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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/956678-Not-Too-Bad-for-My-Movie-Treatment-Yesterday
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2162356
This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#956678 added April 15, 2019 at 11:37pm
Restrictions: None
Not Too Bad for My Movie Treatment Yesterday
Not Too Bad for My Movie Treatment Yesterday

I am in a situation that I just can’t seem to get out of. It’s not that I don’t want to stop doing it. It just seems that I can’t stop it. What am I writing about? It’s my writing. I want to do it. But I’m just not able to do it on my days off from work. Especially, when it comes to my WDC short stories.

This will be the third month in a row that this has happened. And it looks like it’s going to happen again. I’m barely going to get my WDC Short Story in by the end of the month. Yes, I know that it’s the middle of this month. And I still have just over two weeks to finish it. But the way things are going I’ll be lucky if I can get it done in time this month too. which is kind of embarrassing. After all, the genre for this month’s contest is Science Fiction.

Why does this keep happening to me? That’s a very good question. Too bad I don’t have an answer for it. Because I don’t know what it is. If I’m at work, I can blame it on that. And I’m usually right about it. But during my days off I can’t. True, I always have things that need to be done on Mondays and Tuesdays. But it used to be not that back. especially, for both days. It has been for the last few months. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better anytime soon. Which is a little ironic too. After all, tomorrow is my birthday.

Yes, I know that the title for this Blog entry has to do with my writing yesterday. But I felt that I had to do some ranting and raving first. Now that I have, I can go back to my Water Wars movie Treatment that I worked on yesterday. Some writers might not consider it a win. But I do. I may have only done twenty scene paragraphs plus one Establishing Shot. But that is a lot for me. Especially, considering it was kind of busy at work yesterday. A lot busier than it usually is on Sunday. It’s usually a little bit busy on Sundays. But this seemed a little busier than usual.

Work isn’t the only reason why I only got twenty-one scene paragraphs done yesterday. It’s also because I had some trouble concentrating on do it. Not because I was tired or depression or mad. It was because I was watching some Epix movies on my cell phone yesterday. Yesterday was the last day to do that for free. And the movies that I watched I concentrated on a lot more than I usually do when I’m watching movies and television show on my cell phone.

I know that I promised myself that I would work on my WDC Short Story now matter what. And I still might do that once I finish this Blog entry. But I probably won’t. That’s the SuperPower Reviewers Raid today I didn’t get too much sleep last night. That is another reason why I didn’t get to it today either. I plan on doing it tomorrow. But because it’s my birthday I might not have time to do it then either. Only time will tell if that's going to happen again or not.

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