, 2019 Morning sparrows sing Serenade cooing pigeons Saturday drivers neighborhood children Shouts and laughter echoing Play in the courtyard Jamál (Beauty), 13 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Sunday, April 21, 2019 The First Day of Ridvan 2 The Festival of Paradise has begun, Nightingales of the All-Glorious, raise your songs in the rose garden of the love of God. Kamál (Perfection), 14 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Monday, April 22, 2019 The Second Day of Ridvan3 The wind intones the joyful news proclaiming the Glory of God. In the Garden of Paradise, Baha'u'llah proclaimed His mission now we all give thanks. Fiḍál (Grace), 15 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Tuesday, April 23, 2019 The Third Day of Ridvan4 Raise your voices, intone the Ridvan Table, and celebrate the King of Festivals Facebook Status Update I hear a sparrow singing its gratitude for this beautiful spring morning. ‘Idál (Justice), 16 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Wednesday, April 24, 2019 The Fourth Day of Ridvan5 When does faith begin? The first step is detachment. Where is faith found? Trust in the Glory of God. How is faith practiced? Prayer and action removes all barriers. Giving assistance to humanity. Istijlál (Majesty), 17 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Thursday, April 25, 2019 The Fifth Day of Ridvan6 Enter the Garden of Paradise, proclaim the Divine Springtime, and the arrival of the Lord of Hosts. Istiqlál (Independence), 18 Jalál (Glory) 176 B.E. - Friday, April 26, 2019 The Sixth Day of Ridvan7 Inhale the perfume of divine unity from the roses of paradise. Facebook Status Update I am awake. I am just resting my eyes. I will not admit that I fell asleep on my keyboard. Footnotes |