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This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Istijlál (Majesty), 8 Bahá (Splendor) 176 B.E. - Thursday, March 28, 2019
PROMPT March 28th - Besides family members and pets, what is the one thing you would grab when escaping your home in a fire? Before exiting house make sure it's the smoke alarm sounding and not the cooking time. Whenever I'm by the computer or sleeping in my recliner, which I do every night, my smartphone lays on top of three books. I can just reach out and pick up all four items in one hand. I would grab those items and leave the house. After making sure it was the smoke alarm, because the smoke alarm doubles as a cooking timer. The books with my smartphone are (1) my prayer book, (2) a book containing prayers revealed by the Bab, and (3) The Book of Certitude.
DAY 2321: Clothing designer and sustainability consultant Tara St. James says the fabrics or the cloth preference we choose to wear tells our life story. What does your clothing choices say about you? Is your preference the same as it was ten years ago or has your preferences evolved with life style changes? I agree with Ms St. James that the clothes a person wears says a lot about them. I'm not so sure about the fabric because many people don't--unless they have an allergy to a certain fabric--don't look at the fabric label until they need to clean the item. As for what my clothes say about me, I haven't asked anyone. I know that my clothing choices say I'm not a fashionista, and that I don't wear wool (I'm allergic to wool).
Day 1927: "Saying nothing sometimes says the most." Emily Dickinson Do you agree with Emily? Silence isn't always a virtue, sometimes it is a curse. Sometimes being silent on a controversial issue implies agreement. Silence may not always imply agreement, because there are other reasons for remaining silent, especially in a situation where abusers are involved. One might also remain silent when dealing with a relative who brings up controversial issues just to start an argument. It is usually better to state ones beliefs calmly and firmly. If an argument start either change the subject or walk--in some cases walk backwards--away. |